MCH 101
The learning opportunities included in this set are organized under six topics, all of which reflect building blocks critical to an overall orientation to the field of maternal and child health. Those who are newly entering the field of maternal and child health may find it most helpful to tap into at least one learning resource for each of the six areas.
- Accountability: The learning opportunities largely pertain to government programs broadly, as well as some special accountability requirements of Title V (SSA).
- MCH Population, Mission and Principles: Explores the various population groups and issues of special interest in the MCH field, including, Family-centered Care, Cultural Competence, Medical Home and related.
- MCH History and Title V Legislation: Focuses on the evolution of programs for women, children and families, as grounded in Title V (SSA), the MCH programs that proceeded it, and the public programs with which Title V interacts most frequently.
- MCH (Title V) Implementation: Presents an overview of the MCH system, and basic overview of selected major public programs impacting maternal and child health.
- Policy 101: Policy is the least understood of the MCH Leadership Competencies. Access these 10 learning opportunities for a jump start in learning about the policy process.
- Population Health: Presents basic concepts and functions of public health and their translation in MCH, such as the MCH Pyramid and planning cycle.
- Services Provided by Title V: The services available through major MCH programs and their limitations and gaps.
Also, key to researching, planning, and implementing programs in your state is the ability to find resources specific to the populations you serve. Check out the 15-minute video on Where to Find MCH Resources for sources of data and access to critical programs.
For additional learning opportunities in topics not listed here, see the Search page to search by competency or keyword.