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MCH CELL: The Maternal and Child Health Community Engaged Learning Lab

MCH CELL: The Maternal and Child Health Community Engaged Learning Lab

MCH CELL logo - decorative

Do you teach an existing course that involves community partners as partners in teaching or where students work with community partners as clients? Do you want to start a new course like this? If so, then the MCH CELL (Maternal and Child Health Community Engaged Learning Lab) webinar series is for you! This MCH CELL series focuses on engaging with community partners as partners in teaching and as clients. It covers topics such as program development, program evaluation, leadership, and communication.

Developed by:

Lois McCloskey, DrPH – Boston University School of Public Health
Julianna Deardorff, PhD – UC Berkeley School of Public Health
Jessica Ross, MPH – UC Berkeley School of Public Health
Shokufeh Ramirez, PhD, MPH – Tulane University School of Public Health & Tropical Medicine
Christine Bozlak, PhD, MPH – University at Albany School of Public Health
Rachel de Long, MD, MPH – University at Albany School of Public Health
Anisa Saleh, MPH – Boston University School of Public Health
Jessie Pintor – Drexel University

Workshop Sessions

MCH CELL logo - decorativeMCH CELL Session 5. The Art and Science of Teaching and Learning with Community Partners: A Field–Based Course in Consultation and Team Leadership

This presentation highlights a graduate-level public health course that combines the art and science of team-based leadership and consulting with diverse community organizations, offered to MPH students at B.U.’s School of Public Health, Department of Community Health Sciences. In the first half, we present the history and structure of the course, the iterative assignments that lead to the ultimate report and deliverable for the client, and feature frameworks and tools that support the course and that students can carry with them.  The presentation emphasizes ways to foster healthy, productive teamwork and authentic, anti-racist relationship-building with community partners. In the second part of the webinar, a panel of clients and alums of the course will share their experiences and engage in a conversation about the challenges and successes from multiple perspectives. 

MCH CELL logo - decorativeMCH CELL Session 4. Linking Academia and Community through Practice-based Teaching: A Case Study of a Communication Strategies Course and its Impact

This presentation introduces how a five-step framework was used to guide the development of an MPH course on the design, implementation, and funding of an environmental-level intervention and communications campaign for community trauma in Winthrop, Massachusetts.

MCH CELL logo - decorativeMCH CELL Session 3. The Art of Evaluation: Building, Bridging and Broadening Program Impact through Community Engaged Courses

The presentation highlights a graduate-level public health program evaluation course at UC Berkeley’s School of Public Health. It includes an overview of the program evaluation course, the collaborative assignment, and the value of community-partnered evaluation courses for both students and public health organizations.

MCH CELL logo - decorativeMCH CELL Session 2. Collaboration Between Academic and Community-Based Organizational Partners for Health Promotion Program Development Courses

The presentation highlights one example of an academic-practice partnership for a graduate Program Development in Health Promotion course. It includes a description of how the partnership was formed, an overview of the program development course and the specific collaborative assignment, and lessons learned for collaboration on courses of this type.

MCH CELL logo - decorativeMCH CELL Session 1. Building Authentic Collaboration Between the Classroom and Community: The Case of Community Health Assets & Needs Assessment

This session, led by long-time community leader and advocate, Ms. Marylyn Creer, and Boston University’s Clinical Associate Professor of Community Health Sciences, Candice Belanoff, offers up best-practices, strategies, and lessons learned for the development and implementation of a community-engaged course on needs and assets assessment.

This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number UE8MC25742; MCH Navigator for $225,000/year. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.