From 2013 - 2016, the Center maintained a goal focused on quality improvement (QI). QI tools and resources are critical to public health transformation. The launch of the National Public Health Improvement Initiative (2010) and a national voluntary accreditation system for state and local health departments (2011) increased interest in and use of QI among public health practitioners. QI methods, though initially developed and used in other industries, have been shown to be applicable and effective to improve public health services.
Though the field is nascent, early reports on the positive impact in public health have been impressive (Cornett 2012; Harrison 2012; Wright 2012; Smith 2012; Randolph 2013). One of the greatest barriers to the successful application of QI in public health settings is the profound lack of QI capacity within the public health workforce (Randolph 2013). Thus the QI core of the Center focused on improving Title V staff’s capacity in using QI to implement ACA and improve Title V programs. Resources collected and developed by the Center are included below.
Quality Improvement Resources
Learn More. For more training materials compiled from the field, see the MCH Navigator's Quality Improvement Training Spotlight