Change Management / Adaptive Leadership
The Change Management/Adaptive Leadership Core offers training and supplementary applied workforce development in five areas: adaptive leadership; authentic leadership; workforce development leadership; leading teams; and population health and finance transformation. Because the development of skills in these areas must be applied and based in real-world challenges, the Change Management/Adaptive Leadership Core uses individual and peer coaching in conjunction with topical trainings to ensure effective uptake of change principles.
The MCH workforce faces changing social, scientific and demographic contexts, as well as changing policy and program requirements. The transformation of the MCH Block Grant process has reinforced the need for nimble MCH leaders who are able to keep a clear view of the big picture while managing change effectively across boundaries. Adaptive challenges are by definition difficult to define, therefore requiring a discrete set of adaptive leadership skills that must be applied time and time again to identify, frame and manage new challenges as they arise.
Start Here: Introductory Video
Stephen Orton, Senior Fellow at the Public Health Leadership and member of the National MCH Workforce Development Center, introduces the concept of change management thinking and previews the kind of tools that help leaders accomplish change in their organization. Click here or on the image to the right to see the video.
Change Management and Adaptive Leadership Resources
- Action Learning Set Guide. The MCH Workforce Development Center is using an approach called Action Learning to help leaders build “learning organizations” that can adapt to change.
- Adaptive Leadership. Adaptive Leadership is an essential concept for MCH leaders to understand. We also recommend the use of strengths-based leadership approaches including Collaborative Leadership, Servant Leadership, and Appreciative Inquiry.
- Appreciative Inquiry Tool. This training on Appreciative Inquiry explores the use of the Appreciative Inquiry tool in bringing together teams of MCH professionals within an organization and assisting with collaboration efforts among collaborating agencies and family partners. Content was developed by Stephen Orton, Senior Fellow at the Public Health Leadership and member of the National MCH Workforce Development Center; Kris Risley of the National MCH Workforce Development Center; and Nisa Hussain of the Association of Maternal & Child Health Programs.
- Coffee Talk Series. This series will be hosted by the Center’s Change Management core on three pertinent topics benefiting the Title V workforce.
- Competing Values. This video focuses on the competing values framework. A training worksheet is available to download.
- Leading through Health System Change: A Public Health Opportunity. This s an on-line tool designed to assist state and territorial Title V agencies as they plan and implement public health programs in an environment of health system transformation.
- Return On Investment. ROI - These resources will help you understand ROI as a concept and help you actually do ROI analysis on a specific change
Learn More. For more training materials compiled from the field, see the MCH Navigator's Change Management Training Spotlight and visit the Change Management/Adaptive Leadership learning module in the Public Health Pronto microlearning program.