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Action Learning Set Guide. The MCH Workforce Development Center is using an approach called Action Learning to help leaders build “learning organizations” that can adapt to change.

Access to Care Training Spotlight (MCH Navigator)

Adaptive Leadership. Adaptive Leadership is an essential concept for MCH leaders to understand. We also recommend the use of strengths-based leadership approaches including Collaborative Leadership, Servant Leadership, and Appreciative Inquiry.

Affordable Care Act & Integration of Behavioral and Physical Health. Presentation accompanied with speaker notes provides an overview of the Affordable Care Act and the integration of physical and behavioral health.

The Affordable Care Act: A Working Guide for MCH Professional. These modules provide the building blocks for current and future MCH professionals to learn the basics of the Affordable Care Act and its implications for Title V programs.


Basic Cluster Analysis Techniques for Maternal and Child Health Data. This presentation describes three types of spatial analysis and their potential applications for MCH populations: mapping of health data, cluster analysis and exposure/accessibility assessment.


The Care Coordination Conundrum. In a new report, The Care Coordination Conundrum and Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs, authors discuss why care coordination has been insufficiently financed and reimbursed to date, and what can be done to address these challenges.

Change Management Training Spotlight (MCH Navigator)

Children and Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Other Developmental Disabilities. This report, developed by The Catalyst Center at the Boston University School of Public Health, offers a brief description of selected provisions in the ACA that have implications for CYSHCN with ASD/DD.

Coffee Talk Series. This series will be hosted by the Center’s Change Management core on three pertinent topics benefiting the Title V workforce.

Collaboration and Action to Improve Child Health Systems – A Toolkit for State Leaders. This toolkit provides knowledge and skills to map a child health system.

Community Benefit & Title V. This fact sheet highlights the CHNA needs assessment process, potential opportunities for collaboration with the Title V, and a few state examples






Health Impact Assessment. This video provides an overview of Health Impact Assessment (HIA). HIA is one approach to build working relationships with partners outside of public health in pursuit of health equity.


Identifying and Using Evidence-Based/Informed Resources to Address MCH Issues Training Brief (MCH Navigator)




Leading through Health Systems Change. A planning tool ​to assist public health leaders in thinking about the future in the era of health transformation.

Lessons Learned from Measuring Return on Investment in Public Health Quality Improvement Initiatives – Journal Article. This article describes the approach and ongoing learning from applying return on investment (ROI) and economic impact (EI) analyses to public health QI projects and analyze the results in order to illustrate ROI potential in public health.


MCH Financing Lecture This lecture series focuses on MCH financing and public insurance programs: Medicaid, CHIP, and Health Insurance Marketplaces.


The National Implementation Research Network's Active Implementation Hub (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill's FPG Child Development Institute)

Network Analysis in MCH Practice. This 27-minute tutorial explains and demonstrates a systems tool that can help users understand connections between agencies, partners and their roles.


An Overview of EPSDT. This presentation provides an overview of Early, Periodic, Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment (EPSDT) requirement of Medicaid.

Overview of Quality Improvement Tools – Webinar Series. This series of modules developed by the Quality Improvement Core provide a detailed overview of quality improvement tools including key definitions and examples.


Public Health Quality Improvement Exchange. The Public Health Quality Improvement Exchange (PHQIX) is an online community designed to be a communication hub for public health professionals interested in learning and sharing information about quality improvement (QI) in public health.


Quality Improvement Training Spotlight (MCH Navigator)

Quality in Public Health, Unit A. This module provides a description of key characteristics of quality, quality assurance, and quality improvement.

Quality in Public Health, Unit B. This module provides key definitions and concepts for performance measurement.


Return On Investment. ROI - These resources will help you understand ROI as a concept and help you actually do ROI analysis on a specific change


Simulation Based Learning in Public Health. This video will help you understand how simulation can support the learning needed to address complex public health challenges we now face.

State Assessment Tool. The State Assessment Tool provides a snapshot of your MCH program’s capacity to address and influence key areas of health reform affecting MCH and CYSHCN populations in your state.

Strengthen the Evidence Base for MCH Programs (MCH Navigator)

Systems Integration Training Spotlight (MCH Navigator)

System Mapping Video Series. This series introduces nine system mapping tools in brief 2-5 minute videos.


Telehealth Series. Background, overview, and key considerations for telehealth.

Title V Health Reform Implementation Webinar - State Assessment Tool. The National MCH Workforce Development Center hosted a webinar to introduce a comprehensive self-assessment tool, State Assessment​ Tool (SAT), that will help your Title V agency assess health reform-related activities in your state.

Title V National Performance Measures & the Affordable Care Act. This document is a crosswalk of the Title V National Performance Measures (NPMs) and related provisions in the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

Title V Transformation Tools. The Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCHB) Title V Maternal and Child Health Services Block Grants to States Program has established 15 National Performance Measures (NPMs). In order to effectively address the NPMs, MCH professionals need to think about not only the evidence and strategies to make change, but also the capacity of the workforce to carry out these activities. This series of Spotlights allows users to:
  1. Learn more about the resources contained in this portal by watching a 10 minute video.
  2. Access materials to find online learning materials, resources, and evidence-based strategies and programs that support the knowledge sets and skills needed to advance each NPM.

Foundational Skills | NPM 1: Well-Woman Visit | NPM 2: Low-Risk Cesarean Deliveries | NPM 3: Perinatal Regionalization | NPM 4: Breastfeeding | NPM 5: Safe Sleep | NPM 6: Developmental Screening | NPM 7: Child Safety/Injury | NPM 8: Physical Activity | NPM 9: Bullying | NPM 10: Adolescent Well-Visit | NPM 11: Medical Home | NPM 12: Transition | NPM 13: Oral Health | NPM 14: Smoking | NPM 15: Adequate Insurance Coverage


Using Process Flow Diagramming to Understand and Improve MCH Systems. This presentation from the 2015 AMCHP conference focuses on mapping out processes through flow diagramming in order to better understand and make improvements to Maternal and Child Health Systems.

Using Quality Improvement Tools to Address Challenging Problems – Webinar. This webinar defines key features of quality improvement (QI) and summarizes various QI tools to help identify and test actionable solutions for complex problems.

Using Quality Improvement Tools to Uncover the Root Causes of Health System Issues. This presentation from the 2015 AMCHP conference focuses on the use of QI tools, such as a fishbone diagram, impact matrix and Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycles, to identify and address root causes of health system issues.


The “Value” in Value-based Purchasing and Value-based Insurance Design for MCH Populations. Have you heard of value based purchasing? ACO's? MCO's? Ever wondered how they apply to you? This webinar describes value based purchasing.





This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number UE8MC25742; MCH Navigator for $225,000/year. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.