Displaying records 1 through 10 of 130 found.
Learning Opportunities for the Title V Workforce in Communities and at the Local Level Training Brief. Year Developed: Unknown. Source: MCH Navigator. Presenter(s): n.a.. Type: Interactive Learning Tool. Level: Intermediate. Length: Self-paced.
Annotation: This training brief focuses on those skills needed in communities as identified by CityMatCH's Strategic Work Plan. It covers collaboration and partnerships; evaluation; health equity and social justice for improved family and community health; use of data strategically for the transformation of family and community health; engaging and strengthening MCH leaders; and community health centers.
Exploring MCH Policy and the Policy Process . Year Developed: 2024. Source: Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs. Presenter(s): AMCHP Staff. Type: Online Course. Level: Introductory. Length: Self-paced.
Annotation: This module aims to provide a clear and concise overview of the policy process in relation to maternal and child health (MCH). Throughout this series, presenters will cover essential topics, starting with the definition of policy and its importance in MCH. Presenters will also introduce the policy engagement framework for public health, which highlights the CDC's Policy Process. and delve into the policy development process, highlighting the key individuals, organizations, and various settings involved. Finally presenters will discuss significant MCH policies that have shaped the field and consider their historical context. Additionally, presetners will explore the concept of evidence-based policy development, a crucial aspect of ensuring effective and informed decision-making. xxx
Learning Objectives: • Grasp the significance of policy within the context of MCH • Recognize the pivotal key players in policy development and their roles within the policy-making process • Explore the components of the Policy Engagement Framework for Public Health and its application to MCH • Identify and understand the process involved in developing, enacting, implementing, and evaluating policies (both legislative or "big P" and administrative or "little p") that improve the health and well-being of birthing people, families, and children • Gain an understanding of evidence-based policy development and its application in the context of MCH policy
Teaching MCH Policy and Advocacy. Year Developed: 2023. Source: University of Rochester. Presenter(s): Molly McNulty, JD. Type: Webinar. Level: Intermediate Advanced. Length: 60 minutes.
Annotation: This webinar focuses on policy and advocacy, two topics that have consistently ranked of high interest, but low self-perceived efficacy by users of the MCH Navigator's online self-assessment tool. Molly McNulty, JD, from the University of Rochester as presents the sources of law and policy; to tools to advance policy; and a case study focused on Early Intervention.
Learning Objectives: • Explain the basics of US policy process. • Teach about policy process and research. • Appraise and apply MCH policy strategies.
Continuing Education: ATMCH has secured 1.0 CPH credit for participating in either the webinar or webinar archive. For more information, email Julie McDougal at [email protected].
Strengthening Women’s Health Access: Medicaid and Family Planning. Year Developed: 2023. Source: National Institute for HealthCare Management. Presenter(s): Jason Lindo, MA, PhD; Jessica Cohen, PhD; Wanicha Burapa, MD, MPH; Kate Daniel, MS, CHES. Type: Webinar. Level: Introductory. Length: 61 minutes.
Annotation: An estimated 2 million unplanned pregnancies are prevented each year due to family planning services obtained through Title X, Medicaid, and other publicly funded programs. Expanded access to contraception produces many economic benefits for women, such as bolstering educational attainment, labor force participation, and earnings. Affordable access to contraception, including long-acting reversible contraception (LARC) and oral contraceptive pills, is proven to result in fewer unintentional pregnancies and significant cost savings to the health care system. Experts say that ongoing restrictions on reproductive health care may reduce contraceptive use, leading to more unplanned births and exacerbating health inequities. This webinar explores women’s health access, focusing on the impact of Medicaid and family planning.
Learning Objectives: • Discuss the impact of contraception on childbearing outcomes and women’s economic status. • Understand Medicaid’s role in providing LARCs to prevent unplanned pregnancies and fill postpartum care gaps. • Learn a state’s perspective on strengthening family planning programs, including expanding access to contraception.
Enhancing Program Performance with Logic Models. Year Developed: 2023. Source: New York - New Jersey Public Health Training Center. Presenter(s): University of Wisconsin, Madison, Division of Extension. Type: Online Course. Level: Introductory. Length: Self-Paced.
Annotation: This course provides a holistic approach to planning and evaluating education and outreach programs. It helps program practitioners use and apply logic models – a framework and way of thinking to help us improve our work and be accountable for results. You will learn what a logic model is and how to use one for planning, implementation, evaluation or communicating about your program. This course has 7 sections. It starts with a basic, simple concept and adds to it over the various sections to provide a thorough foundation in the use of logic models. Each section contains resources and activities.
Learning Objectives: • Describe how a logic model can be used for program planning, implementation and evaluation. • Illustrate the relationship between logic model components: Inputs, Activities, Outputs, Outcomes, and Impact or Goal. • Construct a logic model given program information.
Special Instructions: Registration is required. Click on "Enroll" and click on "Create an account now".
Continuing Education: 1 hour
Individual + Policy, System, and Environmental (I+PSE) Conceptual Framework for Action Training Bundle. Year Developed: 2022. Source: MCH Navigator. Presenter(s): Angie Tagtow, MS, RD; Dena Herman, PhD, MPH, RD; Leslie Cunningham-Sabo, PhD, RDN. Type: Interactive Learning Tool. Level: Intermediate. Length: Self-paced.
Annotation: This Training Bundle contains tailored learning opportunities that serve as building blocks to drive Title V MCH transformation by integrating direct service initiatives with policy (organizational/ public), system (simple/complex) and environmental (built/natural) approaches. These materials are centered on the Individual + Policy, System, and Environmental (I+PSE) Conceptual Framework for Action and can support innovative strategies to advance Title V MCH nutrition services and other topical areas. MCH practitioners, whether as individuals or teams, can apply the information provided from online modules, recorded webinars, articles, worksheets, case studies, and reflection to identify, plan, and implement policy, system, and environmental strategies further building Title V MCH capacity, practice-based evidence, and community/population impact.
Learning Objectives: • Define and apply the Individual + Policy, System and Environment (I+PSE) Conceptual Framework for Action to healthy eating and physical activity, food security, and sustainable food systems • Describe outcomes and implications from a childhood obesity prevention action planning application of the I+PSE Conceptual Framework for Action • Critique the evaluation strategies used in healthy eating and active living PSE initiatives using a systematic review
HRSA Women's Health Leadership Series: Women's Mental Health. Year Developed: 2022. Source: Health Resources and Services Administration. Presenter(s): Nancy Mautone-Smith MSW, LCSW; Emily Hassesy MPH, CHES; Joy Burkhard MBA; Cindy Herrick MA, CPSS, MHFA. Type: Webinar. Level: Introductory. Length: 59 minutes.
Annotation: As part of the Women's Health Leadership Series, HRSA and SAMHSA hosted a webinar on resources and opportunities around women's mental health, national policy, and stakeholder engagement around maternal mental health care from HRSA-supported settings.
Learning Objectives: • Learn about new HRSA innovations and opportunities • Describe SAMHSA resources for women throughout the life span • Define Serious Mental Illness (SMI) Advisor • Describe the range of maternal mental health disorders including other features and factors
Training Spotlight: Resilience: Preventing Burnout Among Public Health Professionals, Faculty, Clinicians, and Trainees. Year Developed: 2021. Source: MCH Navigator. Presenter(s): n.a.. Type: Interactive Learning Tool. Level: Introductory. Length: Self-paced.
Annotation: Researchers believe there are seven key characteristics of a resilient individual in addressing burnout. Some of these characteristics are intrinsic abilities but all of them can be developed with the right kind of support and guidance. This training spotlight, guided by this model, aims to provide trainings that facilitate the translation of science to practice around the complex nature of personal resilience.
Learning Objectives: Strengthen your knowledge base around the seven characteristics of an individual: • Emotional control • Positive self regard • Sense of purpose • Solution focus orientation • Sense of well-being and balance • Support networks •Reflection and perspective
The Next Frontier in Evidence-Based Policymaking: The Science of Scaling. Year Developed: 2021. Source: Brookings Institution; The University of Chicago. Presenter(s): Omar Woodard, John List, Elaine Kamarck, Dana Suskind, Michael Nutter. Type: Video. Level: Intermediate. Length: 90 minutes.
Annotation: This video showcases a diverse panel of experts discussing the importance of evidence-based policy making. Topics discussed in this video are scaling in the public sector, actionable evidence, obligations of researchers, and more. This video also includes a discussion of a book that argues that scaling represents the next frontiers in evidence-based policymaking as well as ways to address scaling in research endeavors.
Learning Objectives: • Define scaling. • Explain the importance of the use of evidence in policy making. • Identify how to address the issue of scaling in research, funding, and program implementation endeavors.
Leadership and Management: Basic Budgeting Concepts. Year Developed: 2021. Source: North Dakota Public Health Training Network. Presenter(s): Terry L Dwelle, MD. Type: Video. Level: Introductory. Length: 42 minutes.
Annotation: Budgeting is key to any health care organization to ensure financial stability and operational effectiveness. This video reviews the basics of budgeting practices and equips learners with the knowledge to successfully budget. Video topics include basic budgeting rules, types of budgets, strategies for developing budgets, and public health funding source.
Learning Objectives: • Define budgeting. • Discuss budgeting attributes of organizations. • Review the difference between a strategic and operational plan. • Review the four basic budget rules. • Review the benefits of effective budgeting. • Discuss the five types of budgets. • Discuss the four strategies for organization-wide budgeting. • Review the basic funding sources for public health.