The Association of Teachers of Maternal and Child Health (ATMCH) aims to grow and support excellence in teaching maternal and child health (MCH) across multiple academic settings. Specifically, ATMCH offers a forum to support the cadre of current and future faculty, aiming to enhance knowledge and skills essential to teaching in the field of MCH.
We are pleased to share with you that ATMCH will continue to thrive at the University of Alabama at Birmingham through a subcontract from the MCH Navigator program at Georgetown University’s National Center for Education in Maternal & Child Health (NCEMCH). The MCH Navigator has just been funded for another 5-year cycle and is excited to be able to support current and future academic faculty through ATMCH activities as part of its funding from HRSA’s Maternal & Child Health Bureau!
We are excited that many of ATMCH’s previous activities will continue, such as conducting virtual and in-person (as appropriate and safe) gatherings to support current and future faculty; maintaining a platform for the sharing of MCH-related teaching and learning resources; Innovative Teaching Awards; and supporting mentorship. We are also looking forward to integrating ATMCH and the MCH Navigator (and other) resources to provide a seamless learning and sharing experience for our members.
We are currently working out a tentative timeline of ATMCH activities for the next 5 years, so stay tuned for new webinars, additional teaching and learning resources, more information about the Innovative Teaching Awards and Mentorship Project, and announcements of new and exciting initiatives! Also look forward to an announcement on the MCH Navigator’s MCHalert newsletter along with a new regular section on “Advancing Academics”. We are excited about the next 5 years and the many ways in which ATMCH members will be able to engage with MCH Navigator colleagues in this new partnership!