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MCHfast Guided Search

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Semi-Structured: Looking for trainings grouped according to your need?

Self-Reflective. Not sure of your learning needs? Take the online Self-Assessment.

Fast & Focused. Want to learn on the go? Sign up for one of our Micro-learning programs.

Intense & Immersive. Looking for a comprehensive course that covers everything? Access the MCHsmart curriculum - Coming Soon.

Focus Areas. Need specialized resources?

Advancing Academics

Advancing Academics

Training Websites and MaterialsThe MCH Navigator is a centralized portal for pursuing continuous learning in maternal and child health (MCH) and is designed to help emerging and established MCH professionals and students map professional growth pathways. Over the next five years, we will be growing resources for current and future MCH faculty as well as students in MCH through our academic partnership with the Association of Teachers in Maternal and Child Health (ATMCH).

Use the following links to find resources that advance academics:

Access Expanding Resources for Current and Future MCH Faculty


The Association of Teachers of Maternal and Child Health (ATMCH) aims to grow and support excellence in teaching maternal and child health (MCH) across multiple academic settings. Specifically, ATMCH offers a forum to support the cadre of current and future faculty, aiming to enhance knowledge and skills essential to teaching in the field of MCH. 

We are pleased to share with you that ATMCH will continue to thrive at the University of Alabama at Birmingham through a subcontract from the MCH Navigator program at Georgetown University’s National Center for Education in Maternal & Child Health (NCEMCH). The MCH Navigator has just been funded for another 5-year cycle and is excited to be able to support current and future academic faculty through ATMCH activities as part of its funding from HRSA’s Maternal & Child Health Bureau! 


We are excited that many of ATMCH’s previous activities will continue, such as conducting virtual and in-person (as appropriate and safe) gatherings to support current and future faculty; maintaining a platform for the sharing of MCH-related teaching and learning resources; Innovative Teaching Awards; and supporting mentorship. We are also looking forward to integrating ATMCH and the MCH Navigator (and other) resources to provide a seamless learning and sharing experience for our members.

We are currently working out a tentative timeline of ATMCH activities for the next 5 years, so stay tuned for new webinars, additional teaching and learning resources, more information about the Innovative Teaching Awards and Mentorship Project, and announcements of new and exciting initiatives! Also look forward to an announcement on the MCH Navigator’s MCHalert newsletter along with a new regular section on “Advancing Academics”. We are excited about the next 5 years and the many ways in which ATMCH members will be able to engage with MCH Navigator colleagues in this new partnership!

Integrate Self-Assessment Data into Formal Training Programs


As a teacher of MCH in a school of public health or as part of an MCHB-funded training program, you can use pre- and post-self assessment data to measure increased knowledge and skills of your students and trainees. Read about the process for working with MCH Navigator faculty to receive a customized report for your group.


MCH Navigator staff currently work with over 15 academic institutions to provide these reports, including the University of South Florida, the University of California, Berkley, Tulane University, Oklahoma University Health Sciences Center, the University of California, Los Angeles, the University of Connecticut, the University of Oklahoma, the University of Minnesota, Drexel University, and the Oregon Health Sciences Center. From 2016 through 2020, the MCH Navigator provided over 40 detailed reports tracking progress of over 700 students.

Learn from Academic Professionals in the Field


Have students learn about the unique paths and trajectories of MCH leaders in public health academe and their relationship with the larger public health Maternal and Child Health enterprise including Title V through the MCH Academic Legacy Project. Specific topics discussed include: the challenges and concerns associated with becoming an MCH academic leader; factors associated with their success; and the wisdom that these senior leaders can provide to young academics interested in the field of Maternal and Child Health. 


The Georgetown University LEND Program is currently integrating the MCH Academic Legacy Project into its online course offerings. Students will view interviews of interest as part of their work with the MCH Navigator's MCHsmart program.

Supplement Course Content


As a teacher of MCH in a larger public health program, you can introduce the MCH Navigator to students to augment course work by registering for the self-assessment at the beginning of their studies and again at intervals throughout their coursework. If done system-wide, you can work with Navigator faculty to receive aggregated data from your class so you can track increases in knowledge and skills. Contact us to explore this possibility.


We are using the management/leadership resources in the course "Implementing Community Health Initiatives: A Field-Based Course in Leadership and Consultation."
-Boston University School of Public Health, Department of Community Health Sciences

I anticipate using the MCH Navigator resources in the Community Health Worker certification course and pointing students to the site if they have a specific learning need or interest.
-A Community College in Minnesota

We can use the MCH Navigator to augment the Core Curriculum and provide additional training for faculty.
-Pediatric Pulmonary Training Center at University of Florida

We can use the MCH Navigator to "catch-up" students who have missed a class prerequisite but have all of the other qualifications necessary. For example, for my advanced class in Reproductive and Perinatal Epidemiology, I often attract students from the epidemiology program who do not have much background in reproductive and perinatal health, but who have strong epidemiology skills. I plan to refer these students to the MCH Navigator for a variety of learning opportunities to prepare them for the course.
-Maternal and Child Health Program, University of Illinois at Chicago

We are planning to use the MCH Navigator as part of our program’s orientation to the field of MCH and to public health in general, as so many of our younger students know they are interested in “health” but really do not understand that public health is about “populations.” We are planning an orientation bundle with selections from MCH 101, Epidemiology and the MCH Planning Cycle. We also can use this orientation bundle with our joint degree students whose primary interest may be anthropology, medicine, or nursing, but who have decided to combine these degrees with an MPH.
-Maternal and Child Health Program, University of Illinois at Chicago

The MCH Navigator is helpful for LEND trainees who don't have a background in Public Health.
-Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and Related Disabilities (LEND) Training Program

Educate Potential Applicants About the Field of Maternal and Child Health


You can send potential hires a link to the 5-Minute MCH module on MCH Knowledge Base. After watching a 5-minute introduction on MCH, they can spend an additional 20-60 minutes checking out other learning opportunities, implementation strategies, and learning more from an expert in the field.


Many potential applicants to our program think they want to enter a Maternal and Child Health program because they have heard about MCH from a friend, or because MCH sounds like what they have been doing in the Peace Corps or AmeriCorps, or because they have always been interested in Women’s Health, but they really do not know what the field of MCH is and need some help getting grounded before making the decision to apply. When potential applicants are uncertain about the field, we use the MCH Navigator to help them decide if MCH is the right fit for them. We send them to the MCH 101 section of the Navigator.
-Maternal and Child Health Program, University of Illinois at Chicago

Provide Knowledge and Skills for Internships and Field Placements


You can have interns or staff members in the field use the Quick-Finds and Search page to identify specific courses that will address needs experienced in their on-the-ground work. For interns, this could be particularly useful to give them a "booster shot" of learning in a specific topic area without diving deeper into the full range of MCH issues. For field placements, this could be valuable in addressing their "just-in-time" training needs that change from one day to the next.


The MCH Navigator can be used to augment field-based learning. For example, I am working with a Public Health director in Tennessee who hosts graduate Public Health students in summer internships. The students are enrolled in Public Health programs at local universities that do not provide in-depth instruction on maternal and child public health. The MCH Navigator can be used to bring the students up-to-speed on MCH fundamentals.
-Maternal and Child Health Program, University of Washington

Create New Training Bundles for Focused Areas of MCH


If your organization has a topic area related to the MCH Leadership Competencies, we invite you to contact us. We are continually looking for new topics to develop learning products on, and may be able to work with you to develop on that serves both of our needs.


MCH Navigator faculty have worked with AMCHP, CityMatCH, the National MCH Workforce Development Center, LEAH grantees, and others to develop customized training spotlights and briefs on numerous topics. Check out our Learning Bundles and Guides page to see if there is a topic area that you'd like to see developed.

This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number UE8MC25742; MCH Navigator for $225,000/year. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.