this page to find learning opportunities related to specific knowledge and skill sets identified for each of the Core Public Health Competencies.
Data Analytics and Assessment Skills focus on identifying, collecting, and understanding data; employing and evaluating rigorous methods for assessing needs and assets to address community health needs; and using evidence for decision making to improve the health of communities.*
Topics: Social Determinants of Health, Population-Based Health Status, Data Collection Instruments and Methods, Public Health Applications of Data, Data Sources and Integrity...
Policy Development and Program Planning Skills focus on developing, implementing, and evaluating policies, programs, and services; engaging in quality improvement for organizational and community planning; and influencing policies and programs to impact health and well-being for all.*
Topics: Policy Issues, Options and Implications for Public Health, Monitoring and Evaluation, Program Planning, Quality Improvement, Emerging Trends in the Political Environment...
Communication Skills focus on employing effective communications strategies to convey information and combat misinformation and disinformation; assessing and addressing population literacy, language, and culture; soliciting and using community input; identifying opportunities to communicate data and information; communicating the roles of government, healthcare, and others; facilitating communications; and building trust with communities.*
Topics: Written, Verbal and Electronic Communication, Health Literacy, Social Media, MCH Presentations, Group Dynamic Strategies...
Health Equity Skills focus on recognizing and responding to quality of the workforce and populations served; applying principles of ethics to policies and programs; committing to continuous self-reflection; re-evaluating organizational policies; and advocating to reduce barriers that further health issues.*
Topics: Health Outcomes Strategies and Health Services, Workforce, Organization and Individual Culturally Competent Self-Assessments...
Community Partnership Skills focus on understanding and developing relationships within the community; advancing collaboration while ensuring community power and ownership; defending public health policies, programs, and services; and evaluating effectiveness to improve community health and resilience.*
Topics: Community Linkages with Key Stakeholders, Other Partner Collaborations, Government and Non-Government Organizations, Community-Based Research, Policies, Programs and Resources...
Public Health Sciences Skills focus on using and contributing to the evidence base; understanding historical systems, policies, and events impacting public health; applying public health sciences to deliver the 10 Essential Public Health Services; critiquing and developing research; using evidence when developing policies and programs; and establishing cross-sector partnerships to improve the public’s health.*
Topics: Basic Public Health Sciences, History of Public Health Professions, 10 Essential Services of Public Health, Scientific Evidence, Ethics in Research, Academic Partnerships...
Management and Finance Skills focus on securing, managing, and engaging human and financial resources; supporting professional development and contingency planning to achieve program and organizational goals using principles of diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice; developing and defending budgets; motivating personnel; evaluating and improving program and organization performance; and establishing and using performance management systems to improve organization performance.*
Topics: Local, State and Federal Systems, Policies and Procedures, Budget Management, Informatics, Contracts, Cost-Benefit Analyses, Performance Management Processes...
Leadership and Systems Thinking Skills focus on understanding and engaging with cross-sector partners and inter-related systems; creating opportunities for collaboration among public health, healthcare, and other organizations to improve the health of communities; building confidence and trust with staff, partners, and the public; identifying emerging needs; and developing a shared vision to engage with politicians, policymakers, and public health to advocate for the role of governmental public health.*
Topics: Key Public Health Values and Vision, Ethical Standards of Practice, Mentoring and Peer Review, Continuous Quality Improvement...
This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number UE8MC25742; MCH Navigator for $225,000/year. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.