The Pipeline Program of the National Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Workforce Development Center is designed to enhance training and networking opportunities for graduate and undergraduate students in MCH Leadership Training Programs. By providing Pipeline participants with the tools to effectively serve the MCH population within the context of health reform and the Affordable Care Act, we will advance the capacity of the Title V workforce to implement policies, programs, and systems that optimize the health and well-being of women, children, and families.
MCH Workforce Development Center activities will support the existing training infrastructure for graduate and undergraduate students in the ‘pipeline’ as they become MCH leaders. In addition to enriching practice opportunities for MCH students to engage with state and territorial Title V agencies during their training, the Pipeline Program will enhance curricula and training tools to increase knowledge and skills in four areas: Quality Improvement; Systems Integration; Change Management; and, Access to Care. Toward this end, the National Center will collaborate with the network of academic MCH training programs nationwide, the Maternal and Child Health Bureau, the Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs, and other key academic and practice contributors to further assess need and provide a strategic response. By investing in the professional development of MCH graduate and undergraduate students today, we are providing the Title V leadership of tomorrow with the knowledge and skills to address future health and health system challenges.
Through the Pipeline Program, existing and new training materials and curricula will be shared with current MCH trainees, MCH training program alumni, MCH academe, and Title V professionals through mixed modalities and multiple communication channels, expediting the translation of new knowledge to practice and peer-to-peer learning within a community of practice.
Title V Internship (Paired Practica) Program
The Title V Internship (Paired Practica) program provides current MCH undergraduate students and MCH graduate students/recent graduates experience with state Title V agencies. The program offers the MCH workforce pipeline direct experience with contemporary practice changes while providing the current MCH workforce in Title V agencies the opportunity to both acculturate the future workforce and to benefit from the new knowledge and skills of current trainees. For more information, visit https://mchwdc.unc.edu/title-v-internship-program/
Pipeline Program Resources
Online Courses
MHCH 890: Applied Methods for Health Transformation Implementation in MCH
Are you ready to contribute to state and national health reform implementation? Would you like to optimize your implementation skills and leadership capacity? Explore the art and science of health transformation in MCH through a new online course for students in any of the MCHB-funded MCH Training Programs.
This course is designed to integrate the theory, research literature, and evidence-supported practices that promote optimal population health outcomes in maternal and child health. The passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) in 2010 - the most significant health care system reform since the passage of Medicaid and Medicare in the 1960s - offers opportunities for improving public health systems, health care financing and delivery, and ultimately, health outcomes for MCH populations. Title V professionals need contemporary tools, resources, and skills in order to assume leadership in ACA and health reform implementation. Through this online course, students will gain essential competencies for quality improvement, systems thinking, population change management, and promotion of access to care for women, children and families.
Marcia Roth, MPH, Course Instructor
Lead, Pipeline Team, National MCH Workforce Development Center
Director of Training Initiatives in MCH, UNC MCH-SPH Training Program
Adjunct Instructor in Health Behavior, UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health
For more information contact: [email protected] or go to https://mchwdc.unc.edu/
MCH Trainee Resources
Here you will find a list of MCH trainee resources.
MCHB Trainee Resources Webpage
Find a consolidated list of MCH trainee resources, including links to sign up for the trainee listserv, trainee reflections on MCH Training experiences, and job and fellowship opportunities. It also features a fact sheet with links to MCH-funded training programs and 2012-2020 National Goals.
MCHB MCH Trainee Webinar Series
View two webinars held over the past year specific to trainees, one on the MCH Navigator and another on mentoring.
Lifelong Learning Support: http://altarum.adobeconnect.com/mchnavigator101112/
MCH Navigator
Visit this learning portal for maternal and child health professionals, students, and others working to improve the health and well-being of women, children, and families. The MCH Navigator seeks to enhance access to currently available public health MCH learning resources by “matching” learner needs with learning paths. This initiative is intended to complement, and not be a substitute for, formal institutionally-based undergraduate or graduate education program in maternal and child health.
MCH Navigator Assessment
The Assessment is mapped to the MCH Leadership Competencies. Once trainees have determined the areas in which they need development, they can identify appropriate training opportunities. To help trainees do that, the Navigator has linked the competency items examined in the MCH Leadership Skills Self-Assessment with relevant learning opportunities.
MCH Library
With funding from the Maternal and Child Health Bureau, the MCH Library at Georgetown University provides access to critical resources for leaders and the workforce in state Title V agencies, communities, health professionals, educators, researchers, policymakers, and families in order to facilitate changing policies and activities. Of particular interest to trainees, a variety of Professional Resource Guides and Briefs have been developed and provide recent, high quality resources and tools to learn more about the topic, conduct further research, locate training resources, develop programs, and stay abreast of new developments.
Internship and Practica Opportunities
This list includes internship and practica opportunities that are currently available.
Public Health Associate Program
The Public Health Associate Program (PHAP) is a competitive, two-year, paid Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) fellowship. Each PHAP associate is assigned to a state, tribal, local, or territorial public health agency and works alongside public health professionals. After completing the program, PHAP graduates will be qualified for future jobs with government public health agencies and will be uniquely prepared to pursue an advanced degree in public health. The 2015 associate application period will open in early February 2015. For more information, visit http://www.cdc.gov/phap/.
Graduate Student Epidemiology Program
The Graduate Student Epidemiology Program (GSEP) provides technical assistance to States and localities while offering graduate students hands-on training in maternal and child health epidemiology. For over 10 years, GSEP participants have had the opportunity to work with health agencies across the country to address specific, defined data or analytic issues with the aim of developing or enhancing MCH and Children with Special Health Care Needs (CSHCN) information systems. Master’s and doctoral degree candidates in U.S. schools of public health (accredited by the Council of Education for Public Health) are qualified to apply. Applicants must be enrolled in MCH studies and must not graduate before the internship ends. For more information, visit http://mchb.hrsa.gov/data-research-epidemiology/research-epidemiology.
NACCHO Health Policy and Practice Scholars Program, Fall 2014
NACCHO has expanded their student opportunities to include the newly developed Local Public Health Policy and Practice Scholars Program. This program was designed as a guided, academic, practice-based opportunity for graduate level students in public health, pharmacy, environmental studies, or law to work on policy and practice issues impacting public health at the local level. The ideal student will have experience in research, writing, and policy analysis. While each student opportunity will be tailored to meet the needs of individual students and their university requirements, students should expect to:
- Complete a minimum of 100 hours of public health policy and practice experience with specific assigned tasks while receiving academic credit,
- Work independently and have the capability to complete assignments remotely,
- Receive constructive feedback from an assigned preceptor with subject matter expertise, and
- Attend a minimum of two half-day events at the NACCHO office in Washington, DC.
Graduate-level students pursuing a master’s degree in public health or a related field are encouraged to apply. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis through September 22, 2014, but NACCHO encourages students to apply early. The eight selected students should receive academic course credit for their participation.
For more information, visit http://nacchopreparedness.org/?p=2768. Additional questions about the application process may be directed to [email protected].
Conferences and Events
142nd APHA Annual Meeting and Exposition in New Orleans, LA November 2014
Scholarships are available for students interested in attending the 142nd American Public Health Association Annual Meeting and Expo. The scholarship consists of reimbursement for the Early Bird rate for student registration at the Annual Meeting ($225) and up to $250 reimbursement for Annual Meeting costs. For information about the 142nd APHA Annual Meeting and Exposition visit http://www.apha.org/meetings/annual
Please go to the MCH Section's Library on APHA Connect to find the guidelines and application for the 2014 Annual Meeting Scholarship. Please note that current MCH Section Student Fellows are ineligible for this scholarship opportunity.
All materials are due by Sunday, July 13, 2014 at 11:59pm ET to [email protected]. Should you have any questions about the application process, please e-mail the Student Assembly Chair, Alex Bryan, at [email protected].