You can refine this list by typing a key word below. For expanded search capabilities - including searching by competency, topic, or presenter - use the Search page.
2012 Training Course in MCH Epidemiology.
Year Developed: n.a..
Source: U.S. Maternal and Child Health Bureau; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Presenter(s): William Sappenfield; Deborah R. Rosenberg, PhD; Kristin Rankin, PhD; Embry Howell, PhD; Ashley H. Schempf, PhD; Elizabeth Stuart, PhD.
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 1400 minutes.
2014 Core Competencies for Public Health Professionals.
Year Developed: 2015.
Source: Public Health Foundation.
Presenter(s): Kathleen Amos MLIS; Janelle Nichols MPH.
Type: n.a..
Level: Intermediate
Length: 60 minutes.
2018 DMCHWD Grantee Virtual Meeting: How to Tell Your Program's Story.
Year Developed: 2018.
Source: U.S. Maternal and Child Health Bureau, Division of Maternal and Child Health Workforce Development.
Presenter(s): Deborah Klein Walker, EdD.
Type: PowerPoint Presentation.
Level: Intermediate
Length: Self-paced, multiple items..
2020 Training Course Archive – Intermediate to Advanced
Year Developed: 2020.
Source: CityMatCH.
Presenter(s): Patricia O’Campo, PhD; William Sappenfield, MD, MPH; Michael Smith, DrPH; Catherine Vladutiu; Michael Kramer.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Intermediate
Length: Self-paced; multiple webinars of varying lengths.
5 Quick Tips to Have a Nice Conflict.
Year Developed: 2015.
Source: GovLoop.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 7 minutes.
5 Ways to Improve Your Nonverbal Communication/Body Language Skills.
Year Developed: 2016.
Source: n.a..
Presenter(s): Bruno Santilli.
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 5 minutes.
5-Minute MCH.
Year Developed: 2015.
Source: MCH Navigator.
Presenter(s): Varies..
Type: Interactive Learning Tool.
Level: Introductory
Length: Self-paced.
8 Steps to Building and Sustaining Effective Coalitions.
Year Developed: n.a..
Source: South Central Public Health Partnership.
Presenter(s): Frances Dunn Butterfoss, PhD, MSEd.
Type: Online Course.
Level: Introductory.
Length: Self-paced.
A Conversation on Ethical Considerations for a Fair and Effective Health Care System.
Year Developed: 2018.
Source: Lucile Packard Foundation for Children's Health.
Presenter(s): Chris Feudtner, MD, PhD, MPH; Grace Oei, MD, MA; Chaplain Mark Bartel, M Div, SCC.
Type: Webinar Archive.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 59 minutes.
A Conversation on Meaningful Family Engagement, from Clinical Care to Health Policy.
Year Developed: 2018.
Source: Lucile Packard Foundation for Children's Health.
Presenter(s): Rylin Rodgers; Richard Antonelli, MD; Ruth E. K. Stein, MD, FAAP.
Type: Webinar Archive.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 60 minutes.
A Discussion on Data Collection and Analysis
Year Developed: NA.
Source: Health Workforce Technical Assistance Center.
Presenter(s): Robert Martiniano, Mike Medvesky, Linda Lacey.
Type: Audio Recording.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 28 minutes; 34 minutes.
A Family-Centered Approach to Implementing Plans of Safe Care.
Year Developed: 2023.
Source: Administration for Children and Families.
Presenter(s): Megan Chuey, Annie Heit, and Jessica Kincaid.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 47 minutes.
A Family-Centered Research Agenda for Improving Health Care Transitions for Children with Special Health Care Needs.
Year Developed: 2021.
Source: Lucile Packard Foundation - Children's Health.
Presenter(s): Megumi Okumura, Ifeyinwa Osunkwo, Mallory Cyr, Christopher Stille.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 59 minutes.
A Framework for Educating Health Professionals to Address the Social Determinants of Health.
Year Developed: 2017.
Source: National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education.
Presenter(s): Barbara Brandt, Patricia A. Cuff, Sandra D. Lane, Julian Fisher, Bianca Frogner.
Type: Webinar Archive.
Level: Intermediate
Length: 61 minutes.
A General Overview of Public Health Accreditation.
Year Developed: 2011.
Source: Public Health Accreditation Board.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Online Course.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 45 minutes.
A Master Class in Public Health Ethics.
Year Developed: 2014.
Source: National Association of County and City Health Officials.
Presenter(s): Drue Barrett, Ph.D.; Alan Melnick, M.D., M.P.H., C.P.H.; Leonard Ortmann, Ph.D.; Matthew Stefanak, M.P.H.; Karyn Clark, M.A.; Jane Wernsman, R.N., B.S.N.; Linda Doerge, M.P.A..
Type: Webinar.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 74 minutes.
A New Approach to Assessing Family Engagement in Health Care Systems.
Year Developed: 2019.
Source: Lucile Packard Foundation for Children's Health.
Presenter(s): Beth Dworetzky; Nanfi Lubogo; Susan Chacon.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 60 minutes.
A Public Health with Impact: The Path to What Works.
Year Developed: 2014 est..
Source: National Association of County and City Health Officials.
Presenter(s): Brandie Adams-Piphus, MPH.
Type: Podcast.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 12 minutes.
ACA & Integration of Behavioral and Physical Health.
Year Developed: n.a..
Source: National MCH Workforce Development Center.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: n.a..
Level: Intermediate.
Length: n.a..
Access to Care Training Spotlight.
Year Developed: 2014.
Source: MCH Navigator.
Presenter(s): Beth DeFrancis-Sun, MLS; John Richards, MA.
Type: Interactive Learning Tool.
Level: Intermediate
Length: Series, various lengths.
Achieving True Partnership: Integrating Family Engagement in Systems of Care.
Year Developed: 2017.
Source: National Center for Medical Home Implementation, National Center for Family Professional Partnerships, Bright Futures National Center.
Presenter(s): Deborah Garneau MA, Cornelia Deagle PhD MSPH, Barbara Kahler MD FAAP, Dana Yarbrough.
Type: n.a..
Level: Intermediate
Length: 56 minutes.
Adapting Evidence-Based Interventions for New Populations and Settings.
Year Developed: 2015.
Source: Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health; Region 2 Public Health Training Center.
Presenter(s): Rachel C. Shelton, ScD, MPH.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 60 minutes.
Adaptive Leadership and Public Health.
Year Developed: 2015.
Source: National Association of County and City Health Officials.
Presenter(s): N/A.
Type: Video.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 5 minutes.
Adaptive Leadership Videos.
Year Developed: 2010.
Source: National MCH Workforce Development Center.
Presenter(s): Ronald Heifetz.
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory
Length: 70 minutes.
Addressing Infant Mortality Expert Webinar Series.
Year Developed: 2017.
Source: National Institute for Children's Health Quality.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Webinar.
Level: Advanced.
Length: n.a..
Addressing Preparedness Challenges for Children in Public Health Emergencies.
Year Developed: 2015.
Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Video.
Level: Advanced.
Length: 62 minutes.
Adolescent Health Training Spotlight.
Year Developed: 2013.
Source: MCH Navigator.
Presenter(s): Jessica Delgado, Keisha Watson, PhD, and John Richards, MA, MCH Navigator.
Type: Interactive Learning Tool.
Level: Intermediate
Length: Series, various lengths.
Advanced Leadership and Practice (Part 1).
Year Developed: n.a..
Source: South Central Public Health Partnership.
Presenter(s): Peter M. Ginter, PhD.
Type: Online Course.
Level: Advanced.
Length: Self-paced.
Advanced Leadership and Practice (Part 2).
Year Developed: n.a..
Source: South Central Public Health Partnership.
Presenter(s): Peter M. Ginter, PhD; Andy Rucks, PhD.
Type: Online Course.
Level: Advanced.
Length: Self-paced.
Advanced Program Evaluation.
Year Developed: n.a..
Source: New York City, Long Island, Lower Tri-County Public Health Training Center.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Online Course.
Level: Advanced.
Length: 45 minutes.
Adverse Childhood Experiences: Trauma-Informed Strategies and Student Well-Being.
Year Developed: 2018.
Source: Corwin: A SAGE Publishing Company.
Presenter(s): Ricky Robertson.
Type: Webinar Archive.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 60 minutes.
Affordable Care Act: Celebrating 12 Years.
Year Developed: 2022.
Source: US Department of Health and Human Service.
Presenter(s): Beth Lynk, Xavier Becerra, Chiquita Brooks-LaSure.
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 56 minutes.
AMCHP-CDC Skills Building Suite: Evidence-Based Practice–Moving Along the Continuum from Selection to Sustainability.
Year Developed: 2013.
Source: Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs.
Presenter(s): Starr Banks, MPH, Cherie Rooks-Peck, PhD, RD, LD, Kathi Wilson, PhD, MPH, CHES.
Type: Webinar Archive.
Level: Advanced.
Length: Series; various lengths.
America's Health Care Safety Net.
Year Developed: 2008.
Source: Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation
Presenter(s): Andrew Bindman, MD.
Type: Video.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 15 minutes.
An Introduction to the Ecological Model in Public Health.
Year Developed: 2013.
Source: Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Women’s and Children’s Health Policy Center.
Presenter(s): Marjory Ruderman, MHS.
Type: Narrated Slide Presentation.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 10 minutes.
An Introduction to the PHAB Accreditation Process.
Year Developed: 2014.
Source: Public Health Accreditation Board.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Online Course.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 30 minutes.
An MCH Reset Retreat to Determine What Matters Now.
Year Developed: 2020.
Source: ATMCH and MCH Navigator.
Presenter(s): Janine Hill, PhD(c), MPH, ACC and Kris Risley, DrPH, CPCC.
Type: Webinar Archive.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 90 minutes.
An Overview of EPSDT.
Year Developed: n.a..
Source: National MCH Workforce Development Center.
Presenter(s): Meg Comeau MHA.
Type: n.a..
Level: Introductory.
Length: n.a..
Applications of Network Science to Strengthen Systems of Care for Children and Families.
Year Developed: 2019.
Source: Maternal and Child Health Bureau, Division of Research.
Presenter(s): Danielle Varda, PhD; Ayelet Talmi, PhD.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 60 minutes.
Applying Good Decision Making Within the LHD [Local Health Departments].
Year Developed: 2014.
Source: National Association of County and City Health Officials.
Presenter(s): Donna Walsh.
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 2 minutes.
Appreciative Inquiry: Adopting a Positive Approach to Change.
Year Developed: 2020.
Source: National Maternal and Child Health Workforce Development Center.
Presenter(s): Steve Orton, PhD, Kris Risley, DrPH, and Nisa Hussain.
Type: Interactive Learning Tool.
Level: Introductory.
Length: Self-paced.
Approaches for Addressing Sexual and Reproductive Health with Systems-Involved Youth.
Year Developed: 2022.
Source: Administration for Children and Families (ACF).
Presenter(s): Katy Suellentrop, Rachel Rosenberg, Mindy Scott, Tecca Thompson, Rebecca James.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 86 minutes.
Asset Mapping: Starting System Change with What You Already Have.
Year Developed: 2019.
Source: National MCH Workforce Development Center.
Presenter(s): Rebecca Wells.
Type: Video.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: n.a..
Authentic Engagement: People with Lived Expertise Shaping Homeless Programs and Policies.
Year Developed: 2023.
Source: Community Action Partnership.
Presenter(s): Josh Johnson, Samantha Wood, La’Toya Cooper, and Jon DeCarmine.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 60 minutes.
Authentic Parent & Professional Partnerships.
Year Developed: 2021.
Source: Family Voices of MN.
Presenter(s): Carolyn Allshouse.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 73 minutes.
Basic Concepts in Data Analysis for Community Health Assessment.
Year Developed: n.a..
Source: Washington State Department of Health, Northwest Center for Public Health Practice.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Online Course.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 45-60 minutes per module, 5 modules.
Basic Epidemiology.
Year Developed: 2010.
Source: Upper Midwest Preparedness and Emergency Response Learning Center.
Presenter(s): Iowa Department of Public Health.
Type: Online Course.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 60 minutes.
Basic Epidemiology.
Year Developed: 2013.
Source: Upper Midwest Public Health Training Center.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Online Course.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 60 minutes.
Basic Infectious Disease Concepts in Epidemiology.
Year Developed: n.a..
Source: Northwest Center for Public Health Practice.
Presenter(s): John Kobayashi, MD, MPH.
Type: Narrated Slide Presentation.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 60 minutes.
Beginning Your Mentor Relationship.
Year Developed: 2015.
Source: University of Minnesota School of Public Health, Mentor Program.
Presenter(s): Unknown.
Type: Narrated Slide Presentation.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 10 minutes.
Beyond the Birth: Patient Centered Care in the Fourth Trimester.
Year Developed: 2022.
Source: Wayside Recovery Center.
Presenter(s): Christian Minter, and Ellen Kirk.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 55 minutes.
Beyond the SEA: Data Science 101--An Introduction for Librarians.
Year Developed: 2017.
Source: National Network of Libraries of Medicine, Southeastern Atlantic Region.
Presenter(s): Lisa Federer, MA, MLIS.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 61 minutes.
Big Data and Data Science: What Do We Need to Know?.
Year Developed: 2017.
Source: National Institutes of Health Library.
Presenter(s): Lisa Federer.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 60 minutes.
Big Data in Early Childhood; Using Integrated Data to Guide Impact.
Year Developed: 2015.
Source: Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs.
Presenter(s): Elizabeth Anthony, PhD; Jen Leone, MPH; Rebekah Dorman, PhD.
Type: Video.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 63 minutes.
Bloom's Taxonomy: Why, How, & Top Examples.
Year Developed: 2017.
Source: n.a..
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 4 minutes.
Breaking Down Infant Mortality: Achieving Measureable Impact through the CoIIN Approach.
Year Developed: 2015.
Source: Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs.
Presenter(s): Elaine Fitzgerald, DrPH, MIA; Ellen Pliska, MHS, CPH; Vanessa Lee, MPH.
Type: Video.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 60 minutes.
Bridging Gaps: The Vital Role of Cultural Competence in Healthcare.
Year Developed: 2014.
Source: University at Albany School of Public Health.
Presenter(s): Wilma Alvarado-Little, M.A., M.S.W. and James O’Barr, M.S.W..
Type: Video.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 60 minutes.
Bringing ADHD Epidemiology to States: What Could State-Based Estimates Mean for Your State?.
Year Developed: 2011.
Source: U.S. Maternal and Child Health Bureau.
Presenter(s): Susanna Visser, MS; Patsy Carter, PhD; Charlie Biss, MSW.
Type: Webinar Archive.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 60 minutes.
Bringing it All Together: An Integrated Approach (WISH Module 6).
Year Developed: 2012.
Source: North Carolina Institute for Public Health.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Online Course.
Level: Advanced.
Length: 20 minutes.
Budget Planning and Management.
Year Developed: n.a..
Source: South Central Public Health Partnership.
Presenter(s): Andrew Rucks, PhD.
Type: Video Course.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 60 minutes.
Build a Tower, Build a Team.
Year Developed: 2010.
Source: TED Talks.
Presenter(s): Tom Wujec.
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 7 minutes.
Building and Maintaining a Collaborative Culture.
Year Developed: 2011.
Source: South Central Public Health Partnership.
Presenter(s): W. Jack Duncan, PhD; Bryn Manzella, MPH.
Type: Narrated Slide Presentation.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 120 minutes.
Building and Supporting Partnerships and Community Engagement (WISH Module 5).
Year Developed: 2012.
Source: North Carolina Institute for Public Health.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Online Course.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 45 minutes.
Building Better Child Care Through Health Consultation .
Year Developed: n.a..
Source: National Training Institute for Child Care Health Consultants.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Webinar.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 17 minutes.
Building Better Data Systems to Address Youth Violence and Injury.
Year Developed: 2012.
Source: U.S. Maternal and Child Health Bureau.
Presenter(s): Deborah Azrael, PhD; George Bahouth, ScD; Jenifer Cartland, PhD.
Type: Webinar Archive.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 60 minutes.
Building Evidence to Improve the Structure, Governance and Funding of Local Public Health Through Practice-Based Research Networks .
Year Developed: 2015.
Source: n.a..
Presenter(s): Justeen Hyde and Jennifer Kertanis.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Intermediate
Length: 50 minutes.
Building Family Professional Partnerships.
Year Developed: 2015.
Source: Illinois Department of Health, Division of Specialized Care for Children.
Presenter(s): Dorelia Rivera.
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 52 minutes.
Building Logic Models.
Year Developed: 2017.
Source: New York City, Long Island, Lower Tri-County Public Health Training Center.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Online Course.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: Self-paced.
Building Psychological Resilience for the Public Health Workforce during the COVID19 Pandemic.
Year Developed: 2021.
Source: Region IV Public Health Training Center.
Presenter(s): Mark R. Evces.
Type: Online Course.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 70 minutes.
Business Planning for Network Sustainability.
Year Developed: 2017.
Source: National Rural Health Resource Center.
Presenter(s): Kap Wilkes.
Type: Webinar Archive.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 65 minutes.
Business Planning for Public Health Programs.
Year Developed: 2011.
Source: Northwest Center for Public Health Practice.
Presenter(s): Stephen Orton, PhD.
Type: Interactive Learning Tool.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 45 minutes.
Causal Loop Diagramming in Five Minutes.
Year Developed: 2018.
Source: National MCH Workforce Development Center.
Presenter(s): Seri Link, Kristen Hassmiller-Lich.
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 5 minutes.
Cause and Effect in Epidemiology.
Year Developed: n.a..
Source: Northwest Center for Public Health Practice.
Presenter(s): Victoria Holt, RN, MPH, PhD.
Type: Interactive Learning Tool.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 45 minutes.
CDC Grand Rounds: Preventing Youth Violence.
Year Developed: 2014.
Source: Centers for Disease Control.
Presenter(s): Howard Spivak, Deborah Gorman-Smith, Shelia Savannah, Rober Listenbee.
Type: n.a..
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 63 minutes.
Centering Lived Experience: Methodology of Away from Home.
Year Developed: 2021.
Source: Think of Us.
Presenter(s): Sarah Fathallah, Sixto Cancel, Bobbi Taylor, and Sarah Sullivan.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 90 minutes.
CFCA Webinar: Needs Assessment: A Tool for Program Planning and Community Building.
Year Developed: 2019.
Source: Australian Institute of Family Studies .
Presenter(s): Paul Harkin and Jessica Smart.
Type: Narrated Slide Presentation.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 60 minutes.
Change Management Training Spotlight.
Year Developed: 2016.
Source: MCH Navigator.
Presenter(s): Jolene Bertness, MEd, CHES; Olivia Pickett, MA, MLS; John Richards, MA, AITP.
Type: Interactive Learning Tool.
Level: Introductory
Length: Series, various lengths.
Changing Paradigms in Maternal and Child Health: Innovative Lessons from the Life Course.
Year Developed: 2012.
Source: Alabama Department of Public Health and the Alabama Public Health Training Center.
Presenter(s): Cheri Pies, MSW, DrPH; Bina Shrimali, MPH.
Type: Video Course.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 82 minutes.
Changing World of Work: Are You Changing Too?.
Year Developed: 2012.
Source: Alabama Public Health Training Network, Alabama Department of Public Health.
Presenter(s): Marty Martin, PsyD, MPH.
Type: Video.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 90 minutes.
Child Health and Development.
Year Developed: 2011.
Source: Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Open Courseware
Presenter(s): Robert Blum, MD, MPH, PhD; Lynne Michael Blum, PhD.
Type: Online Course.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 16 sessions.
Children and Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Other Developmental Disabilities.
Year Developed: n.a..
Source: Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: n.a..
Level: Introductory.
Length: n.a..
Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs (CYSHCN) Training Spotlight.
Year Developed: 2015.
Source: MCH Navigator.
Presenter(s): Keisha Watson, PhD; John Richards, MA.
Type: Interactive Learning Tool.
Level: Introductory
Length: Series, various lengths.
City Leaders: Negotiation and Conflict Resolution ...a Core MCH Leadership Competency.
Year Developed: 2011.
Source: University of Maryland University College in collaboration with CityMatCH.
Presenter(s): Kathleen F. (Kay) Edwards, PhD.
Type: Narrated Slide Presentation.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 84 minutes.
CityMatCH Well-Woman Project Learning Network Webinar.
Year Developed: 2017.
Source: CityMatCH and University of Illinois Chicago School of Public Health.
Presenter(s): Arden Handler.
Type: Video.
Level: Intermediate
Length: 70 minutes.
CLC Peer Learning Exchange: Implementing the CLAS Standards- Culturally and Linguistically Competent Leadership Development.
Year Developed: 2017.
Source: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.
Presenter(s): Linda Callejas & Selena Webster-Bass.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Advanced.
Length: 60 minutes.
Clusters, Maps, and Hotspots: Small Area Analysis in Maternal and Child Health.
Year Developed: 2015.
Source: U.S. Maternal and Child Health Bureau.
Presenter(s): Russell S. Kirby, PhD, MS, FACE; Michael Kramer, PhD, MMSc; Thomas J. Stopka, PhD, MHS .
Type: Webinar Archive.
Level: Intermediate
Length: 60 minutes.
Coaching and Mentoring: Learning with and from Others.
Year Developed: 2011.
Source: South Central Public Health Partnership.
Presenter(s): Sheila W. Chauvin, PhD, MEd.
Type: Online Course.
Level: Introductory
Length: 180 minutes.
Coaching as a Culture.
Year Developed: 2016.
Source: GovLoop.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 37 minutes.
Coalition Building Basics.
Year Developed: 2016.
Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Presenter(s): Aaron Mondada; David Aronstin; Bob Rauner;.
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 62 minutes.
Coffee Talk [Change Management] Series.
Year Developed: 2015.
Source: National MCH Workforce Development Center.
Presenter(s): Various.
Type: Webinar Archive.
Level: Introductory.
Length: Series; various lengths (all under 30 minutes).
Collaborating Across Cultures.
Year Developed: 2017.
Source: ASA Community of Applied Statisticians.
Presenter(s): Charisse Kosova, M.Ad.Ed..
Type: Webinar Archive.
Level: Intermediate
Length: 62 minutes.
Collaboration and Action to Improve Child Health Systems – A Toolkit for State Leaders.
Year Developed: 2011.
Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: n.a..
Level: Advanced.
Length: n.a..
Collaboration and Communication in Healthcare: Principles of Interprofessional Practice.
Year Developed: 2016.
Source: University of California, San Francisco, Interprofessional Education Program.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Online Course.
Level: Intermediate
Length: Series; varying lengths..
Collaboration and the Early Years: Exploring the Benefits and Challenges of Integrated Working.
Year Developed: 2022.
Source: Anna Freud National Center for Children and Families.
Presenter(s): Marvyn Harrison, Claudia Coussins, Sanjana Jio, and Abigail Wright.
Type: Panel Discussion.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 90 minutes.
Collective Impact through Systems Mapping.
Year Developed: 2015.
Source: Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs.
Presenter(s): Dorothy Cilenti, DrPH, MSW, MPH; Kristen Hassmiller Lich, MHA, PhD; Stephen Orton, PhD.
Type: Video.
Level: Advanced.
Length: 122 minutes.
Communicating Effectively with Limited English Proficient Individuals.
Year Developed: 2015.
Source: Interagency Working Group on Limited English Proficiency.
Presenter(s): Aba Obrebski, Kristie Boutte, Chad Bennett, Charmaine Gibson.
Type: n.a..
Level: Introductory.
Length: 50 minutes.
Communicating Public Health: Message Design Strategies to Promote Awareness and Action to Address Social Determinants of Health.
Year Developed: 2015.
Source: Region 2 Public Health Training Center.
Presenter(s): Jeff Niederdeppe.
Type: Video.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 58 minutes.
Communicating Science: Translating Research for Policy and Practice.
Year Developed: 2013.
Source: Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Women’s and Children’s Health Policy Center.
Presenter(s): Marjory Ruderman, MHS.
Type: Video.
Level: Intermediate
Length: 19 minutes.
Communicating with and For the Maternal and Child Health Population: Issues and Challenges.
Year Developed: n.a..
Source: South Central Public Health Partnership.
Presenter(s): Cathy R. Taylor, DrPH, MSN, RN.
Type: Online Course.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: n.a..
Communication Training for Comprehensive Cancer Control Professionals 101: Media Planning and Media Relations.
Year Developed: 2017.
Source: GW Cancer Center Institute for Patient-Centered Initiatives and Health Equity.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Online Course.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 210 minutes.
Communications Messaging: How & Why.
Year Developed: n.a..
Source: CityMatCH.
Presenter(s): Adam Shapiro.
Type: Webinar Archive.
Level: Intermediate
Length: 20 minutes.
Community Benefit & Title V.
Year Developed: n.a..
Source: Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: n.a..
Level: Intermediate.
Length: n.a..
Community Engagement in Public Health Interventions for Disadvantaged Groups: What's the Evidence?.
Year Developed: 2016.
Source: Health Evidence.
Presenter(s): Alison O'Mara-Eves.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 72 minutes.
Community Engagement: An Introduction.
Year Developed: 2015.
Source: Public Health Centers for Excellence.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Narrated Slide Presentation.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 7 minutes.
Community Health Centers of Arkansas Presentation Video.
Year Developed: 2010.
Source: Community Health Centers of Arkansas, Inc..
Presenter(s): Community Health Centers of Arkansas, Inc..
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory
Length: 8.5 minutes.
Community Health Needs Assessments: Getting More Value for Your Community and Your Hospital.
Year Developed: 2015.
Source: American Hospital Association and Association for Community Health Improvement.
Presenter(s): Julius Green, CPA, JD; Colleen Milligan, MBA; Kyle Bird
Type: Webinar Archive.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 61 minutes.
Community Health Needs Assessments: Setting Priorities
Year Developed: 2009.
Source: Health Workforce Technical Assistance Center.
Presenter(s): Robert Martiniano, DrPH, MPA.
Type: Video.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 7 minutes.
Community Partnerships and Perspectives (Advanced Level).
Year Developed: n.a..
Source: South Central Public Health Partnership.
Presenter(s): Linda Usdin, PhD; Anne Witmer, MPH.
Type: Online Course
Level: Advanced.
Length: 100 minutes.
Community Partnerships and Perspectives (Basic Level).
Year Developed: n.a..
Source: South Central Public Health Partnership.
Presenter(s): Linda Usdin, PhD.
Type: Online Course
Level: Introductory.
Length: 30 minutes.
Community Partnerships and Perspectives (Intermediate Level).
Year Developed: n.a..
Source: South Central Public Health Partnership.
Presenter(s): Linda Usdin, PhD; Anne Witmer, MPH; Theodore Quant.
Type: Online Course
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 225 minutes.
Comparative Effectiveness Research (CER) Applications for Public Health.
Year Developed: 2013.
Source: AcademyHealth.
Presenter(s): Suzanne Bakken, RN, PhD, FAAN; Anirban Basu, PhD; Marisa Domino, PhD.
Type: Webinar Archive.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 90 minutes.
Conducting a Community Needs Assessment Training
Year Developed: 2022.
Source: The Human Services Alliance of Greater Prince William.
Presenter(s): Robert Martiniano, Mike Medvesky, Linda Lacey
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 84 minutes.
Conducting Research with Online Data Query Tools.
Year Developed: 2010.
Source: Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation
Presenter(s): Anthony Damico.
Type: Video.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 20 minutes.
Conflict Management.
Year Developed: n.a..
Source: South Central Public Health Partnership.
Presenter(s): Josh Klapow, PhD; Lisa Goldstein Graham, MS.
Type: Video Course.
Level: Intermediate
Length: 180 minutes.
Conflict Management: Lessons from the Field .
Year Developed: n.a..
Source: South Central Public Health Partnership.
Presenter(s): Kathy Vincent, LCSW; Michele Jones; Josh Klapow.
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: Self-paced.
Conflict Resolution Process.
Year Developed: 2015.
Source: Grand Valley State University, Human Resource Department.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: YouTube video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 3 minutes.
Confronting the Crisis of Inequitable Maternal and Infant Health Outcomes.
Year Developed: 2023.
Source: U.S. News and World Report.
Presenter(s): Dr. Elizabeth Cherot, Dr. Janelle Palacios, Morgan Felcner, Dr. Oluwatosin Goje, Dr. Christina Davidson, Michael Morella.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 60 minutes.
Consensus Building Approach.
Year Developed: 2014.
Source: Harvard Law School Program on Negotiation.
Presenter(s): Lawrence Susskind.
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 8 minutes.
Considering Cultural Competence in the Context of Public Health.
Year Developed: 2012.
Source: Center for Puerto Rican Studies-Centro.
Presenter(s): Diana Romero PhD, MA; Elena Hoeppner, MPH; Andrea Skowronek, RD, MPH.
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 40 minutes.
Consumer Advisory Committees: Recruiting, Training, and Retaining Members for Engagement.
Year Developed: 2016.
Source: Resources for Integrated Care.
Presenter(s): Jacqueline Dowdy; Serena Simeone; Margo Michaels; Rosa Palacios (Moderator)
Type: Webinar Archive.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 71 minutes.
Contextualizing Guidance Workbook.
Year Developed: 2016.
Source: National Collaborating Centre for Methods and Tools.
Presenter(s): Elizabeth Alverex, MD, MPH; John Lavis, MD, MSC, PHD.
Type: Webinar Archive.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 70 minutes.
Year Developed: n.a..
Source: Upper Midwest Public Health Training Center.
Presenter(s): Mary Ralston.
Type: Online Course.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 60 minutes.
Council on Linkages’ Revised Core Competencies for Public Health Professionals: Applying the Core Competencies.
Year Developed: 2015.
Source: Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health.
Presenter(s): Kathleen Amos, MLIS; Jennifer Kolker, MPH; Kathleen Miner, PhD, MPH, MEd; Marita Murrman, EdD, MS.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 60 minutes.
COVID-19 and Child Health Care Transformation: Crisis and Opportunity.
Year Developed: n.a..
Source: InCK Marks.
Presenter(s): Kay Johnson; Charles Bruner.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 59 minutes.
CPH Study Session Webinar: Biostatistics.
Year Developed: 2017.
Source: National Board of Public Health Examiners.
Presenter(s): Lisa Sullivan, PhD.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 180 minutes.
CPH Study Session Webinars.
Year Developed: 2017.
Source: National Board of Public Health Examiners.
Presenter(s): Lisa Sullivan, PhD.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Advanced.
Length: Series; various lengths.
Crafting Richer Public Health Messages using Moral Foundations Theory.
Year Developed: 2017.
Source: Network for Public Health Law.
Presenter(s): Gene Matthews; Scott Burris.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Advanced.
Length: 90 minutes.
Crafting Richer Public Health Messages: Lessons and Examples for State and Local Advocacy.
Year Developed: 2017.
Source: Network for Public Health Law.
Presenter(s): Sue Lynn Ledford, DrPH, MPA, BSN, RN; Alisahah Cole, MD; Gary Gunderson, DMin, DDiv.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 90 minutes.
Crafting Richer Public Health Messages: Messaging and the 5 Essential Public Health Law Services.
Year Developed: 2017.
Source: Network for Public Health Law.
Presenter(s): Scott Burris; Doug Blanke; Benjamin D. Winig.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 90 minutes.
Creating a Context for Change: Leading through Organizational Development.
Year Developed: 2021.
Source: South Central Public Health Partnership.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Online Course.
Level: Intermediate
Length: Self-paced.
Creating Authentic Partnerships: Parents and Professionals.
Year Developed: 2021.
Source: National Center for Hearing Assessment and Management at Utah State University.
Presenter(s): Heidi Klomhaus, Lylis Olsen.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Intermediate
Length: 60 minutes.
Creating Inclusive & Anti-Ableist Triage Policies.
Year Developed: 2023.
Source: Disability Rights New York.
Presenter(s): Laura Guidry-Grimes, Katie Savin, and David Whalen.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 60 minutes.
Critical Appraisal of Intervention Studies.
Year Developed: n.a..
Source: National Collaborating Centre for Methods and Tools.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Interactive Learning Tool.
Level: Advanced.
Length: Self-paced.
Critical Appraisal of Systematic Reviews.
Year Developed: n.a..
Source: National Collaborating Centre for Methods and Tools.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: n.a..
Level: Advanced.
Length: 6-8 hours.
Critical Thinking for Public Health Practice.
Year Developed: 2006.
Source: Upper Midwest Public Health Training Center.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Online Course.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 60 minutes.
Critical Thinking YouTube Introduction.
Year Developed: 2009.
Source: QualiaSoup.
Presenter(s): Nimi Hash.
Type: YouTube video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 5 minutes.
Cultural and Linguistic Competency Training Brief.
Year Developed: 2015.
Source: MCH Navigator.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Interactive Learning Tool.
Level: Introductory
Length: Self-paced.
Cultural Identity, Power, and Privilege.
Year Developed: 2020.
Source: University of Missouri.
Presenter(s): Steve Klien.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 39 minutes.
Culture, Language, and Health Literacy.
Year Developed: 2020.
Source: Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA).
Presenter(s): Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA).
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 5 minutes.
Current Picture and Outlook for Children's Coverage.
Year Developed: 2007.
Source: Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation
Presenter(s): Robin Rudowitz.
Type: Video.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 15 minutes.
Customer Service in Public Health: Part I.
Year Developed: 2015.
Source: Michigan Public Health Training Center.
Presenter(s): Elnian Gilbert; Tabitha Mason.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 109 minutes.
Customer Service in Public Health: Part II.
Year Developed: 2015.
Source: Michigan Public Health Training Center.
Presenter(s): Geneva Williams.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: n.a..
Customer Service in Public Health: Part III.
Year Developed: 2015.
Source: Michigan Public Health Training Center.
Presenter(s): Geneva Williams.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: n.a..
Dare to Disagree.
Year Developed: 2012.
Source: TED Talks.
Presenter(s): Margaret Heffernan.
Type: Video Archive.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 13 minutes.
Data Analytics Fundamentals: Learn to Use Your Data.
Year Developed: 2016.
Source: GovLoop.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 30 minutes.
Data Collection for Program Evaluation.
Year Developed: 2009.
Source: Northwest Center for Public Health Practice.
Presenter(s): Luann D’Ambrosio, Med; Sandra Senter, MN, MPH
Type: Online Course.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 180 minutes.
Data Interpretation for Public Health Professionals.
Year Developed: n.a..
Source: Northwest Center for Public Health Practice.
Presenter(s): Janet Baseman, PhD, MPH.
Type: Online Course.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 90 minutes.
Data-driven Change at the Community Level: Emerging Research on Urban Child Health.
Year Developed: 2017.
Source: U.S. Maternal and Child Health Bureau.
Presenter(s): Renee D. Boynton-Jarrett, MD; ScDClaudia J. Coulton, PhD; Lisa M. Sontag-Padilla, PhD.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 60 minutes.
Data-Driven Leadership: Lead with Data-Driven Decisions and Predictive Analytics.
Year Developed: 2016.
Source: GovLoop.
Presenter(s): Alan S. Berson.
Type: Video.
Level: Advanced.
Length: 20 minutes.
Dealing with Difficult Coaching Situations.
Year Developed: 2015?.
Source: Association of Public Health Laboratories.
Presenter(s): Linda M. Raudenbush, EdD, PCC.
Type: n.a..
Level: Advanced.
Length: n.a..
Decision Making: A Systematic and Organized Approach.
Year Developed: 2011.
Source: South Central Public Health Partnership.
Presenter(s): Peter M. Ginter, PhD.
Type: Narrated Slide Presentation.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 120 minutes.
Defining Evidence.
Year Developed: 2017.
Source: University of North Carolina Gillings Shool of Global Public Health.
Presenter(s): Kasey Decosimo MPH.
Type: n.a..
Level: Introductory.
Length: 20 minutes.
Defining the Challenge (WISH Module 2).
Year Developed: 2012.
Source: North Carolina Institute for Public Health.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Online Course.
Level: Advanced.
Length: 60 minutes.
Determining Essential Core Competencies for Job Positions.
Year Developed: 2017.
Source: Public Health Foundation and Denver Public Health.
Presenter(s): Kathleen Amos, MLIS, and Elizabeth Rumbel, MA.
Type: Webinar Archive.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 60 minutes.
Developing a Logic Model for Community Health Improvement (Community Toolbox Module 5).
Year Developed: 2012.
Source: Kansas Department of Health and Environment with the KU Work Group for Community Health and Development.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Online Course.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 30 minutes.
Developing a Repository of Excellence in Maternal and Child Health (MCH): Past, Present and Future Voices.
Year Developed: n.a..
Source: Association of Teachers in Maternal and Child Health.
Presenter(s): Donna Peterson.
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory
Length: 3 minutes.
Developing Evidence About Public Health Services.
Year Developed: 2015.
Source: Northwest Center for Public Health Practice.
Presenter(s): Betty Bekemeier, PhD, MPH, FAAN.
Type: Webinar Archive.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 60 minutes.
Developing Evidence-Based Programs (WISH Module 4).
Year Developed: 2012.
Source: North Carolina Institute for Public Health.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Online Course.
Level: Introductory
Length: 20 minutes.
Developing Family-Driven Practices: The National Family Support Network's Standards of Quality for Family Strengthening & Support.
Year Developed: 2019.
Source: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.
Presenter(s): Millie Sweeney; Andrew Russo; Toni Donnelly; Tammi Paul.
Type: Webinar Archive.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 77 minutes.
Developing Performance Measures: An Overview & Practical Pointers.
Year Developed: 2013.
Source: National Network of Public Health Institutes.
Presenter(s): Tom Chapel and Clay Cooksey.
Type: Narrated Slide Presentation.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 90 minutes.
Direct Connect: Conducting Youth Focus Groups.
Year Developed: 2019.
Source: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.
Presenter(s): Brittany Horton; Kemarion Thacher.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 73 minutes.
Dispute Resolution Principles and Tactics.
Year Developed: 2012.
Source: Northwest Center for Public Health Practice.
Presenter(s): Jim Reid, MPA.
Type: Webinar Archive.
Level: Intermediate
Length: 60 minutes.
Dissemination and Implementation Science: What is it and Why is it Critical to Translational Science? .
Year Developed: 2018.
Source: Clinical Directors Network.
Presenter(s): Enola Proctor, PhD, MSW; Stephen Bartels, MD, MS; Laura-Mae Baldwin, MD, MPH.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Intermediate
Length: 56 minutes.
Diverting to Treatment: Community Policing and Supporting Youth with Mental Health Needs.
Year Developed: 2016.
Source: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 60 minutes.
Don't Keep it on the Shelf: Developing and Disseminating Information in Practical Ways.
Year Developed: 2016.
Source: Association of University Centers on Disabilities.
Presenter(s): Courtney Taylor.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 58 minutes.
E is for Epidemiology.
Year Developed: 2005.
Source: Center for Public Health Preparedness (University of North Carolina).
Presenter(s): Amy Pickard Nelson, PhD, MPH.
Type: Narrated Slide Presentation.
Level: Introductory.
Length: Series; various lengths.
Effect of Disasters on Mental Health for Children and Adolescents .
Year Developed: n.a..
Source: Upper Midwest Preparedness and Emergency Response Learning Center.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Online Course.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 60 minutes.
Eight Steps to Building and Sustaining Effective Coalitions.
Year Developed: 2010.
Source: South Central Public Health Training Center.
Presenter(s): Frances Dunn Butterfoss, PhD, MSEd.
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 90 minutes.
Emerging Adulthood as a Critical Stage in the Life Course.
Year Developed: 2018.
Source: UCLA Center for Healthier Children, Families & Communities, Maternal and Child Health Life Course Research Network (LCRN).
Presenter(s): David Wood, MD, MPH.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 15 minutes.
Engagement of Family Leader Organizations in Non-CSHCN Initiatives.
Year Developed: 2015.
Source: National Center for Family Professional Partnerships.
Presenter(s): Malia Corde, Amy Nienhuis, Jane St. John, Susan Bird.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 53 minutes.
Engagement Vs. Management: Actions for Leading Engagement.
Year Developed: 2015.
Source: GovLoop.
Presenter(s): Derrick Barton, Jason Parman.
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 30 minutes.
Engaging Diverse Families in Leadership for Systems Change.
Year Developed: 2018.
Source: Family Voices and National Center for Family-Professional Partnerships.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Webinar Archive.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 90 minutes.
Engaging Senior Leadership in Your Quality Improvement (QI) Work.
Year Developed: 2016.
Source: National Institute for Children's Health Quality and Public Health Quality Improvement Exchange.
Presenter(s): Megan Johnson MSc, Ty Kane MPH.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Intermediate
Length: 61 minutes.
Engaging Young People & Promoting Mental Health Education on Social Media.
Year Developed: 2020.
Source: The Institute for Innovation & Implementation.
Presenter(s): Chantel Garrett; Syrena Clark.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 86 minutes.
Enhancing Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS) Surveillance and Partnerships to Reach Special Populations in Four States.
Year Developed: 2015.
Source: Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs.
Presenter(s): Eirian Coronado, MA; Indu Ahluwalia, MPH, PhD; Kathy Burke, MSW; Leslie Harrison, MPH.
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory
Length: 62 minutes.
Enhancing Program Performance with Logic Models.
Year Developed: 2023.
Source: New York - New Jersey Public Health Training Center.
Presenter(s): University of Wisconsin, Madison, Division of Extension.
Type: Online Course.
Level: Introductory.
Length: Self-Paced.
EnRICH Webinar: Unlocking the Future of Maternal Health Begins with Research.
Year Developed: 2024.
Source: Maternal and Child Health Bureau; Health Resources and Services Administration.
Presenter(s): Yvonne Bronner, ScD, MSPH.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 55 minutes.
Ep 1: Making Connections the Critical Role of Family Centered Care in Addressing SDOH for CYSHCN .
Year Developed: 2020.
Source: AAP Medical Home.
Presenter(s): Tom Schultz, and Amy Houtrow.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 59 minutes.
Ep 2: Making Connections the Critical Role of Family Centered Care in Addressing SDOH for CYSHCN .
Year Developed: 2020.
Source: AAP Medical Home.
Presenter(s): Jeffrey Brosco, and Gerri Mattson.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 59 minutes.
Epidemiology for Non-Epidemiologists.
Year Developed: n.a..
Source: Michigan Public Health Training Center.
Presenter(s): JoLynn P. Montgomery, PhD, MPH.
Type: Online Course.
Level: Introductory.
Length: Self paced.
Epidemiology Training Series.
Year Developed: n.a..
Source: Northwest Center for Public Health Practice.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Online Course.
Level: Introductory.
Length: Self-paced.
Essentials of Plain Language: Tips for Improving Your Content.
Year Developed: 2016.
Source: GovLoop.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 45 minutes.
Establishing a Progressive New Academic Health Department Partnership (AHD Learning Community Presentation).
Year Developed: 2017.
Source: n.a..
Presenter(s): Griselle Torres, DrPH, MPH, MSW.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 60 minutes.
Ethics and Professionalism Moral Distress Series Part II: The Role of Courage and Culture.
Year Developed: 2017.
Source: Department of Veterans Affairs, Employee Education System and National Center for Ethics in Health Care.
Presenter(s): Lisa Lehmann.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Advanced.
Length: 60 minutes.
Ethics in Public Health: A Closer Look at Current Issues.
Year Developed: 2013.
Source: University at Albany School of Public Health.
Presenter(s): Bruce White, DO, JD.
Type: Webinar Archive.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 58 minutes.
Evaluating a Public Health Program.
Year Developed: 2011.
Source: New York - New Jersey Public Health Training Center.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Online Course.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: Self-paced.
Evaluating Effectiveness in Public Health at the Individual and Organizational Level.
Year Developed: n.a..
Source: South Central Public Health Partnership.
Presenter(s): Sue Ann Sarpy, PhD .
Type: Narrated Slide Presentation.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: Self-paced.
Evaluating Organizational Effectiveness.
Year Developed: n.a..
Source: South Central Public Health Partnership.
Presenter(s): Sue Ann Sarpy, PhD.
Type: Online Course.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: Self-paced.
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Health Policies and Programs
Year Developed: 2020.
Source: University of Wisconsin School of Pharmacy.
Presenter(s): Kevin A. Look, PharmD, PhD.
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 33 minutes.
Evaluating the Impact of Partnerships and Community Coalitions.
Year Developed: 2023.
Source: Children's Healthy Weight State Capacity Building Program.
Presenter(s): Dena Herman, PhD, MPH, RD.
Type: Narrated Slide Presentation.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 40 minutes.
Evaluating Web-Based Public Health and Public Awareness Campaigns.
Year Developed: 2013.
Source: Association of State and Territorial Health Officials.
Presenter(s): Melissa Beaupierre, MPH, CPH; Mary Kay Falconer, PhD; Jarrod Hindman, MS.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 90 minutes.
Evaluation Learning Bundle.
Year Developed: 2017.
Source: MCH Navigator.
Presenter(s): Keisha Watson, PhD; John Richards, MA, AITP.
Type: Interactive Learning Tool.
Level: Introductory
Length: Self-paced.
Every Child Deserves a Medical Home/Family-Centered Care [YouTube Channel].
Year Developed: 2012.
Source: American Academy of Pediatrics.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 20 minutes.
Evidence Insight Video Series.
Year Developed: 2017.
Source: Mathematica Policy Research.
Presenter(s): Ann Person, Phil Killewald, Alex Resch, Mariel Finucane, Lauren Vollmer.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Intermediate
Length: 5 videos, self paced.
Evidence-based Policy Making: Using Data and Evidence to Inform Policy Decisions
Year Developed: 2020.
Source: The National Conference of State Legislatures.
Presenter(s): Kristine Goodwin, Iris Hentze.
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 49 minutes.
Evidence-Based Practices for Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Response.
Year Developed: 2020.
Source: National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM).
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Online Course.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 61 minutes.
Evidence-Based Public Health Training Series.
Year Developed: 2017.
Source: Northwest Center for Public Health Practice.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Interactive Learning Tool.
Level: Advanced.
Length: 555 minutes.
Evidence-Based Public Health: Identifying and Using Information Resources.
Year Developed: 2012.
Source: National Network of Libraries of Medicine, University of Massachusetts Medical School.
Presenter(s): Hathy Simpson, BA.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Advanced
Length: 57 minutes.
Executive Decision Making and Liability for Public Health Officials.
Year Developed: 2018.
Source: Network for Public Health Law.
Presenter(s): Jill Krueger, JD.
Type: n.a..
Level: Intermediate.
Length: n.a..
Experiences with Strategic Planning in Public Health.
Year Developed: 2009.
Source: South Central Public Health Training Center.
Presenter(s): Peter M. Ginter, PhD; W. Jack Duncan, PhD.
Type: Video.
Level: Advanced.
Length: 90 minutes.
Explain the Frame Video Series.
Year Developed: 2024.
Source: Frameworks Institute.
Presenter(s): Erin Lowe, Julie Sweetland PhD, .
Type: Video Series.
Level: Introductory.
Length: Self-paced.
Exploring Cross Cultural Communication.
Year Developed: 2004.
Source: New York City, Long Island, Lower Tri-County Public Health Training Center.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Online Course.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 150 minutes.
Exploring MCH Policy and the Policy Process
Year Developed: 2024.
Source: Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs.
Presenter(s): AMCHP Staff.
Type: Online Course.
Level: Introductory.
Length: Self-paced.
Exploring the Cultural Dimensions of Conflict.
Year Developed: 2013.
Source: Center for Appropriate Dispute Resolution in Special Education.
Presenter(s): Sukhsimranjit Singh.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 71 minutes.
Facilitating Connections in MCH.
Year Developed: 2017.
Source: U.S. Maternal and Child Health Bureau.
Presenter(s): Raven Wright; Shelly Johnston.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Intermediate
Length: 35 minutes.
Facilitator Training.
Year Developed: 2011.
Source: South Central Public Health Partnership.
Presenter(s): Andrew C. Rucks, MBA, PhD.
Type: Narrated Slide Presentation.
Level: Introductory
Length: 40 minutes.
Family Advocacy and Involvement in Title V Programs.
Year Developed: 2011.
Source: South Central Public Health Training Center.
Presenter(s): Rylin Rodgers, BA.
Type: Video.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 90 minutes.
Family Engagement & Leadership - Strengthening Systems, Services & Communities.
Year Developed: 2020.
Source: The Institute for Innovation & Implementation.
Presenter(s): Pat Hunt.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 83 minutes.
Family Engagement Training Brief.
Year Developed: 2015.
Source: MCH Navigator.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Interactive Learning Tool.
Level: Introductory
Length: Self-paced.
Family Leaders Engaging with Title V Programs and the Block Grant Process.
Year Developed: 2017.
Source: Family Voices and National Center for Family/Professional Partnerships.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Webinar Archive.
Level: Introductory.
Length: Series; various lengths.
Family Leaders Learning Community: Supporting Fathers.
Year Developed: 2017.
Source: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.
Presenter(s): Nelson Rascon, George Fleming, & Hugh Davis.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 73 minutes.
Family Planning: Critical Safety Net in Hard Times (Part 1).
Year Developed: 2009.
Source: Future Choices.
Presenter(s): Rachel Benson Gold.
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 10 minutes.
Family Planning: Critical Safety Net in Hard Times (Part 2).
Year Developed: 2009.
Source: Future Choices.
Presenter(s): Rachel Benson Gold.
Type: Video.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 10 minutes.
Family Planning: Critical Safety Net in Hard Times (Part 3).
Year Developed: 2009.
Source: Future Choices.
Presenter(s): Rachel Benson Gold.
Type: Video.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 10 minutes.
Family-Centered Care Training Brief.
Year Developed: 2015.
Source: MCH Navigator.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Interactive Learning Tool.
Level: Introductory
Length: Self-paced.
Financial Management.
Year Developed: n.a..
Source: University of Iowa College of Public Health's Institute for Public Health Practice.
Presenter(s): Jeff Horne.
Type: Online Course.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: Self-paced.
Finding and Evaluating Health Information on the Internet.
Year Developed: n.a..
Source: Upper Midwest Public Health Training Center.
Presenter(s): Christopher Childs, MS.
Type: Online Course.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 60 minutes.
Findings from the 2009–2010 National Survey of Children with Special Health Care Needs.
Year Developed: 2012.
Source: U.S. Maternal and Child Health Bureau.
Presenter(s): Michael Kogan, PhD; Stephen Blumberg, PhD; Bonnie Strickland, PhD; Christina Bethell, PhD, MPH, MBA.
Type: Webinar Archive.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 60 minutes.
Findings from the 2011–2012 National Survey of Children's Health.
Year Developed: 2013.
Source: U.S. Maternal and Child Health Bureau.
Presenter(s): Christina Bethell, PhD, MBA, MPH; Stephen Blumberg, PhD; Michael Kogan, PhD.
Type: Webinar Archive.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 60 minutes.
Five Basic Public Speaking Tips.
Year Developed: 2012.
Source: Toastmasters International.
Presenter(s): Toastmasters International.
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 5 minutes.
Foundations of Critical Thinking.
Year Developed: 2012.
Source: CityMatCH.
Presenter(s): Enoch Hale, PhD.
Type: Webinar Archive.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 35 minutes.
From Chaos to Collaboration: Discovering Consensus Among Competing Interests.
Year Developed: 2018.
Source: National Conference of State Legislatures.
Presenter(s): Larry Schooler.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 50 minutes.
From Compliance to Competency Webinars.
Year Developed: 2017?.
Source: Regional Centers for Workforce Transformation.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Webinar.
Level: Introductory
Length: Series; various lengths.
From Data to Desk: Translating Needs Assessments into Targeted Employee Training.
Year Developed: 2013.
Source: Northwest Center for Public Health Practice.
Presenter(s): Luann D’Ambrosio, MEd, Tina Abbott, MSW, Cindy Gleason, BS.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Intermediate
Length: 60 minutes.
From Early Adversity to Permanency: Implications for Occupational and Life Course Health Development.
Year Developed: 2016.
Source: UCLA Center for Healthier Children, Families & Communities, Maternal and Child Health Life Course Research Network (LCRN).
Presenter(s): Amy Lynch, PhD, OTR/L, SCFES.
Type: Webinar Archive.
Level: Intermediate
Length: 60 minutes.
From Generation to Generation: Building MCH Academic Leadership.
Year Developed: 2018.
Source: Association of Teachers of Maternal and Child Health.
Presenter(s): Christine Bozlak; Marti Coulter; Lois McCloskey; Arden Handler, DrPH.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Intermediate
Length: 77 minutes.
From Problem to Prevention: Evidence-Based Public Health.
Year Developed: 2017.
Source: National Network of Libraries of Medicine, Greater Midwest Region.
Presenter(s): Derek Johnson, MLIS.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 60 minutes.
From Theory to Data to Practice: Practical Applications of the Life Course Approach.
Year Developed: 2013.
Source: U.S. Maternal and Child Health Bureau.
Presenter(s): Cheri Pies, MSW, DrPH; Whitney P Witt, MPH; William Sappenfield, PhD; Caroline Stampfel, MPH.
Type: Webinar Archive.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 60 minutes.
Fundamentals of Qualitative Research Methods.
Year Developed: 2015.
Source: Yale University.
Presenter(s): Leslie Curry, PhD, MPH.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Introductory.
Length: Series; various lengths.
Fundamentals of the National Standards for Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services in Health and Health Care.
Year Developed: 2016.
Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Minority Health.
Presenter(s): J. Nadine Gracia, MD, MSCE.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 43 minutes.
Fundamentals of Writing a Responsive Grant Application.
Year Developed: 2015.
Source: U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Webinar.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 78 minutes.
Getting Better All the Time: Considerations and Approaches for LSR Searching.
Year Developed: 2018.
Source: Cochrane Project Transform.
Presenter(s): Robin Featherstone, Steve McDonald.
Type: n.a..
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 57 minutes.
Giving and Receiving Feedback For Personal and Professional Growth.
Year Developed: 2017.
Source: Region IV Public Health Training Center.
Presenter(s): Shana Merlin.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 90 minutes.
Good Decision Making in Real Time: Practical Public Health Ethics for Local Health Officials.
Year Developed: 2014?.
Source: National Association of County and City Health Officials.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Online Course.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 114 minutes.
Good Decision Making in Real Time: Public Health Ethics Training for Local Health Departments.
Year Developed: 2019.
Source: Centers for Disease Control; Office of Science.
Presenter(s): Drue Barrett, PhD; Ruth Gaare Bernheim, JD, MPH; Alan Melnick, MD, MPH, CPH; Leonard Ortmann, PhD; Matthew Penn, JD, MLIS.
Type: Online Course.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 63 minutes.
Grant Writing.
Year Developed: n.a..
Source: Upper Midwest Public Health Training Center.
Presenter(s): Jane Schadle RNC, MSHA.
Type: Online Course.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 60 minutes.
Growing and Sustaining: A Discussion About Healthcare Coalition Financial Models.
Year Developed: 2017.
Source: Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response, TRACIE Healthcare Emergency Preparedness Information Gateway.
Presenter(s): Melissa Harvey, RN, MSPH, John Hick, MD et al..
Type: Webinar.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 70 minutes.
Guidelines for Effective Presentations.
Year Developed: 2012.
Source: Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation.
Presenter(s): Heidi Hisey.
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 15 minutes.
Guiding Professional Development for MCH Organizations.
Year Developed: 2012.
Source: Tennessee Department of Health.
Presenter(s): Michael Warren, MD, MPH, FAAP.
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 8 minutes.
Head Start 1965.
Year Developed: 2010.
Source: n.a..
Presenter(s): Arne Duncan; Yvette Sanchez Fuentes.
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 10 minutes.
Head Start History: The Dream Lives On: Celebrating 45 Years of Head Start.
Year Developed: 2010.
Source: National Head Start Association.
Presenter(s): National Head Start Association.
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 10 minutes.
Health and Development: The Absence of Disease is Not Enough
Year Developed: 2021.
Source: Pan American Health Organization (PAHO).
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Webinar.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 94 minutes.
Health Care Transition & Title V Care Coordination Initiatives.
Year Developed: 2018.
Source: Got Transition.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Webinar.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: Series; various lengths.
Health Literacy.
Year Developed: 2014.
Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Presenter(s): Rima Rudd.
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 60 minutes.
Health Literacy 101.
Year Developed: 2021.
Source: Institute for Healthcare Advancement (IMA).
Presenter(s): Michael Villaire, MSLM (President/ CEO of IMA).
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 53 minutes.
Health Literacy and Public Health: Introduction.
Year Developed: n.a..
Source: New York City, Long Island, Lower Tri-County Public Health Training Center.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Online Course.
Level: Introductory.
Length: Self-paced.
Health Literacy for Public Health Professionals.
Year Developed: 2014.
Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Presenter(s): Cynthia Baur, PhD, Julie Gazmararian, PhD, MPH.
Type: Online Course.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: Self-paced.
Health Policy and the Federal Budget.
Year Developed: 2006.
Source: Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation
Presenter(s): Tim Westmoreland.
Type: Video.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 20 minutes.
Health Policy Communications.
Year Developed: 2007.
Source: Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation
Presenter(s): Jackie Judd.
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 15 minutes.
Health Reform: An Overview.
Year Developed: 2010.
Source: Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation.
Presenter(s): Jennifer Tolbert.
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 17 minutes.
Healthy People 2030 Webinar: Strengthening Resilience in Children and Adolescent.
Year Developed: 2023.
Source: Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion.
Presenter(s): Carter Blakey; Paul Reed MD; David Huang PhD, MPH; Lisa Followay; Sara B. Kinsman, MD, PhD; Geoffrey Whitfield, PhD, MEd.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 59 minutes.
Heartland Centers: Quality Improvement and Evaluation.
Year Developed: n.a..
Source: Missouri Institute for Community Health, Kansas TRAIN.
Presenter(s): Marty Galutia.
Type: Online Course
Level: Introductory
Length: 45 minutes.
Heartland Centers: Quality Improvement Concepts.
Year Developed: 2010.
Source: Public Health Foundation TRAIN National.
Presenter(s): Marty Galutia.
Type: Online Course.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 45 minutes.
Historical Overview of Public Health.
Year Developed: 2021.
Source: Tulane PACE (Learning Management System).
Presenter(s): Michael Fleenor, MD, MPH.
Type: Online Course.
Level: Introductory.
Length: Self-paced.
How Ethics Serves Public Health.
Year Developed: 2014.
Source: National Science Board.
Presenter(s): Arthur Caplan.
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 10 minutes.
How to Develop a Successful Research Career.
Year Developed: 2022.
Source: Maternal and Child Health Bureau.
Presenter(s): Jessica Rast MPH, Paul Shattuck PhD, MSW.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 60 minutes.
How to Give Effective Feedback: Create Better Critical Conversations.
Year Developed: 2016.
Source: GovLoop.
Presenter(s): Carolyn Mooney.
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory
Length: 10 minutes.
How to Make Sense of Your Agency’s Data: Move from Data Collection to Analytics .
Year Developed: 2018.
Source: GovLoop.
Presenter(s): Jack London.
Type: Video.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 10 minutes.
How to Manage Conflict so it Doesn't Manage You.
Year Developed: n.a..
Source: South Central Public Health Partnership.
Presenter(s): Ellen Belzer, MPA.
Type: Video Course.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 180 minutes.
How to Prevent Staff Burnout and Turnover.
Year Developed: 2019.
Source: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.
Presenter(s): Puneet Sohota & Cori Matthew.
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 60 minutes.
HRSA Women's Health Leadership Series: Women's Mental Health.
Year Developed: 2022.
Source: Health Resources and Services Administration.
Presenter(s): Nancy Mautone-Smith MSW, LCSW; Emily Hassesy MPH, CHES; Joy Burkhard MBA; Cindy Herrick MA, CPSS, MHFA.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 59 minutes.
Human Resources.
Year Developed: n.a..
Source: Upper Midwest Public Health Training Center.
Presenter(s): Paul Greufe.
Type: Online Course.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 60 minutes.
Identifying and Using Evidence-Based/Informed Resources to Address MCH Issues Training Brief.
Year Developed: 2014.
Source: MCH Navigator, National Center for Education in Maternal and Child Health.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Interactive Learning Tool.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: Self-paced.
Identifying Community Health Needs and Assets (Community Toolbox Module 2).
Year Developed: 2012.
Source: Kansas Department of Health and Environment with the KU Work Group for Community Health and Development.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Online Course.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 45 minutes.
Impact of Local Health Spending on Maternal and Child Health: Results from the PHAST Study.
Year Developed: 2013.
Source: Northwest Center for Public Health Practice.
Presenter(s): Betty Bekemeier.
Type: Video.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 60 minutes.
Impacting Process: Quality Improvement in MCH Training.
Year Developed: n.a..
Source: University of Tennessee.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Interactive Learning Tool.
Level: Advanced.
Length: Self-Paced.
Implementation Brief: Cultural Competency.
Year Developed: 2018.
Source: MCH Navigator.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Interactive Learning Tool.
Level: Introductory
Length: Self-paced.
Implementation Brief: Family-Professional Partnerships.
Year Developed: 2018.
Source: MCH Navigator.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Interactive Learning Tool.
Level: Introductory
Length: Self-paced.
Implementation Brief: Working with Communities and Systems.
Year Developed: 2018.
Source: MCH Navigator.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Interactive Learning Tool.
Level: Introductory
Length: Self-paced.
Implementing and Sustaining Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) in an Organization.
Year Developed: 2009.
Source: Upper Midwest Public Health Training Center.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Online Course.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 60 minutes.
Implications of Health Literacy for Public Health - Andrew Pleasant Presentation.
Year Developed: 2013.
Source: Institute of Medicine.
Presenter(s): Andrew Pleasant.
Type: Video.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 15 minutes.
Improving Care for Children with Chronic and Complex Needs: A Look at the National Care Coordination Standards for CYSHCN.
Year Developed: 2020.
Source: National Academy for State Health Policy (NASHP).
Presenter(s): David Bergman, MD; Cara Coleman, JD; Jeffrey Brosco, MD.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 60 minutes.
Improving Chronic Disease Outcomes Through Approaches that Address Social Determinants of Health.
Year Developed: 2020.
Source: The Office of Research on Women’s Health; HIG DPCPSI.
Presenter(s): Leah H Rubin, PhD, MPH; Marie Lynnn Miranda, PhD.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 55 minutes.
Improving Systems of Care for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs and Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Year Developed: 2017.
Source: National Conference of State Legislatures.
Presenter(s): Tahra Johnson; Michelle Jarvis; Shawna Wright; Thomas Holmes; Susan Lontine.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Introductory
Length: 58 minutes.
Improving the Public’s Health: A Conversation about Leadership with Dr. Leana Wen.
Year Developed: 2020.
Source: Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.
Presenter(s): Leana Wen, MD.
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 28 minutes.
Improving Your Communication Skills.
Year Developed: 2004.
Source: South Central Public Health Partnership.
Presenter(s): Dr. Timothy Keogh.
Type: Video Course.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 120 minutes.
Improving Your Injury and Violence Prevention Practice: How the Core Competencies Can Work for You.
Year Developed: 2017.
Source: Southeastern and Southwestern Injury Prevention Alliance and Safe States Alliance.
Presenter(s): Shelli Stephens-Stidham, Tom Songer, Mary Ann Contreras, Kristen Lindemer.
Type: Webinar Archive.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 90 minutes.
In Brief: The Foundations of Lifelong Health.
Year Developed: 2011.
Source: Center on the Developing Child (Harvard University).
Presenter(s): Jack P. Shonkoff, MD; Tom Boyce; Bruce S. McEwen, PhD; Bernard Guyer, MD, MPH; David R. Williams.
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 7 minutes.
In the Know: Social Media for Public Health Webcast Series.
Year Developed: n.a..
Source: National Prevention Information Network.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Webinar Archive.
Level: Introductory.
Length: Series; various lengths.
Inclusive Research: Engaging People Closest to the Issue Makes for Better Science & Greater Impact.
Year Developed: 2023.
Source: National Institutes of Justice.
Presenter(s): Ronald Day, Henrika McCoy, Megan Denver, Chas Moore, and Linda Seabrook.
Type: Presentation.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 63 minutes.
Increasing Health Care Access for Teens through Medicaid & CHIP.
Year Developed: 2018.
Presenter(s): Denise Daly Konrad.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 51 minutes.
Increasing Impact by Engaging Your Audience: A Guide to Social Marketing for Systems of Care.
Year Developed: 2020.
Source: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.
Presenter(s): Matthew D. Clay, MS; Michelle Boardman; Anita Bryant.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 90 minutes.
Individual + Policy, System, and Environmental (I+PSE) Conceptual Framework for Action Training Bundle.
Year Developed: 2022.
Source: MCH Navigator.
Presenter(s): Angie Tagtow, MS, RD; Dena Herman, PhD, MPH, RD; Leslie Cunningham-Sabo, PhD, RDN.
Type: Interactive Learning Tool.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: Self-paced.
Infusing Cultural and Linguistic Competence into Health Promotion Training.
Year Developed: 2004.
Source: Georgetown University, National Center for Cultural Competence.
Presenter(s): Suzanne Bronheim, PhD; Tawara Goode.
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 90 minutes (this learning opportunity is broken down into multiple sections so the user can learn at their own speed).
Innovations in Federal Surveys to Assess the Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Children & Families.
Year Developed: 2022.
Source: Maternal and Child Health Bureau.
Presenter(s): Michael Kogan, Reem Ghandour, Jessica Jones, Anika Schenck-Fontaine, & Olivia Sappenfield.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 74. minutes.
Innovations in Patient Engagement to Improve Patient Safety in Primary Care.
Year Developed: 2018.
Source: Clinical Directors Network.
Presenter(s): Kelly M. Smith, PhD; Kelley M. Baker, MA.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Intermediate
Length: Series; various lengths.
Innovative Approaches to Collecting Needs Assessment Data.
Year Developed: 2020.
Source: Maternal Health Learning Innovation Center.
Presenter(s): Rebecca Gillam, Chris Tilden.
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 13 minutes.
Innovative Strategies for Outreach and Engagement of Young People in Behavioral Health Services.
Year Developed: 2020.
Source: The Institute for Innovation & Implementation.
Presenter(s): Tonicia Freeman-Foster.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 77 minutes.
Institutional Review Board (IRB) Challenges in QI & Research.
Year Developed: 2015.
Source: U.S. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Pratice-Based Research Networks.
Presenter(s): Holly A. Taylor, PhD, MPH; Mark S. Schreiner, MD; Alex Fiks, MD, MSCE, CHOP.
Type: Webinar Archive.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 87 minutes.
Integrating Early Childhood Data.
Year Developed: 2017.
Source: National Conference of State Legislatures.
Presenter(s): Elizabeth Dabney, Carlise King.
Type: n.a..
Level: Introductory.
Length: 52 minutes.
Integration and Coordination in a Changing Public Health World.
Year Developed: 2015.
Source: Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs.
Presenter(s): Cynthia Morrison; Janna Bardi, MPH; Pama Joyner, PhD.
Type: Video.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 61 minutes.
Intercultural Communication.
Year Developed: 2020.
Source: University of Missouri.
Presenter(s): Steve Klien.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 26 minutes.
Interdisciplinary/ Interprofessional Training Brief.
Year Developed: Unknown.
Source: MCH Navigator.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Interactive Learning Tool.
Level: Introductory
Length: Self-paced.
Intro to Continuous Quality Improvement.
Year Developed: 2020.
Source: Community Action Partnership.
Presenter(s): Barbara Mooney, and Courtney Kohler.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 30 minutes.
Introducing the Competencies for Performance Improvement Professionals in Public Health.
Year Developed: 2018.
Source: Public Health Foundation.
Presenter(s): Kathleen Amos, MLIS; Ron Bialek, MPP.
Type: Webinar Archive.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 58 minutes.
Introduction to an Integrated Approach (WISH Module 1).
Year Developed: 2012.
Source: North Carolina Institute for Public Health.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Online Course.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 25 minutes.
Introduction to Biostatistics.
Year Developed: n.a..
Source: University of Minnesota School of Public Health.
Presenter(s): Susan Telke.
Type: Interactive Learning Tool.
Level: Introductory.
Length: Self-paced.
Introduction to Community Needs Assessment: Finding the Data
Year Developed: 2020.
Source: Network of the National Library of Medicine [NNLM].
Presenter(s): Robert Martiniano, DrPH, MPA.
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 47 minutes.
Introduction to Conflict Resolution Webinar.
Year Developed: 2022.
Source: Medical Mediation Foundation.
Presenter(s): Sarah Barclay, Oscar Mathew, Gaynor Whiter.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 60 minutes.
Introduction to Epidemiology.
Year Developed: n.a..
Source: University of Minnesota School of Public Health.
Presenter(s): University of Minnesota School of Public Health.
Type: Online Course.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 60 minutes.
Introduction to Epidemiology.
Year Developed: n.a..
Source: South Central Public Health Partnership.
Presenter(s): Patricia Kissinger, PhD.
Type: Online Course
Level: Introductory.
Length: 420 minutes.
Introduction to Evidence-Informed Decision Making.
Year Developed: n.a..
Source: National Collaborating Centre for Methods and Tools.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Interactive Learning Tool.
Level: Introductory.
Length: Self-paced.
Introduction to Instrumental Variables Based Methods for Causal Inference in Health Research.
Year Developed: 2016.
Source: U.S. Maternal and Child Health Bureau, Office of Epidemiology and Research.
Presenter(s): Maria Glymour, PhD.
Type: Webinar Archive.
Level: Intermediate
Length: 90 minutes.
Introduction to Outbreak Investigation.
Year Developed: n.a..
Source: Northwest Center for Public Health Practice.
Presenter(s): Jeff Duchin, MD.
Type: Narrated Slide Presentation.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 60 minutes.
Introduction to Program Monitoring and Evaluation in Maternal and Child Health: Session Five -- Data Collection.
Year Developed: n.a..
Source: South Central Public Health Partnership.
Presenter(s): Francoise Grossmann, RN, MPH .
Type: Online Course.
Level: Introductory.
Length: Self-paced.
Introduction to Program Monitoring and Evaluation in Maternal and Child Health: Session Four -- Outcome Evaluation .
Year Developed: n.a..
Source: South Central Public Health Partnership.
Presenter(s): Francoise Grossmann, RN, MPH.
Type: Interactive Learning Tool.
Level: Introductory.
Length: Self-paced.
Introduction to Program Monitoring and Evaluation in Maternal and Child Health: Session One -- Monitoring & Evaluation: What? When? Who?.
Year Developed: 2012.
Source: South Central Public Health Training Center.
Presenter(s): Francoise Grossman, RN, MPH.
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 120 minutes.
Introduction to Program Monitoring and Evaluation in Maternal and Child Health: Session Three -- Process Evaluation.
Year Developed: n.a..
Source: South Central Public Health Partnership.
Presenter(s): Francoise Grossmann, RN, MPH.
Type: Interactive Learning Tool.
Level: Introductory.
Length: Self-paced.
Introduction to Program Monitoring and Evaluation in Maternal and Child Health: Session Two –- Program Description and Logic Model.
Year Developed: n.a..
Source: South Central Public Health Partnership.
Presenter(s): Francoise Grossmann, RN, MPH.
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 120 minutes.
Introduction to Proposal Writing.
Year Developed: 2015.
Source: Foundation Center.
Presenter(s): Caroline Herbert.
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 28 minutes.
Introduction to Public Health Surveillance.
Year Developed: n.a..
Source: Northwest Center for Public Health Practice.
Presenter(s): James L. Gale, MD, MS.
Type: Online Course.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 90 minutes.
Introduction to Systems Thinking.
Year Developed: 2020.
Source: National MCH Workforce Development Center.
Presenter(s): Kristen Hassmill Lich.
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 22 minutes.
Investing in Children’s Health and Well-being.
Year Developed: 2021.
Source: National Institute for HealthCare Management.
Presenter(s): Kelly Kelleher, MD; Amy Green, PhD; Erika Kirby.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 75 minutes.
Is That Really Bullying? How to Tell and What Schools Can Do.
Year Developed: 2021.
Source: Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Center for Injury Research and Prevention.
Presenter(s): Brooke Taskewich, PsyD; Ann L. Perepezko, MSW LSW; Tracy E. Waasdorp, PhD MEd.
Type: n.a..
Level: Introductory.
Length: 90 minutes.
Laying the Foundation for Family Engagement: Recommended Practices for Meaningful Family Participation and Engagement.
Year Developed: 2023.
Source: DEC Family Partnership Community of Practice.
Presenter(s): Deepa Srinvasavaradan.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Intermediate
Length: 58 minutes.
Leadership and Advocacy: Trends and Challenges in Maternal and Child Health.
Year Developed: 2011.
Source: South Central Public Health Partnership.
Presenter(s): Michael Fraser, PhD.
Type: Video.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: Self-paced.
Leadership and Management: Basic Budgeting Concepts.
Year Developed: 2021.
Source: North Dakota Public Health Training Network.
Presenter(s): Terry L Dwelle, MD.
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 42 minutes.
Leadership Conversations: Communicate to Become a More Effective Leader.
Year Developed: 2015.
Source: GovLoop.
Presenter(s): Alan S. Berson.
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 30 minutes.
Leadership is a Journey: A Series for Youth Self-Advocates.
Year Developed: 2018.
Source: Family Voices and National Center for Family-Professional Partnerships.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Webinar Archive.
Level: Introductory
Length: Series; various lengths.
Leadership, Strategic Planning and Systems Approaches.
Year Developed: n.a..
Source: South Central Public Health Partnership.
Presenter(s): Peter M. Ginter, PhD.
Type: Video Course.
Level: Intermediate
Length: 600 minutes.
Leadership: Giving and Receiving Feedback.
Year Developed: 2013.
Source: Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Women’s and Children’s Health Policy Center.
Presenter(s): Robert Wm. Blum, MD, PhD, MPH.
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 40 minutes.
Leading by Convening.
Year Developed: n.a..
Source: National Center for Systemic Improvement.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Webinar.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: Series; various lengths.
Leading for Engagement: Getting Employees to Love What They Do.
Year Developed: 2015.
Source: GovLoop.
Presenter(s): Brian Crewe.
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 8 minutes.
Leading in Changing Times Webinar Series.
Year Developed: 2014.
Source: Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs.
Presenter(s): Karen Trierweiler, Valerie Ricker, and Stephanie Wrightsman-Birch.
Type: Webinar Archive.
Level: Intermediate
Length: Series, various lengths (approximately 45 minutes each).
Leading Remote Teams in the Time of COVID-19 and Beyond .
Year Developed: 2020.
Source: University of Maryland School of Social Work Institute for Innovation and Implementation.
Presenter(s): Ellen B. Kagen, MSW.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Intermediate
Length: 90 minutes.
Leading through Health System Change: A Public Health Opportunity.
Year Developed: n.a..
Source: Georgia Health Policy Center.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: n.a..
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 12 minutes.
Leading with Lived Experience: Informing Health Department Viral Hepatitis Elimination Programs.
Year Developed: 2023.
Source: NASTAD.
Presenter(s): Eliot Davis, Tina Reynolds, Donté Smith, and Nick Voyles.
Type: Presentation.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 75 minutes.
Learning from Lived Experience: Understanding Barriers to Recovery.
Year Developed: 2022.
Source: RIZE Massachusetts.
Presenter(s): Daryl McGraw, Shannon DiNardo, Lisa Blanchard, and Daniel Rodriguez.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 70 minutes.
Learning Opportunities for the Title V Workforce in Communities and at the Local Level Training Brief.
Year Developed: Unknown.
Source: MCH Navigator.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Interactive Learning Tool.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: Self-paced.
Lessons Learned from Measuring Return on Investment in Public Health Quality Improvement Initiatives.
Year Developed: 2016.
Source: Center for Public Health Quality.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: n.a..
Level: Intermediate.
Length: n.a..
Leveraging Feedback in Community Engagement.
Year Developed: 2019.
Source: Switchboard TA.
Presenter(s): Brianne Casey, and Rebecca Mulqueen.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 60 minutes.
Life Course Health Development of Individuals with Cerebral Palsy.
Year Developed: 2017.
Source: UCLA Center for Healthier Children, Families & Communities, Maternal and Child Health Life Course Research Network (LCRN).
Presenter(s): Briano Di Rezze, PhD; Matthew Freeman, MA; Robert Palisano, PT, ScD, FAPTA; Debra Stewart, MSc, OT Reg. (Ont.).
Type: Webinar.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 15:05 minutes.
Life Course Nutrition: Maternal and Child Health Strategies in Public Health.
Year Developed: 2011.
Source: Northwest Center for Public Health Practice.
Presenter(s): Donna B. Johnson, PhD, RD, Elizabeth Adams, PhD, RD, Marion Taylor Baer, PhD, RD, Leslie Cunningham-Sabo, PhD, RD, Dena Herman, PhD, MPH, RD.
Type: Online Course.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 75 minutes.
Life of a Benchmark or Benchmarks for Real Life.
Year Developed: 2013.
Source: Northwest Center for Public Health Practice.
Presenter(s): Kathleen Anger, PhD.
Type: Webinar Archive.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 58 minutes.
Listening Before We Speak: Understanding Our Audience in Times of Disaster #SomosSocial
Year Developed: 2016.
Source: Federal Emergency Management Agency, Digitalgov.
Presenter(s): Daniel Llargues, Lucia Castro Herrera.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Introductory
Length: 57 minutes.
Local Health Policy 101: Understanding Ordinances, Resolutions, and Proclamations.
Year Developed: 2018.
Source: Network for Public Health Law.
Presenter(s): Jill Krueger, JD.
Type: Webinar Archive.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 63 minutes.
Logic Models and Outcome Measurement.
Year Developed: n.a..
Source: Northwest Center for Public Health Practice.
Presenter(s): Betty Bekemeier, PhD, MPH.
Type: Online Course.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 40 minutes.
Making America Stronger: U.S. Food Stamp Program.
Year Developed: 2007.
Source: Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.
Presenter(s): Jeff Bridges.
Type: Video.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 14 minutes.
Making Data Talk: Communicating Public Health Data to the Public, Policy Makers, and the Press.
Year Developed: 2010.
Source: National Cancer Institute.
Presenter(s): David Nilson, MD, MPH; Brad Hesse, PhD.
Type: Video.
Level: Advanced.
Length: 60 minutes.
Making Epidemiology Fun for Undergrads.
Year Developed: 2017.
Source: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Presenter(s): Robert H Friis, PhD.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 59 minutes.
Making Sense of Numbers: Understanding Risks and Benefits. Communicating Numerical Health Information.
Year Developed: 2019.
Source: National Network of Libraries of Medicine, Pacific Northwest Region.
Presenter(s): Michelle Burda.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 90 minutes.
Making Sense of Numbers: Understanding Risks and Benefits. Learning How to Communicate Health Statistics.
Year Developed: 2023.
Source: National Network of Libraries of Medicine, Pacific Northwest Region.
Presenter(s): Nancy Shin.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 90 minutes.
Male Engagement to Improve Maternal Health.
Year Developed: 2021.
Source: Maternal Health Learning Innovation Center.
Presenter(s): Wesley Bugg, Charles Daniels, Calvin Williams, Reade Milner.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 64 minutes.
Management and Public Health Leadership.
Year Developed: 2020.
Source: North Dakota Public Health Training Network.
Presenter(s): Terry L. Dwelle, M.D. (President of North Dakota Public Health Training Network).
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 34 minutes.
Managing and Motivating Effective Public Health Performance.
Year Developed: n.a..
Source: South Central Public Health Partnership.
Presenter(s): W. Jack Duncan, PhD.
Type: Video Course.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 420 minutes.
Managing Change in Public Health: Bringing out the Leader in Each of Us.
Year Developed: 2009.
Source: South Central Public Health Partnership.
Presenter(s): Sheila W. Chauvin, PhD, MEd.
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory
Length: Self-paced (90 minute video).
Managing Conflict at Work: Effective Strategies for Successful Resolution.
Year Developed: 2018.
Source: HRDQ-U.
Presenter(s): Jennifer Nickisher.
Type: Webinar Archive.
Level: Intermediate
Length: 50 minutes.
Managing Conflict in the Workplace.
Year Developed: n.a..
Source: South Central Public Health Partnership.
Presenter(s): Tim Keogh, PhD.
Type: Video Course.
Level: Intermediate
Length: 120 minutes.
MANTRA Research Data Managment Training.
Year Developed: 2014.
Source: University of Edinborough, Scotland.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Online Course.
Level: Intermediate
Length: Series, various lengths; each unit takes up to one hour, plus time for further reading and carrying out the data handling exercises.
Mastering the Roles of Supervision.
Year Developed: 2007.
Source: New York City, Long Island, Lower Tri-County Public Health Training Center.
Presenter(s): Unknown.
Type: Online Course.
Level: Intermediate
Length: 180 minutes.
Maternal and Child Health "System" Organization: Ideas, People, Events/Context, and Fundamental Questions.
Year Developed: 2011.
Source: Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
Presenter(s): Holly Grason, MA.
Type: Narrated Slide Presentation.
Level: Introductory
Length: 47 minutes.
Maternal and Child Health "System" Organization: Maternal and Child Health Policy Context.
Year Developed: 2011.
Source: Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
Presenter(s): Holly Grason, MA.
Type: Narrated Slide Presentation.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 47 minutes.
Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Timeline in the United States.
Year Developed: 2013.
Source: Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs.
Presenter(s): N/A.
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 3 minutes.
Maternal and Child Health Community Centers: Background.
Year Developed: 2011.
Source: Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
Presenter(s): Holly Grason, MA.
Type: Narrated Slide Presentation.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 45 minutes.
Maternal and Child Health Community Health Centers: Characteristics of Community Health Clinics.
Year Developed: 2011.
Source: Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
Presenter(s): Holly Grason, MA.
Type: Narrated Slide Presentation.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 45 minutes.
Maternal and Child Health Title V Programs: How the Title V MCH Program Works Today.
Year Developed: 2011.
Source: Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
Presenter(s): Holly Grason, MA.
Type: Narrated Slide Presentation.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 52 minutes.
Maternal and Child Health Welfare Programming in the U.S.: Past and Present.
Year Developed: 2011.
Source: Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
Presenter(s): Holly Grason, MA.
Type: Narrated Slide Presentation.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 40 minutes.
Maternal Health in Crisis: Ensuring Nationwide Access to Maternity Care Providers.
Year Developed: 2017.
Source: Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs and NIHCM Foundation.
Presenter(s): Ashlyn Christianson, Katy Kozhimannil PhD, Mallory Schwarz.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 90 minutes.
Maternal Mortality and New Risks to Women’s Reproductive Health.
Year Developed: 2022.
Source: National Institute for Health Care Management Foundation.
Presenter(s): Ndidiamaka Amutah-Onukagha, PhD, MPH; Sindhu K Sriniva, MD; Adam Myers, MD.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 65 minutes.
Maternal, Child, and Adolescent Health Life Course Perspective, Practice, and Leadership Training Series.
Year Developed: 2019.
Source: Center of Excellence in Maternal, Child, and Adolescent Health; University of California, Berkley.
Presenter(s): Michael Lu, MD, MS, MPH; Paula Braveman, MD, MPH; Kiko Malin, MSW/MPH; Anthony Iton, MD, JD, MPH; and Vijaya Hogan, MPH, DrPH. Moderated by Julianna Deardorff, PdD.
Type: Online Course.
Level: Introductory
Length: 5 modules; self-paced.
MCH 3.0 Virtual Town Hall.
Year Developed: 2014.
Source: Maternal and Child Health Training Program, Division of MCH Workforce Development.
Presenter(s): Michael C. Lu, MD, MPH.
Type: Narrated Slide Presentation.
Level: Introductory.
Length: n.a..
MCH Block Grant (MCH 3.0) Training Spotlight.
Year Developed: 2014.
Source: MCH Navigator.
Presenter(s): John Richards, MA.
Type: Interactive Learning Tool.
Level: Introductory
Length: Series, various lengths.
MCH Bridges - The Official AMCHP Podcast Episode #4: Preparing for the Unexpected, Lessons from MCH Emergency Preparedness & Response Efforts.
Year Developed: 2022.
Source: Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs.
Presenter(s): Dr. Tobi Amosun, Jacquie Johnson, Camille Delgado-López.
Type: Podcast.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 24 minutes.
MCH Bridges - The Official AMCHP Podcast Episode #5: Rest is Infinite: Shifting Our Mindsets on Rest & Productivity.
Year Developed: 2022.
Source: Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs.
Presenter(s): Marissa McKool and Maura Leahy.
Type: Podcast.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 32 minutes.
MCH Essentials Series.
Year Developed: 2021.
Source: Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Online Course.
Level: Introductory.
Length: Self-paced.
MCH Financing Lecture.
Year Developed: n.a..
Source: Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
Presenter(s): Katharine E. Witgert, MPH, National Academy for State Health Policy.
Type: Video.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: Introduction (3 min., 2 sec.), Medicaid (18 min., 21 sec.), CHIP (8 min., 56 sec.), Health Insurance Marketplaces (8 min. 6 sec.), Conclusion (4 min., 2 sec.).
MCH Navigator: A Training Tool for the Title V Workforce.
Year Developed: 2014.
Source: Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs.
Presenter(s): John Richards, MA.
Type: Narrated Slide Presentation.
Level: Introductory
Length: 60 minutes.
MCH Needs Assessment Toolkit.
Year Developed: 2019.
Source: National MCH Workforce Development Center, AMCHP, and the MCH Navigator.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Interactive Learning Tool.
Level: Introductory
Length: Self-paced.
MCH Policy and Advocacy: A Focused Look.
Year Developed: 2018.
Source: University of Illinois at Chicago.
Presenter(s): Arden Handler, DrPH.
Type: Video.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 75 minutes total, broken up into 10 short videos.
MCH Public Health Academic Journey Project.
Year Developed: 2019.
Source: Association of Teachers in MCH (ATMCH), Centers of Excellence in MCH (CoE-MCH), and MCH Navigator.
Presenter(s): Various.
Type: Narrated Slide Presentation.
Level: Introductory.
Length: Varied, approximately 40-45 minutes each.
MCH System Partners (The Very Briefest of Introductions): Health Insurance and Summary.
Year Developed: 2012.
Source: Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
Presenter(s): Holly Grason, MA.
Type: Narrated Slide Presentation.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 40 minutes.
MCH System Partners (The Very Briefest of Introductions): Health Security Programs.
Year Developed: 2012.
Source: Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
Presenter(s): Holly Grason, MA.
Type: Narrated Slide Presentation.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 40 minutes.
MCH Timeline.
Year Developed: 2015.
Source: U.S. Maternal and Child Health Bureau.
Presenter(s): U.S. Maternal and Child Health Bureau.
Type: Interactive Learning Tool.
Level: Introductory.
Length: Self-paced.
MCH-Medicaid Coordination Training Brief.
Year Developed: 2016.
Source: MCH Navigator.
Presenter(s): John Richards, MA AITP.
Type: Interactive Learning Tool.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: Series; various lengths.
MCHB Technical Assistance Provider Webinar: COVID-19 Impacts and Next Steps.
Year Developed: 2021.
Source: Maternal and Child Health Bureau.
Presenter(s): Michael Warren, MD.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 187 minutes.
MCHwork: Successful Engagement with People with Lived Experience.
Year Developed: 2023.
Source: MCH Navigator and the National MCH Workforce Development Center.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Interactive Learning Tool.
Level: Introductory.
Length: Self-paced.
Measurement Selection and Development for Maternal and Child Health Research.
Year Developed: 2012.
Source: U.S. Maternal and Child Health Bureau, Office of Epidemiology and Research.
Presenter(s): James Guevara, MD, MPH; Carole Tucker, PT, PhD.
Type: Webinar Archive.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 60 minutes.
Measuring a Life Course Approach to MCH: The AMCHP Life Course Metrics Project and Final Set of Indicators.
Year Developed: 2013.
Source: Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs.
Presenter(s): Caroline Stampfel, MPH (moderator); William Sappenfield, MD, MPH; Ghasi Phillips, ScD, MS; Brenda Fink, Brenda Fink, ACSW.
Type: Webinar Archive.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: n.a..
Measuring Family Engagement in MCH Research: Opportunities and Challenges.
Year Developed: 2018.
Source: U.S. Maternal and Child Health Bureau, Office of Epidemiology and Research.
Presenter(s): Christina Bethell, PhD, MBA, MPH; Clarissa Hoover, MPH.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 57 minutes.
Measuring Family Experience of Care Integration to Improve Care Delivery.
Year Developed: 2017.
Source: Lucile Packard Foundation for Children's Health.
Presenter(s): Hannah Rosenberg, MSc; Rebecca Baum, MD.
Type: Webinar Archive.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 31 minutes.
Measuring Science Impact.
Year Developed: 2014.
Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Presenter(s): Harvey Fineberg, MD, PhD; Mary Ari, PhD.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 60 minutes.
Measuring the Return on Investment in Maternal and Child Health Programs.
Year Developed: 2013.
Source: U.S. Maternal and Child Health Bureau.
Presenter(s): Scott Grosse, PhD; Stephanie Lee; Ricardo Basurto-Dávila, PhD, MSc.
Type: Webinar Archive.
Level: Intermediate
Length: 90 minutes.
Mediation Skills: Peaceful Resolution and Soothing Communication Tips.
Year Developed: 2018.
Source: n.a..
Presenter(s): Tracey Wiltgen, Esq..
Type: n.a..
Level: Intermediate
Length: 90 minutes.
Medicaid 101: What You Need to Know.
Year Developed: 2013.
Source: Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation
Presenter(s): Ed Howard.
Type: Video.
Level: Advanced.
Length: 1 hour 42 minutes.
Medicaid and CHIP Fundamentals.
Year Developed: 2015.
Source: National Health Policy Forum.
Presenter(s): Chris L. Peterson, MPP.
Type: Video.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 51 minutes.
Mental Health-Focused Methods and Tools to Support Evidence-Informed Decision Making.
Year Developed: 2016.
Source: National Collaborating Centre for Methods and Tools.
Presenter(s): Susan Snelling, PhD.
Type: Webinar Archive.
Level: Introductory
Length: 90 minutes.
Mentoring and Coaching.
Year Developed: 2011.
Source: South Central Public Health Partnership.
Presenter(s): Louis Rowitz, PhD.
Type: Narrated Slide Presentation.
Level: Introductory
Length: 120 minutes.
Mentoring in Our Lives: The Voices of Students and Maternal and Child Health Professionals.
Year Developed: 2014.
Source: Georgetown University, National Center for Cultural Competence.
Presenter(s): Harolyn Belcher, MD, MHS; Christine Chan; Lucy Guevara; Stacy Hodgkinson, PhD; Kristin Hunt, PhD; Michael Jenkins, MPH; Sabrina Roundtree; Damian Waters.
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: Fifty-three videos ranging in length from 28 seconds to 5 minutes, 29 seconds each.
Messaging and Advocacy for Public Health Professionals.
Year Developed: 2018.
Source: Michigan Public Health Training Center.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Online Course.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: unstated.
Middle Childhood – An Evolutionary Developmental Synthesis.
Year Developed: 2017.
Source: UCLA Center for Healthier Children, Families & Communities, Maternal and Child Health Life Course Research Network (LCRN).
Presenter(s): Marco Del Giudice, PhD.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 15 minutes.
Mini-tutorials [on human subjects research].
Year Developed: 2017.
Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Human Research Protections.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Video.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: Series, various lengths.
Module 3: Epidemiologic Studies: A General Overview.
Year Developed: 2022.
Source: Centers for Disease Control.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Webinar.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 15 minutes.
More than Money: The Keys to Achieving Long-Term Sustainability.
Year Developed: 2013.
Source: National Healthy Tomorrows Technical Assistance Resource Center at the American Academy of Pediatrics.
Presenter(s): Kevin D. Monroe.
Type: Webinar Archive.
Level: Intermediate
Length: Webinar 1: 65 minutes; webinar 2: 50 minutes; webinar 3: 66 minutes; webinar 4: 70 minutes.
Motivational Interviewing: Supporting Patients in Health Behavior Change.
Year Developed: n.a..
Source: Upper Midwest Public Health Training Center.
Presenter(s): Rebecca Lang EdD, RDH, CHES.
Type: Online Course.
Level: Introductory
Length: 60 minutes.
Moving from Assessment to Action in Community Health Improvement.
Year Developed: 2017.
Source: Public Health Foundation and Association for Community Health Improvement.
Presenter(s): Shawna Mercer, MSc, PhD, Stephen Petty, MA, Carrie Blumert, MPH, Sara Barry, MEd, LBP, Kevin A. Alvarnaz, MBA, and Jack Moran, MBA, PhD.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 59 minutes.
Moving the Needle on Maternal Health: Updates on Federal and State Initiatives.
Year Developed: 2023.
Source: National Association of Medicaid Directors.
Presenter(s): William Callaghan, MD, MPH; Elliot Main, MD; Kimberly Sherman, MPH.
Type: Podcast.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 60 minutes.
National Institutes of Health Plain Language Online Training.
Year Developed: n.a..
Source: National Institutes of Health.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Interactive Learning Tool.
Level: Intermediate
Length: Self-paced.
Needs of Our Children: Pediatric Care Before, During and After Disasters.
Year Developed: 2021.
Source: South Central Public Health Training Center.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Online Course.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: Self-paced.
Negotiating Skills for Changing Times.
Year Developed: 2012?.
Source: South Central Public Health Partnership.
Presenter(s): Ellen Belzer, MPA.
Type: n.a..
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 117 minutes.
Negotiating Team Conflicts Productively.
Year Developed: 2013.
Source: People on the Go.
Presenter(s): Eugene Dilan, PsyD.
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 50 minutes.
Negotiation and Conflict Resolution Training Brief.
Year Developed: unknown.
Source: MCH Navigator.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Interactive Learning Tool.
Level: Introductory
Length: Self-paced.
Network Analysis in MCH Practice.
Year Developed: 2014.
Source: National MCH Workforce Development Center.
Presenter(s): Lorie Wayne Chesnut, DrPH, MPH.
Type: n.a..
Level: Introductory.
Length: n.a..
New Grantee Orientation: Division of MCH Workforce Development.
Year Developed: 2018.
Source: U.S. Maternal and Child Health Bureau.
Presenter(s): Lauren Raskin Ramos, MPH; Laura Kavanagh, MPP; Meredith Morrisette, MPH.
Type: Webinar Archive.
Level: Introductory.
Length: Series; length varies.
Newborn Screening Quality Improvement: State Initiatives to Improve Newborn Screening Processes.
Year Developed: 2015.
Source: Association of State and Territorial Health Officials.
Presenter(s): Paul Jarris, MD, MBA; Michael Lu, MD, MS, MPH; Will Humble, MPH; Celia Nabor, MPA; Karen McKeown, RN, MSN; Yvonne Kellar-Guenther, PhD.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Advanced.
Length: 90 minutes.
Nexus: National Center Summit on the Future of IPE [Interprofessional Practice and Education].
Year Developed: 2016.
Source: National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education and the American Interprofessional Health Collaborative.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Webinar.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: Series, various lengths.
Nonverbal Communication Speaks Volumes in the Workplace.
Year Developed: 2017.
Source: American Society of Civil Engineers.
Presenter(s): Brock Barry, Ph.D., P.E., F.ASCE.
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 7 minutes.
Nothing About Us Without Us: Growing Meaningful Youth Involvement in Your Organization.
Year Developed: 2016.
Source: University of Massachusetts Medical School, Transitions to Adulthood Center for Research.
Presenter(s): Tania Duperoy, BA; Amanda Costa, BS.
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 56 minutes.
Novel Approaches to Public Health: Tech and Innovation for Supporting Public Health.
Year Developed: 2017-2018.
Source: Public Health Institute.
Presenter(s): Sue Grinnell and others.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Introductory.
Length: Series, various lengths.
Operationalizing Family and Youth Leadership in Systems of Care (SOCs).
Year Developed: 2019.
Source: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.
Presenter(s): Johanna Bergen and Millie Sweeny.
Type: Webinar Archive.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 84 minutes.
Operationalizing Family Voice and Leadership in Systems of Care.
Year Developed: 2020.
Source: The Institute for Innovation & Implementation.
Presenter(s): Millie Sweeney; Jane Walker.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 72 minutes.
Operationalizing Leadership in Systems of Care (SOCs).
Year Developed: 2019.
Source: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.
Presenter(s): Ellen Kagen.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 90 minutes.
Operationalizing SOC Communication: Telling Stories That Work.
Year Developed: 2019.
Source: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.
Presenter(s): Jennifer Nichols, PhD.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 82 minutes.
Operationalizing State-Community Partnerships for SOC Expansion.
Year Developed: 2019.
Source: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.
Presenter(s): Angela Keller, Joanne Trinkle, Bonita Raine, and Sheamekah Williams.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 86 minutes.
Operationalizing the Transformation of the MCH Block Grant.
Year Developed: 2015.
Source: Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs.
Presenter(s): Michele Lawler, MS, RD; Christopher Dykton; EJ Tom.
Type: Video.
Level: Advanced.
Length: 170 minutes.
Opioids and Early Adversity: Connecting Childhood Trauma and Addiction.
Year Developed: 2018.
Source: National Conference of State Legislatures.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 60 minutes.
Orientation to Public Health.
Year Developed: n.a..
Source: New York - New Jersey Public Health Training Center.
Presenter(s): Jim Cummings.
Type: Online Course.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 90 minutes.
Orientation to the Essentials of Public Health (Advanced Level).
Year Developed: 2006.
Source: South Central Public Health Partnership.
Presenter(s): Carolyn C. Johnson, PhD, NCC, LPC; Thomas Farley, MD MPH; Joan Wightkin, Richard Culbertson.
Type: Video Course.
Level: Advanced.
Length: 240 minutes.
Orientation to the Essentials of Public Health (Intermediate Level).
Year Developed: 2006.
Source: South Central Public Health Partnership.
Presenter(s): Patrick Flaherty, MPP.
Type: Video Course.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 240 minutes.
Orientation to the Essentials of Public Health (Introductory Level).
Year Developed: 2009.
Source: South Central Public Health Training Center.
Presenter(s): Donald E. Williamson, MD, State Health Officer, Alabama Department of Public Health.
Type: Video Course.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 60 minutes.
Orientation to the State Systems Development Initiative Minimum/Core Dataset Implementation Guide.
Year Developed: 2015.
Source: U.S. Maternal and Child Health Bureau.
Presenter(s): Mary Kay Kenney; Dina Dickerson.
Type: Webinar Archive.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 60 minutes.
Outbreak at Watersedge.
Year Developed: 2004.
Source: University of Minnesota School of Public Health.
Presenter(s): Jayne Griffith, MA, MPH.
Type: Interactive Learning Tool.
Level: Intermediate
Length: 60 minutes.
Overcoming the Challenges of Data Analytics in Government: Embrace Data Analytics.
Year Developed: 2016.
Source: GovLoop.
Presenter(s): Jack London.
Type: Video.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 30 minutes.
Overview of Quality Improvement Tools - Webinar Series.
Year Developed: n.a..
Source: National MCH Workforce Development Center.
Presenter(s): N/A.
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: Self-paced.
Participating in Advisory Groups.
Year Developed: 2017.
Source: Family Voices and National Center for Family/Professional Partnerships.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Webinar Archive.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 68 minutes.
Partnering in the Title V Block Grant Process.
Year Developed: 2015.
Source: National Center for Family Professional Partnerships.
Presenter(s): Nora Wells, Lisa Maynes, Pip Marks, Joni Bruce, Diana Autin.
Type: Webinar Archive.
Level: Advanced.
Length: 64 minutes.
Partnering to Catalyze Comprehensive Community Wellness.
Year Developed: 2018.
Source: Public Health Institute.
Presenter(s): John Weisman, DrPH, MPH; Georgia Heise, BS, MS, DrPH; Bellinda K. Schoof, MHA, CPHQ.
Type: Webinar Archive.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 50 minutes.
Patient & Family Centered Care: A New Generation.
Year Developed: 2015.
Source: Michigan Medicine.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 7.29 minutes.
Patient- and Family-Centered Care.
Year Developed: 2015.
Source: University of Vermont Medical Center.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 7 minutes.
Patient- and Family-Centered Care: From Principles to Practice.
Year Developed: 2010.
Source: Wisconsin Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs Program and Waisman Center University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities.
Presenter(s): William Schwab, MD.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 45 minutes.
Pediatric Trauma and Disaster.
Year Developed: n.a..
Source: South Central Public Health Partnership.
Presenter(s): Mark Baker, MD, MPH.
Type: Online Course.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: Self-paced.
Peer Parent Support in Wraparound: Evolution, Promises, and Challenges.
Year Developed: 2020.
Source: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.
Presenter(s): Patricia Miles.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 60 minutes.
People with Lived Experience Learning Bundle.
Year Developed: 2024.
Source: MCH Navigator.
Presenter(s): Becky Burns.
Type: Online Course.
Level: Advanced.
Length: Self-directed.
Performance Improvement and Workforce Development Resources for Public Health Practice.
Year Developed: 2011.
Source: Northwest Center for Public Health Practice.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Webinar.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 60 minutes.
Performance Measurement and Title V Transformation: Building Skills to Select and Design Measures for MCH 3.0.
Year Developed: 2015.
Source: Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs.
Presenter(s): Donna Petersen, ScD, MHS; Michael Kogan, PhD.
Type: Video.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 130 minutes.
Performance Measures in Public Health.
Year Developed: 2015.
Source: Public Health Centers for Excellence.
Presenter(s): Public Health Centers for Excellence.
Type: Narrated Slide Presentation.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 8 minutes.
Performance Measures Update-Division of MCH Workforce Development.
Year Developed: 2017.
Source: Health Resources and Services Administration.
Presenter(s): Lauren Ramos; Michelle Tissue.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 45 minutes.
Perinatal Performance Measures and Data Collection: Focus on Quality Collaboratives.
Year Developed: 2013.
Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Presenter(s): Elliot K. Main, MD.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Advanced.
Length: 87 minutes.
Perinatal Quality Collaboratives 101.
Year Developed: 2012.
Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Presenter(s): Marilyn A. Kacica, MD, MPH; Barbara Rose, MPH, RN .
Type: Webinar.
Level: Introductory.
Length: n.a..
Person-centered Care: Trust, access, and the service experience.
Year Developed: 2023.
Source: JSI: Better Health Outcomes for All.
Presenter(s): Kate Onyejekwe, Arij Banaja, Harikeerthan Raghuram, Katharine Bagshaw, and Loddy Abreu.
Type: Panel Discussion.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 61 minutes.
PH WINS for the Future: Understanding the Strengths and Needs of Rural Public Health.
Year Developed: n.a..
Source: Northwest Center for Public Health Practice.
Presenter(s): Paula Kett and Betty Bekemeier.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 60 minutes.
Planning and Budgeting for Public Health: Part I - The Business Plan.
Year Developed: 2013.
Source: University of Minnesota School of Public Health.
Presenter(s): Anne Barry, JD, MPH.
Type: Online Course.
Level: Introductory.
Length: Self-paced.
Policy 101 Learning Bundle.
Year Developed: 2019.
Source: MCH Navigator.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Interactive Learning Tool.
Level: Introductory.
Length: Self-paced.
Policy in Perspective: The Changing Role of Public Health in a Post-ACA Era.
Year Developed: 2016.
Source: Mathematica Policy Research.
Presenter(s): Christopher Trenholm, Judy Bigby.
Type: Podcast.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 6 minutes, 17 seconds.
Practical Law for Public Health Officials.
Year Developed: 2011.
Source: Northwest Center for Public Health Practice.
Presenter(s): Jeffrey Killip, JD, MPH and Susan Allan, MD, JD, MPH.
Type: Online Course.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 90 minutes.
Preparing a Successful Manuscript.
Year Developed: 2011.
Source: U.S. Maternal and Child Health Bureau, Office of Epidemiology and Research.
Presenter(s): James Perrin, MD; Donna Petersen, ScD, MHS.
Type: Webinar Archive.
Level: Advanced.
Length: 55 minutes.
Preparing a Successful Research Grant Application.
Year Developed: 2011.
Source: U.S. Maternal and Child Health Bureau, Office of Epidemiology and Research.
Presenter(s): Cynthia Minkovitz, PhD, Daniel Armstrong, PhD.
Type: Webinar Archive.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 60 minutes.
Preventive Medicine Grand Rounds: Leadership and Management Training at Two State Health Departments.
Year Developed: 2017.
Source: n.a..
Presenter(s): Aaron Fleischauer, PhD, MSPH, Ruth Lynfield, MD.
Type: n.a..
Level: Intermediate
Length: n.a..
Principles and Frameworks Guiding the Integrated Approach (WISH Module 3).
Year Developed: 2012.
Source: North Carolina Institute for Public Health.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Online Course.
Level: Advanced.
Length: 40 minutes.
Principles of Public Health: PH 101.
Year Developed: n.a..
Source: University of Utah Public Health.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Online Course.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 240 minutes.
Process Flow Diagramming in Five Minutes.
Year Developed: 2018.
Source: National MCH Workforce Development Center.
Presenter(s): Seri Link, Kristen Hassmiller-Lich.
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 5 minutes.
Year Developed: n.a..
Source: Wisconsin Center for Public Health Education and Training.
Presenter(s): Mark Edgar, PhD, Sue Kunferman, RN.
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: Self-paced.
Program Development and Evaluation.
Year Developed: 2011.
Source: New York - New Jersey Public Health Training Center.
Presenter(s): New York - New Jersey Public Health Training Center.
Type: Online Course.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 60 minutes.
Program Evaluation in Environmental Health.
Year Developed: 2006.
Source: Northwest Center for Public Health Practice.
Presenter(s): Luann D'Ambrosio, MEd.
Type: Interactive Learning Tool.
Level: Introductory.
Length: Self-paced.
Progress on the Redesign of the NSCH and the Data Resource Center.
Year Developed: 2015.
Source: U.S. Maternal and Child Health Bureau.
Presenter(s): Rheem Ghandour, DrPH, MPA; Christina Bethell, PhD, MBA, MPH.
Type: Webinar Archive.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 60 minutes.
Promoting Use of Childhood Dental Benefits Covered Under Medicaid and CHIP to Catch Up on Care.
Year Developed: 2021.
Presenter(s): Natalia I. Chalmers DDS, MDSc, PhD.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 54 minutes.
Protecting Human Research Participants.
Year Developed: 2008.
Source: National Institutes of Health.
Presenter(s): n/a.
Type: Online Course.
Level: Intermediate
Length: 180 minutes.
Protecting Human Subjects and Institutional Review Boards: An Overview.
Year Developed: 2017.
Source: Justice Research and Statistics Association.
Presenter(s): Ross Hickey, JD, CIP, CIPA; George Shaler, MPH.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 61 minutes.
Public Health 101 Series.
Year Developed: 2015.
Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Online Course.
Level: Introductory.
Length: Series; various lengths.
Public Health 101: A Short Course.
Year Developed: 2013.
Source: Center for Public Health Practice (Ohio State University).
Presenter(s): Unknown.
Type: Online Course.
Level: Introductory.
Length: Self-paced.
Public Health and Leadership Introduction.
Year Developed: 2020.
Source: North Dakota Public Health Training Network.
Presenter(s): Terry Dwelle, MD, MPHTM, FAAP, CPH.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 33 minutes.
Public Health Approaches to Reducing U. S. Infant Mortality.
Year Developed: 2012.
Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Presenter(s): Wanda Barfield, MD, MPH, FAAP; Denise D’Angelo, MPH; Rachel Moon, MD, FAAP; Michael C. Lu, MD, MS, MPH.
Type: Video.
Level: Advanced.
Length: 100 minutes.
Public Health Emergencies: Strategies and Tools for Meeting the Needs of Children.
Year Developed: 2006.
Source: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.
Presenter(s): Irwin Redlener, MD; George L. Foltin, MD; Michael Shannon, MD, MPH; David Markenson, MD.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 90 minutes.
Public Health Essentials in Action Online.
Year Developed: 2014.
Source: Arizona Public Health Training Center.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Online Course.
Level: Introductory.
Length: Self-paced.
Public Health Ethics Online Training.
Year Developed: 2024.
Source: UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health.
Presenter(s): Unknown.
Type: Online Course.
Level: Introductory.
Length: Self-paced.
Public Health Financial Management.
Year Developed: n.a..
Source: South Central Public Health Partnership.
Presenter(s): W. Jack Duncan, PhD.
Type: Video Course.
Level: Advanced
Length: 420 minutes.
Public Health Law: A Tool to Address Emerging Health Concerns.
Year Developed: 2016.
Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Presenter(s): Montrece McNeill Ransom, JD, MPH, Matthew Penn, JD, MLIS, Karen DeSalvo, MD, MPH, MSc.
Type: n.a..
Level: Introductory.
Length: n.a..
Public Health Leadership in Challenging Times: Learning from the Past and Preparing for the Future.
Year Developed: 2017.
Source: Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.
Presenter(s): Margaret Hamburg.
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 40 minutes.
Public Health Learning Modules.
Year Developed: 2014.
Source: Association for Prevention Teaching and Research.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Interactive Learning Tool.
Level: Intermediate
Length: Self-Paced.
Public Health Pronto.
Year Developed: 2017.
Source: MCH Navigator.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Interactive Learning Tool.
Level: Introductory
Length: Self-paced.
Public Health Quality Improvement Exchange.
Year Developed: n.a..
Source: Public Health Quality Improvement Exchange.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: n.a..
Level: Introductory.
Length: n.a..
Public Speaking: Ten Tips from GovLoop's Founder.
Year Developed: 2015.
Source: GovLoop.
Presenter(s): Steve Ressler.
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 30 minutes.
Raising the Bar with a New Performance Management System.
Year Developed: 2015.
Source: Public Health Quality Improvement Exchange.
Presenter(s): Stephen Johnson.
Type: Webinar Archive.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 90 minutes.
Ready, Willing and Able Online Training.
Year Developed: 2010.
Source: University of Kansas Research and Training Center on Independent Living and the Kansas Dept. of Health & Environment.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Online Course.
Level: Advanced.
Length: 120 minutes.
Record Linkage and Data Integration for Maternal and Child Health Research.
Year Developed: 2019.
Source: U.S. Maternal and Child Health Bureau, Office of Epidemiology and Research.
Presenter(s): Russell Kirby, PhD, MS, FACE.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 60 minutes.
Research Innovations & Challenges (EnRICH) Webinar Series.
Year Developed: 2011-2022.
Source: U.S. Maternal and Child Health Bureau, Office of Epidemiology and Research.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Webinar.
Level: Advanced.
Length: n.a..
Resiliency: Tips and Tricks on How to Keep Staff Morale High.
Year Developed: 2016.
Source: Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs.
Presenter(s): Kris Risley, PhD.
Type: n.a..
Level: Intermediate.
Length: n.a..
Resolving Differences Using the "Circle of Conflict".
Year Developed: 2016.
Source: Annie E. Casey Foundation.
Presenter(s): Jolie Bain Pillsbury.
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 8 minutes.
Rethinking the Role of Stress in Development: Emerging Evolutionary Perspectives.
Year Developed: 2016.
Source: UCLA Center for Healthier Children, Families & Communities, Maternal and Child Health Life Course Research Network (LCRN).
Presenter(s): Marco Del Giudice, PhD.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 61 minutes.
Return on Investment Resources.
Year Developed: n.a..
Source: National MCH Workforce Development Center.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: n.a..
Level: Intermediate.
Length: n.a..
Role of States in Health Policy.
Year Developed: 2006.
Source: Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation.
Presenter(s): Alan Weil, MPP.
Type: Video.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 15 minutes.
Saving the Children: The Story of WIC.
Year Developed: 2007.
Source: Office of the Maryland WIC Program.
Presenter(s): Office of the Maryland WIC Program.
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 25 minutes.
Screening in Public Health Practice.
Year Developed: n.a..
Source: Northwest Center for Public Health Practice.
Presenter(s): Victoria Holt, RN, MPH, PhD.
Type: Online Course.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 60 minutes.
Searching and Summarizing Scientific Literature.
Year Developed: 2013.
Source: Northwest Center for Public Health Practice.
Presenter(s): Gail Kouame.
Type: Webinar Archive.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 60 minutes.
Searching for Research Evidence in Public Health.
Year Developed: n.a..
Source: National Collaborating Centre for Methods and Tools.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Interactive Learning Tool.
Level: Intermediate
Length: Self-paced.
Secondary Data Sources and Data Linkages in Maternal and Child Health Research.
Year Developed: 2016.
Source: U.S. Maternal and Child Health Bureau, Office of Epidemiology and Research.
Presenter(s): Jihong Liu, ScD.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 54 minutes.
Secondary Use of Electronic Health Data for Child Health Research: Opportunities and Challenges.
Year Developed: 2016.
Source: U.S. Maternal and Child Health Bureau, Office of Epidemiology and Research.
Presenter(s): Robert Grundmeier, MD.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 65 minutes.
Self-advocacy in the Healthcare System.
Year Developed: 2021.
Source: APFED.
Presenter(s): Patti DeMuri.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 48 minutes.
Serving on Groups That Make Decisions: A Guide for Families.
Year Developed: 2023.
Source: WI FACETS.
Presenter(s): Jan Serak.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 60 minutes per training.
Shaping Organizational Culture: The Role of Leaders.
Year Developed: 2016.
Source: Region IV Public Health Training Center.
Presenter(s): Peter M. Ginter, Ph.D..
Type: Webinar.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 90 minutes.
Shaping the future of public health: A conversation with emerging leaders.
Year Developed: 2022.
Source: Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.
Presenter(s): Bryan O. Buckley, DrPH; Tiffani Bell, MD, MPH; Sarah Tsay; Teguo Djoyum.
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 60 minutes.
Shared Decision Making - Empowering Patients.
Year Developed: 2019.
Source: Aplastic Anemia and MDS International Foundation.
Presenter(s): Susan Z. Berg.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 52 minutes.
Sharing the Sandbox: New Evidence about Cross-jurisdictional Sharing for Local Public Health Services.
Year Developed: 2016.
Source: Northwest Center for Public Health Practice.
Presenter(s): Gianfranco Pezzino, MD, MPH; Justin Marlowe, PhD, MPA.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 60 minutes.
Sharing Your Story for a Public Policy Purpose.
Year Developed: 2017.
Source: Family Voices and National Center for Family/Professional Partnerships.
Presenter(s): Reid Kaplan.
Type: Webinar Archive.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 49 minutes.
Simulation Based Learning in Public Health.
Year Developed: n.a..
Source: National MCH Workforce Development Center.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Video.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 16 minutes.
SOC Expansion Leadership Learning Community - Collaboration in System of Care Expansion: How Do You Know?.
Year Developed: 2017.
Source: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.
Presenter(s): Elizabeth Waetzig, Beth Strohl & Denise Sulzbach.
Type: n.a..
Level: Advanced
Length: 90 minutes.
Social Communication Strategies for Public Health.
Year Developed: 2016.
Source: Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society, Harvard School of Dental Medicine.
Presenter(s): Brittany Seymour.
Type: Video.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 60 minutes.
Social Determinants of Health.
Year Developed: 2021.
Source: University of Michigan.
Presenter(s): Cleopatra Caldwell.
Type: Online Course.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: Self-paced.
Social Determinants of Health: Challenges and Opportunities in Rural America.
Year Developed: 2020.
Source: Rural Health Research Gateway.
Presenter(s): Jan Probst, PhD.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 60 minutes.
Social Determinants of Health: Technology and Workforce Approaches.
Year Developed: 2020.
Source: National Institute for Health Care Management Foundation.
Presenter(s): Karen DeSalvo, MD, MPH, MSc, Rivka Friedman, Alan Gilbert, JD, Kelli Tice Wells, MD.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 90 minutes.
Social Marketing and Public Health: Effective Campaigns and How They Work.
Year Developed: 2009.
Source: MidAtlantic Public Health Training Center.
Presenter(s): W. Douglas Evans, PhD, MA; Terry Long.
Type: Video Course.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 60 minutes.
Social Media: Changing Communication and Interventions in Public Health.
Year Developed: 2012.
Source: University at Albany School of Public Health.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 60 minutes.
Sources and Utilization of Secondary Data for MCH Research.
Year Developed: 2019.
Source: Maternal and Child Health Bureau, Division of Research.
Presenter(s): Alek Sripipatana, PhD, MPH; Russell Kirby, PhD, MS, FACE.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 60 minutes.
State Title V Needs Assessment Practice .
Year Developed: 2008.
Source: 14th Annual Maternal and Child Health Epidemiology Conference.
Presenter(s): Donna Petersen, ScD; Dr. William Sappenfield; Donna Petersen; Dr. Michael Kogan.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Advanced.
Length: Series; various lengths.
Staying Ahead of the Curve: Modeling and Public Health Decision-Making.
Year Developed: 2016.
Source: Centers for Disease Control-Public Health Grand Rounds.
Presenter(s): Richard Hatchett, MD; Daniel Jernigan, MD; Martin Meltzer, PhD; Lauren Ancel Meyers, PhD
Type: Video.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 60 minutes.
Strategic Planning in Public Health Overview.
Year Developed: 2015.
Source: Public Health Centers for Excellence.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 11 minutes.
Strategies for Change: Implement Change and Gain Leadership Buy-in.
Year Developed: 2015.
Source: GovLoop.
Presenter(s): Martha Johnson.
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 35 minutes.
Strategies for Creating Engaging Online Learning.
Year Developed: 2019.
Source: ATMCH/MCH Navigator Webinar Series.
Presenter(s): Rebecca Greenleaf, MPH.
Type: Webinar Archive.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 60 minutes.
Strategies for Successful Public Health Messaging.
Year Developed: 2013.
Source: Northwest Center for Public Health Practice.
Presenter(s): Tim Church; James Apa.
Type: Webinar Archive.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 60 minutes.
Strengthening the Health Workforce Education Pipeline: Tools, Resources and Outcomes .
Year Developed: 2017.
Source: HRSA, The Bureau of Health Workforce.
Presenter(s): Jacqueline Rodrigue; Natasha Cox.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 90 minutes.
Strengthening Women’s Health Access: Medicaid and Family Planning.
Year Developed: 2023.
Source: National Institute for HealthCare Management.
Presenter(s): Jason Lindo, MA, PhD; Jessica Cohen, PhD; Wanicha Burapa, MD, MPH; Kate Daniel, MS, CHES.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 61 minutes.
Study Types in Epidemiology.
Year Developed: n.a..
Source: Northwest Center for Public Health Practice.
Presenter(s): John Kobayashi, MD, MPH.
Type: Narrated Slide Presentation.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 45 minutes.
Succeeding in Research: Developing Your Conceptual Model.
Year Developed: 2020.
Source: Maternal and Child Health Bureau.
Presenter(s): Alan Mendelsohn, MD.
Type: Webinar Archive.
Level: Introductory
Length: 60 minutes.
Succession Planning for Public Health Agencies.
Year Developed: 2011.
Source: South Central Public Health Partnership.
Presenter(s): Peter M. Ginter, PhD; W. Jack Duncan, PhD.
Type: Narrated Slide Presentation.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 120 minutes.
Supporting Adolescent Health and Development: What Decision Makers Need to Know.
Year Developed: 2020.
Source: The National Academies.
Presenter(s): Beth Cauffman, Tammy Chang, Cheri Hoffman, Lydia Proulx.
Type: Video.
Level: Advanced
Length: 60 minutes.
Supporting Providers of Color in the Pediatric Workforce: Practices to Diversify the Workforce and Improve Retention
Year Developed: 2023.
Source: Center for Health Strategies.
Presenter(s): Armelle Casau, PhD; Ben Danielson, MD; Margaret Tomcho, MD; Neeti Doshi, MD, MPH, FAAP; Elizabeth Castro, MHA.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 90 minutes.
System Change Yin and Yang, How To Promote Quality Improvement and Adaptability While Maintaining Fidelity Across Communities and Partnerships.
Year Developed: 2015.
Source: Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs.
Presenter(s): Adrienne Gilbert, MPH; Angela Paxton; Mary Jo Paladino, MSA; Nancy Swigonski, MD, MPH.
Type: Video.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 52 minutes.
System Dynamics Methods for Mental Health Research - An Introduction.
Year Developed: 2016.
Source: U.S. Maternal and Child Health Bureau, Office of Epidemiology and Research.
Presenter(s): Hazhir Rahmandad, PhD; Andrea K. Wittenborn, PhD.
Type: Webinar Archive.
Level: Introductory
Length: 90 minutes.
Systems Integration Training Spotlight.
Year Developed: 2014.
Source: MCH Navigator.
Presenter(s): Beth DeFrancis, MLS; Keisha Watson-Bah, PhD; John Richards, MA.
Type: Interactive Learning Tool.
Level: Introductory
Length: Series, various lengths.
Systems Integration: A Parent’s Perspective.
Year Developed: 2015.
Source: University of California Berkeley School of Public Health.
Presenter(s): Erica Monasterio, FNP.
Type: Video.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 25 minutes.
Systems Mapping Video Series.
Year Developed: 2021.
Source: National MCH Workforce Development Center.
Presenter(s): Jessica Cohen, MSW.
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 5 minutes each.
Systems Support Maps in Five Minutes.
Year Developed: 2018.
Source: National MCH Workforce Development Center.
Presenter(s): Seri Link, Kristen Hassmiller-Lich.
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 5 minutes.
Systems Thinking for Maternal and Child Health: Application in Practice.
Year Developed: 2011.
Source: Alabama Public Health Training Network.
Presenter(s): Donna Petersen MHS, ScD.
Type: Online Course.
Level: Introductory
Length: 90 minutes.
Systems Tools To Support Complex Collaborations During COVID-19.
Year Developed: 2020.
Source: National MCH Workforce Development Center.
Presenter(s): Kristen Hassmiller Lich.
Type: Video.
Level: Intermediate
Length: 33 minutes.
TADPOHLS: Enabling Integrative Longitudinal Studies of Positive Health.
Year Developed: 2016.
Source: UCLA Center for Healthier Children, Families & Communities, Maternal and Child Health Life Course Research Network (LCRN).
Presenter(s): Margaret L. Kern, PhD.
Type: Webinar Archive.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 48 minutes.
Teaching MCH Policy and Advocacy.
Year Developed: 2023.
Source: University of Rochester.
Presenter(s): Molly McNulty, JD.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Intermediate
Length: 60 minutes.
Teaching Public Health with the Case-Based Method (3 parts).
Year Developed: 2014.
Source: Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.
Presenter(s): Nancy Kane.
Type: YouTube Videos.
Level: Intermediate
Length: Varies, 3-17 minutes each.
TeamSTEPPS® for Office-Based Care.
Year Developed: 2015.
Source: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Online Course.
Level: Intermediate
Length: Self-Paced.
Technical Assistance: Foundations of Grant Writing.
Year Developed: 2015.
Source: Office of Minority Health.
Presenter(s): Michelle Loosli, Margaret Korto.
Type: Webinar Archive.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 90 minutes.
Telehealth Competencies Learning Brief.
Year Developed: 2020.
Source: MCH Navigator.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Interactive Learning Tool.
Level: Introductory.
Length: Self-paced.
Telehealth Series: Telehealth Technology: What you Need to Know to Get Started; Legal and Regulatory Considerations for Telehealth; and Reaching Out Across the Miles: The Role of Telehealth in Maternal and Child Health.
Year Developed: n.a..
Source: National MCH Workforce Development Center.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: n.a..
Level: Introductory.
Length: n.a..
Telling Your Program's Story: Learning Brief.
Year Developed: n.a..
Source: MCH Navigator.
Presenter(s): MCH Navigator.
Type: Interactive Learning Tool.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: Self-paced.
The “Value” in Value-based Purchasing and Value-based Insurance Design for MCH Populations.
Year Developed: 2016.
Source: National MCH Workforce Development Center.
Presenter(s): Meg Comeau MHA.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Advanced.
Length: 63 minutes.
The 5 R's in Five Minutes.
Year Developed: 2018.
Source: National MCH Workforce Development Center.
Presenter(s): Seri Link, Kristen Hassmiller-Lich.
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 5 minutes.
The ABCs of ACOs for MCH.
Year Developed: 2013.
Source: Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs.
Presenter(s): Christopher A. Kus, MD, MPH; Colleen A. Kraft, MD, FAAP; Cate Wilcox, MPH; Don Ross; Marilyn Hartzell, MEd.
Type: Video.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 90 minutes.
The Affordable Care Act: A Working Guide for MCH Professionals.
Year Developed: n.a..
Source: National MCH Workforce Development Center.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: n.a..
Level: Intermediate.
Length: n.a..
The Applicability and Transferability (A&T) Tool.
Year Developed: 2015.
Source: National Collaborating Centre for Methods and Tools.
Presenter(s): Donna Ciliska, RN, PhD; Melanie Hood, MsC; Stephanie Bale, MPH; Shannon Dowdall-Smith, RN, PhD.
Type: Webinar Archive.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 57 minutes (42 slides).
The Beginnings of EMSC [Emergency Medical Services for Children].
Year Developed: 2022.
Source: EMSC Innovation and Improvement Center.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 7 minutes.
The Care Coordination Conundrum.
Year Developed: n.a..
Source: Care Coordination Conundrum.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: n.a..
Level: Intermediate.
Length: n.a..
The Child Safety Learning Collaborative: Together We Are Stronger.
Year Developed: 2023.
Source: Children's Safety Network.
Presenter(s): Jenny Stern-Carusone, MSW; Clare Grace Jones; Lauren Gilman, MA.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 59 minutes.
The Circle of Care Framework in Five Minutes.
Year Developed: 2018.
Source: National MCH Workforce Development Center.
Presenter(s): Seri Link, Kristen Hassmiller-Lich.
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 5 minutes.
The Core Elements of Project Management in Public Health.
Year Developed: n.a..
Source: South Central Public Health Partnership.
Presenter(s): Andrew Rucks, PhD.
Type: Interactive Learning Tool.
Level: Introductory.
Length: Self-paced.
The Development of Self-Regulation: Foundational Skills for Children's Health and Well-Being.
Year Developed: 2016.
Source: UCLA Center for Healthier Children, Families & Communities, Maternal and Child Health Life Course Research Network (LCRN).
Presenter(s): Megan McClelland, PhD.
Type: Webinar Archive.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 60 minutes.
The Emerging Theoretical Framework of Life Course Health Development.
Year Developed: 2018.
Source: UCLA Center for Healthier Children, Families & Communities, Maternal and Child Health Life Course Research Network (LCRN).
Presenter(s): Neal Halfon, MD, MPH; Christopher Forrest, MD, PhD.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 15 minutes.
The Epidemiology of Autism Disorders: New Approaches to Prevalence and Monitoring.
Year Developed: 2011.
Source: U.S. Maternal and Child Health Bureau.
Presenter(s): Catherine Rice, PhD; Laura Schieve, PhD; Matthew Maenner, PhD; Paul Law, MD, MPH, FAAP.
Type: Webinar Archive.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 60 minutes.
The History of Public Health Informatics: Where Do We Go from Here?.
Year Developed: n.a..
Source: South Central Public Health Partnership.
Presenter(s): Nir Menachemi, PhD, MPH
Type: Online Course.
Level: Introductory.
Length: Self-paced.
The Impact of Coaching on Engagement: Transform Managers into Coaches.
Year Developed: 2016.
Source: GovLoop.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 37 minutes.
The Importance of Data to Public Health and Health Care Collaborations.
Year Developed: 2015.
Source: The Practical Playbook; de Beaumont Foundation.
Presenter(s): Brian C. Castrucci.
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory
Length: 5 minutes.
The Influence of Character: The Role of Character, Values, and Ethics in Negotiation and Persuasion.
Year Developed: 2015.
Source: GovLoop.
Presenter(s): Jack London.
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 35 minutes.
The Journey to a Quality Management Culture.
Year Developed: 2015.
Source: n.a..
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Webinar Archive.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 60 minutes.
The Lancet Optimizing Child and Adolescent Health and Development Series Launch
Year Developed: 2022.
Source: SickKids Center for Global Child Health, The Lancet, The Aga Khan University.
Presenter(s): Carl Amrhein, Zulfiqar Bhutta, Tedros Ghebreyesus, Richard Horton, Catherine Russell, Robert Black, Cesar Victoria, Tyler Vaivada, Margaret Kruk, Maureen Black, Jocalyn Clark, Ties Boerma, Jennifer Bryce, Richard Horton, Zulfiqar Bhutta.
Type: Video.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 126 minutes.
The MCH Navigator Online Self-Assessment Tool for the Title V Workforce.
Year Developed: 2015.
Source: Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs.
Presenter(s): John Richards, MA.
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 41 minutes.
The Messenger Chronicles: Effective Communication Strategies for Difficult Conversations [5 Part Series].
Year Developed: n.a..
Source: New York - New Jersey Public Health Training Center.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Interactive Learning Tool.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: Self-Paced.
The National Implementation Research Network's Active Implementation Hub.
Year Developed: n.a..
Source: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill's FPG Child Development Institute.
Presenter(s): N/A.
Type: Interactive Learning Tool.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: Self-paced.
The Next Frontier in Evidence-Based Policymaking: The Science of Scaling.
Year Developed: 2021.
Source: Brookings Institution; The University of Chicago.
Presenter(s): Omar Woodard, John List, Elaine Kamarck, Dana Suskind, Michael Nutter.
Type: Video.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 90 minutes.
The Nuts and Bolts of the PHAB Accreditation Process.
Year Developed: 2014.
Source: Public Health Accreditation Board.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Online Course.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 40 minutes.
The Occupational (Im)Possibilities in a Segregated Neighborhood: A Matter of Justice in LCHD.
Year Developed: 2016.
Source: UCLA Center for Healthier Children, Families & Communities, Maternal and Child Health Life Course Research Network (LCRN).
Presenter(s): Jyothi Gupta, PhD, ORT/L, FAOTA.
Type: Webinar Archive.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 60 minutes.
The Potentially Transformative Effect of Measuring the Health of a Community (Research to Reality).
Year Developed: 2012.
Source: National Cancer Institute, Office of Communications and Education.
Presenter(s): Kurt Stange, MD, PhD; Terry Allan, MPH; Paul Jarris, MD, MBA.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Advanced.
Length: 60 minutes.
The Power of Listening.
Year Developed: 2015.
Source: GovLoop.
Presenter(s): Carol Goldsmith.
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 30 minutes.
The Power of Lived Expertise in Research and Evaluation: Child Welfare Edition.
Year Developed: 2022.
Source: Administration for Children and Families.
Presenter(s): Bryan Samuels, Alex Wagaman, and Tiffany Haynes.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 43 minutes.
The Power of Questions.
Year Developed: 2015.
Source: GovLoop.
Presenter(s): Carol Goldsmith.
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 15 minutes.
The Role and Use of Evidence in Policy.
Year Developed: 2013 est.3..
Source: Wisconsin Center for Public Health Education and Training.
Presenter(s): Elizabeth Feder, PhD.
Type: Online Course.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 120 minutes.
The Title V Maternal and Child Health Services Block Grant.
Year Developed: 2022.
Source: Health Resources and Services Administration.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 7:36 minutes.
The Tool for Sharing Best Practices.
Year Developed: 2016.
Source: National Collaborating Centre for Methods and Tools.
Presenter(s): Lisa Mwaikambo, MPH.
Type: Webinar Archive.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 58 minutes.
The U.S. Congress and Health Policy.
Year Developed: 2011.
Source: Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation.
Presenter(s): Sheila Burke, RN, MPA.
Type: Video.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 13 minutes.
The Use of Social Media to Enhance Communication and Dissemination.
Year Developed: 2016.
Source: Association of University Centers on Disabilities.
Presenter(s): Courtney Taylor, Emma Shouse, Elizabeth Bishop, Francisca Guzman, Crystal K. Pariseau.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 73 minutes.
This is Maternal and Child Health.
Year Developed: 2013.
Source: CityMatCH.
Presenter(s): Molly Schlife Isacco, MPH; Chad Abresch, MEd; Hani Atrash, MD, MPH; Holly Grason, MA; Laura Kavanagh, MPP; William Sappenfield, MD, MPH; Kimberlee Wyche-Etheridge, MD, MPH.
Type: Narrated Slide Presentation.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 18 minutes.
This is Public Health.
Year Developed: 2008.
Source: Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health.
Presenter(s): Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health.
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 3 minutes.
Time Management Training Brief.
Year Developed: n.a..
Source: MCH Navigator.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Interactive Learning Tool.
Level: Introductory.
Length: Self-paced.
Tips and Tricks To Starting a Young Adult Council .
Year Developed: 2018.
Source: University of Massachusetts Medical School, Transitions to Adulthood Center for Research.
Presenter(s): Rafael Mizrahi, B.S.; Tania Duperoy, BA;.
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 60 minutes.
Title V Health Reform Implementation Webinar: State Assessment Tool.
Year Developed: 2014.
Source: National MCH Workforce Development Center.
Presenter(s): Lacy Fehrenbach, Katharine Witgert, Melissa Ellis, and Amy Mullenix.
Type: Webinar Archive.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 57 minutes.
Title V MCH Programs.
Year Developed: 2011.
Source: Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
Presenter(s): Holly Grason, MA.
Type: Narrated Slide Presentation.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 52 minutes.
Title V National Performance Measures & the Affordable Care Act.
Year Developed: n.a..
Source: Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: n.a..
Level: Intermediate.
Length: n.a..
Title V Transformation Tools.
Year Developed: 2017.
Source: MCH Navigator.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Interactive Learning Tool.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: Self-paced.
To Trust or Not To Trust: Understanding the Science of Developing and Nurturing Trust in Family Professional Partnerships.
Year Developed: 2021.
Source: The Center for Appropriate Dispute Resolution in Special Education.
Presenter(s): Tracy Gershwin, Ph.D.. BCBA-D.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 84 minutes.
Training Course in Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Epidemiology.
Year Developed: 2018.
Source: CityMATCH.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Webinar.
Level: Introductory
Length: Series; various lengths.
Training Spotlight: Resilience: Preventing Burnout Among Public Health Professionals, Faculty, Clinicians, and Trainees.
Year Developed: 2021.
Source: MCH Navigator.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Interactive Learning Tool.
Level: Introductory.
Length: Self-paced.
Transformation of the Maternal and Child Health Block Grant: MCH Transformation 3.0.
Year Developed: 2013-2014.
Source: U.S. Maternal and Child Health Bureau.
Presenter(s): Michael C. Lu, MD, MPH.
Type: Video.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: varies.
Transformational Leadership: Women Lead the Way.
Year Developed: 2012.
Source: CityMatCH.
Presenter(s): Linda Tarr-Whelan.
Type: Webinar Archive.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 42 minutes.
Tribal SOC: Perils of Management and Supervision.
Year Developed: 2017.
Source: National Indian Child Welfare Association and Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.
Presenter(s): Dan Aune.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 56 minutes.
Unconscious Bias: Do I Have the Tools to Recognize It and Speak Up?.
Year Developed: 2017.
Source: Region IV Public Health Training Center.
Presenter(s): Leonie Gordon, MD.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Introductory
Length: 90 minutes.
Understanding Adverse Childhood Experiences.
Year Developed: 2017.
Source: National Conference of State Legislatures.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 55 minutes.
Understanding Coaching: Learn What It Is and What It Isn't .
Year Developed: 2015.
Source: GovLoop.
Presenter(s): Carol Goldsmith.
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 30 minutes.
Understanding Evidence.
Year Developed: 2013.
Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Division of Violence Prevention.
Presenter(s): N/A.
Type: Interactive Learning Tool.
Level: Intermediate
Length: Self-paced.
Understanding Suicide Risk Among Children and Pre-teens: A Synthesis Workshop.
Year Developed: 2021.
Source: National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Webinar.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 90 minutes.
Understanding the PHAB Standards and Measures and Documentation Requirements.
Year Developed: 2011.
Source: Public Health Accreditation Board.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Online Course.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 20 minutes.
Using Administrative Data to Address Policy-Relevant Research Questions in Early Care and Education.
Year Developed: 2017.
Source: Child Trends.
Presenter(s): Kelly Maxwell, Isabel Bradburn, Van-Kim Lin, Elizabeth Davis, and Amy Claessens.
Type: Webinar Archive.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 85 minutes.
Using Critical Thinking to Advance MCH through Evidence.
Year Developed: 2021.
Source: National MCH Workforce Development Center.
Presenter(s): John Richards.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 63 minutes.
Using Electronic Health Records for Health Services Research.
Year Developed: 2015.
Source: U.S. Maternal and Child Health Bureau, Office of Epidemiology and Research.
Presenter(s): Wilson Pace MD, FAAFP; Richard "Mort" Wasserman, MD; Alex Fiks, MD, MSCE.
Type: Webinar Archive.
Level: Advanced.
Length: 90 minutes.
Using Good Communication Skills in Public Health Education and Promotion to Overcome Community Language Barriers.
Year Developed: 2013.
Source: n.a..
Presenter(s): Giovanna Lipow, Marie Cobalt, Yajing Zhang, and Zachary Mckellar.
Type: Narrated Slide Presentation.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 7 minutes.
Using Population Data to Complement Fatality Review Data: An Overview of CDC WONDER and Perinatal Periods of Risk (PPOR).
Year Developed: 2018.
Source: National Center for Fatality Review and Prevention.
Presenter(s): Sigrid A. Economou; Carol Gilbert, MS.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Introductory
Length: 60 minutes.
Using Process Flow Diagramming To Understand and Improve MCH Systems and Position Title V for Health Care Reform.
Year Developed: 2015.
Source: Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs.
Presenter(s): Amanda Cornett, MPH; Kori Flower, MS, MD, MPH; Kristen Hassmiller Lich, MHA, PhD; Sue Ewy, MS.
Type: Video.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 98 minutes.
Using Quality Improvement Tools to Uncover the Root Causes of Health System Issues.
Year Developed: 2015.
Source: Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs.
Presenter(s): Amanda Cornett MPH; Donna Lindemulder MA; Kori Flower MD MPH; Pat Bailey LMSW.
Type: Video.
Level: Advanced.
Length: 78 minutes.
Using Self-Assessment Tools to Guide MCH Professional Development.
Year Developed: 2012.
Source: Tennessee Department of Health.
Presenter(s): Michael Warren, MD, MPH, FAAP.
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 9 minutes.
Using Social Determinants of Health to Inform Fatality Review.
Year Developed: 2017.
Source: National Center for Fatality Review and Prevention.
Presenter(s): Madelyn Reyes, MA, MPA, RN, Jola Crear-Perry, MD, FACOG, Susan Hurtado.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 60 minutes.
Using Systems Biology Based Approaches for Considerations Across the Life Course: Views from Public Health and Preventative Medicine.
Year Developed: 2018.
Source: UCLA Center for Healthier Children, Families & Communities, Maternal and Child Health Life Course Research Network (LCRN).
Presenter(s): Elaine Faustman, PhD.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 15 minutes.
Using the Evidence-Based Public Health Framework to Move Policy Forward .
Year Developed: 2011.
Source: Association of State and Territorial Health Officials.
Presenter(s): Dr. Ross Brownson.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 20-25 minutes.
Using the Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study (FFCWS) to Conduct Life Course Analyses (Using Existing Data to Examine Life Course Health Development).
Year Developed: 2014.
Source: UCLA Center for Healthier Children, Families & Communities, Maternal and Child Health Life Course Research Network (LCRN).
Presenter(s): Amanda Geller, PhD.
Type: Webinar Archive.
Level: Intermediate
Length: 60 minutes.
Using the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY) to Conduct Life Course Analyses (Using Existing Data to Examine Life Course Health Development).
Year Developed: 2014.
Source: UCLA Center for Healthier Children, Families & Communities, Maternal and Child Health Life Course Research Network (LCRN).
Presenter(s): Elizabeth Cooksey, PhD.
Type: Webinar Archive.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 60 minutes.
Using the New England Family Study (NEFS) to Conduct Life Course Analyses (Using Existing Data to Examine Life Course Health Development).
Year Developed: 2014.
Source: UCLA Center for Healthier Children, Families & Communities, Maternal and Child Health Life Course Research Network (LCRN).
Presenter(s): Stephen Buka, ScD.
Type: Webinar Archive.
Level: Intermediate
Length: 60 minutes.
Using the Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID) to Conduct Life Course Analyses (Using Existing Data to Examine Life Course Health Development).
Year Developed: 2014.
Source: UCLA Center for Healthier Children, Families & Communities, Maternal and Child Health Life Course Research Network (LCRN).
Presenter(s): Narayan Sastry, PhD.
Type: Webinar Archive.
Level: Intermediate
Length: 60 minutes.
Utilizing Data Sciences Resources to Prepare and Package Integrated Datasets.
Year Developed: 2020.
Source: Life Course Intervention Research Network.
Presenter(s): Joshua Denny MD, MS; Nicholas Tatonetti PhD; Norina Allen PhD.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: n.a..
What Do You Need to Know That For? How to Build Trusting Relationships with Teams and Young Adults.
Year Developed: 2020.
Source: University of Maryland at Baltimore.
Presenter(s): Carter Pratt, Kristine Rodriguez, Eden Shaveet, Gwen White, Johanna Bergan.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 90 minutes.
What Does Lived Experience Really Mean and Why Is It Important?.
Year Developed: 2023.
Source: The Northwest Mental Health Technology Transfer Center Network.
Presenter(s): Pat Deegan, PhD.
Type: Webinar.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 92 minutes.
What is Policy? What is the Policy-Making Process?.
Year Developed: 2018.
Source: University of Illinois at Chicago School of Public Health.
Presenter(s): Arden Handler, DrPH.
Type: Narrated Slide Presentation.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 104 minutes.
What is Public Health?.
Year Developed: 2014.
Source: Public Health Wessex Training Group.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 3 minutes.
What is Public Health?.
Year Developed: 2014.
Source: Global Health with Greg Martin.
Presenter(s): Greg Martin, Ph.D..
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 6 minutes.
What Is Time Management?.
Year Developed: 2023.
Source: MindTools.
Presenter(s): N/A.
Type: Interactive Learning Tool.
Level: Introductory.
Length: Self-paced.
Where To Find MCH Resources: An Introduction.
Year Developed: 2017.
Source: National Center for Education in Maternal and Child Health.
Presenter(s): Keisha Watson and John Richards.
Type: Narrated Slide Presentation.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 18 minutes.
Whole System Mapping in Five Minutes.
Year Developed: 2018.
Source: National MCH Workforce Development Center.
Presenter(s): Seri Link, Kristen Hassmiller-Lich.
Type: Video.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 5 minutes.
Why All the Excitement About Logic Models?.
Year Developed: 2016.
Source: Office of Minority Health.
Presenter(s): Elton Naswood and Tamara Henry, EdD.
Type: Webinar Archive.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 42 minutes.
Women’s Health Policy: What and Why.
Year Developed: 2013.
Source: Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
Presenter(s): Cynthia Minkovitz, MD, MPH.
Type: Video.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 10 minutes.
Women's Integrated Systems for Health (WISH) Online Training Series.
Year Developed: 2012.
Source: North Carolina Institute for Public Health.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Online Course.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: Self-paced.
Workforce Transformation Video Series.
Year Developed: n.a..
Source: Regional Centers for Workforce Transformation.
Presenter(s): n.a..
Type: Webinar.
Level: Introductory
Length: Series; various lengths.
Working “Upstream” to Prevent Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs).
Year Developed: 2018.
Source: Children's Safety Network.
Presenter(s): Joanne Klevens, Vicky Roper, and Jim Vetter.
Type: Webinar Archive.
Level: Intermediate.
Length: 60 minutes.
Working With Adult Allies.
Year Developed: 2017.
Source: Family Voices and Autistic Self-Advocacy Network.
Presenter(s): Savannah Logsdon-Breakstone.
Type: Webinar Archive.
Level: Introductory.
Length: 63 minutes.
Workplace Violence Training Spotlight.
Year Developed: 2013.
Source: MCH Navigator.
Presenter(s): Keisha Watson, PhD; Beth DeFrancis, MLS; John Richards, MA.
Type: Interactive Learning Tool.
Level: Intermediate
Length: Series, various lengths.
Writing Briefing Memos.
Year Developed: 2012.
Source: Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Women’s and Children’s Health Policy Center.
Presenter(s): Marjory Ruderman, MHS.
Type: Video Course.
Level: Introductory
Length: 15 minutes.