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MCH Cell: Session 5

MCH Cell: Session 5

Decorative image of group meeting

MCH CELL: The Art and Science of Teaching and Learning with Community Partners: A Field–Based Course in Consultation and Team Leadership

In Workshop #5 of the MCH CELL for Community-Engaged Learning Lab (MCH CELL) series, we highlight a graduate-level public health course that combines the art and science of team-based leadership and consulting with community organizations, offered to MPH students at Boston University's School of Public Health, Department of Community Health Sciences. In the first half, we present the history and structure of the course, the iterative assignments that lead to the ultimate report and deliverable for the client, and feature frameworks and tools that support the course and that students can carry with them.  The presentation emphasizes ways to foster healthy, productive teamwork and authentic, relationship-building with community partners. In the second part of the webinar, a panel of clients and alums of the course share their experiences and engage in a conversation about the challenges and successes from multiple perspectives. 

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Access the Learning Sessions

  • On Your Mark:
    • Background of MCH CELL. Lois McCloskey introduces the MCH CELL series, links the content of MCH CELL to the MCH Leadership Competencies, and introduces the speakers for the session.
  • Get Ready:
  • Get Set:
    • Digging Into How We Do It. We discuss the process of skill building, starting with understanding the problem, leading into creating solutions, and wrapping up with polishing and presenting solutions.
    • Questions. Lois McCloskey fields a Question and Answer session.
  • Go:
    • Take Aways. Lois McCloskey and Christine Silva discuss lessons learned and take aways.
    • Alum and Preceptor Panel. We end with discussion by Brady Dunklee, Program Manager, Population Health at Integra Community Care Network; Lilly Marcelin Executive Director of the Resilient Sisterhood Project; and Christine Silva, Director, Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV), Massachusetts DPH.
  • Resources:

Learning Sessions

ON YOUR MARK: Background of MCH CELL

Lois McCloskey introduces the MCH CELL series, links the content of MCH CELL to the MCH Leadership Competencies, and introduces the speakers for the session.

GET READY: Overview

We describe a history and overview of the course, Community Health Initiatives: A Field-Based Course in Leadership and Consultation. Course objectives, based on Bloom's Taxonomy, are presented as a grounding structure.

How We Begin and How We Do It

The course approach -- community partnerships, using student teams as consultants, and collaborative leadership and team work -- is detailed.

GET SET: Digging into How We Do It

We discuss the process of skill building, starting with understanding the problem, leading into creating solutions, and wrapping up with polishing and presenting solutions.


Lois McCloskey fields a Question and Answer session.

GO: Take Aways

Lois McCloskey and Christine Silva discuss lessons learned and take aways.

Alum and Preceptor Panel

We end with discussion by Brady Dunklee, Program Manager, Population Health at Integra Community Care Network; Lilly Marcelin Executive Director of the Resilient Sisterhood Project; and Christine Silva, Director, Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV), Massachusetts DPH.


Implementing Community Health Initiatives: A Field-based Course in Leadership and Consultation (MC802)

This collaborative workshop series is supported by MCH Navigator, the Association of Teachers of Maternal & Child Health (ATMCH)'s Innovative Teaching Award, and HRSA's MCHB Centers of Excellence and Public Health Catalyst Programs.


This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number UE8MC25742; MCH Navigator for $225,000/year. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.