Access trainings by the type of learning that matches your need:

Self Directed: Know what you want to learn?

Looking for some assistance to help you find what you're looking for?
MCHfast Guided Search

Still looking or need assistance? You can always ask for Help.

Semi-Structured: Looking for trainings grouped according to your need?

Self-Reflective. Not sure of your learning needs? Take the online Self-Assessment.

Fast & Focused. Want to learn on the go? Sign up for one of our Micro-learning programs.

Intense & Immersive. Looking for a comprehensive course that covers everything? Access the MCHsmart curriculum - Coming Soon.

Focus Areas. Need specialized resources?

Learning Programs

Learning Programs


The MCH Navigator recognizes that there is no "one-size-fits-all" approach to learning; as such we offer a growing selection of learning programs to match your educational needs and time requirements. Use this page to access (1) focused and fast micro-learning (and micro-reflection) programs for when you need to gain knowledge while on the go (we offer both synchronous and asynchronous programs) and (2) intensive and immersive macro-learning for when you want to dive deep into the MCH Leadership Competencies through the MCHsmart learning curriculum.

Don't forget that you can also take the online Self-Assessment to gain an understanding of your strengths and areas for growth through a personalized learning plan that can be used to map out your learning in an organized manner.

LEARN MORE about each type of learning and access our learning programs below and SIGN UP to receive our learning program emails.

MCHnowNew for 2024/2025: Enter into the MCH Leadership Competencies. Starting now, gain a summary of each of the MCH Leadership Competencies, one each month, through MCHnow, where we will share a brief video and learning resource delivered right to your inbox with supplemental learning materials from and links to our MCHsmart curriculum. Read more in our 1-page brochure.

Focused and Fast MICRO-LEARNING: Gain knowledge while on the go.

Need fast and focused learning? Micro-learning is an effective and emerging learning style to address the pressures of time constraints, information overload, and busy schedules by providing highly relevant and curated materials in small bursts at regular intervals.

Benefits of micro-learning include:

  • Short learning sessions. Learning occurs in small, bite-sized segments that are easy to achieve and incorporate.
  • Focused content. Access to highly relevant information happens without a lot of clutter.
  • Incremental learning. Learning bursts that are frequent and short build upon each other.
  • Just-in-time. Acquiring information happens at your own pace, when you need it.
  • Communal learning. Technology allows learners to see what others are thinking, share ideas, and ask questions.
  • Multitasking and learning. Information can be gathered on-the-go, especially through mobile devices.

The MCH Navigator has pioneered a series of micro-learning activities for the busy public health professional and student.


Quickly Learn About the Most Pressing Issues. A joint project of the National MCH Workforce Development Center and the MCH Navigator, MCHwork addresses knowledge and skills related to the most pressing issues of the day, including health equity; community partnerships; evaluation and assessment; aligning plans and strategy building; and communication.


Enter into the MCH Leadership Competencies. Starting now, gain a summary of each of the MCH Leadership Competencies, one each month, through MCHnow, where we will share a brief video and learning resource delivered right to your inbox with supplemental learning materials from and links to our MCHsmart curriculum. Read more in our 1-page brochure.

5-Minute MCH5-Minute MCH

Dig Further into the MCH Leadership Competencies. The 5-Minute MCH program was the Navigator's first microlearning program. This program ran from 2015-2016 and explored each of the MCH Leadership Competencies through a 5-minute introduction, 5 learning opportunities, 5 implementation strategies, and a summary 15-minute discussion with an expert from the field.

The 5-Minute MCH microlearning program has been replaced by MCHnow. Please visit the MCHnow microlearning page for current information on the MCH leadership competencies.

Public Health Pronto

Align MCH and Core Public Health Competencies. This learning program focuses on the Core Competencies for Public Health Professionals and topic areas in Health Transformation. Public Health Pronto explores this broader set of competencies through the lens of MCH and with an eye toward health transformation.

MCH 2020

Self-Reflect for Perfect Vision. In our rapid-paced work and school environments, it is important to celebrate our strengths and skills. MCH20|20 asks a series of 20 questions to build on what you know to map your learning path. Reflect on these 20 questions and see what other people are thinking about along their learning journeys.


Understand How Best We Learn. During this year-long program beginning in 2025/2026, MCHmonthly will utilize a self-reflecive process to examine the MCH Leadership Competencies through the lens of four learning theories (behaviorism, constructivism, cognitivism, and connectivism) to understand how best to learn according to one’s learning preferences.

Intensive and Immersive MACRO-LEARNING: Dive deep into learning.

Need intensive and immersive learning? Macro-learning through a structured, comprehensive curriculum addresses the need to learn about a topic deeply and at one's own pace to fully understand topic areas, how to apply what is learned in real-life settings, and track learning over time.

Benefits of macro-learning include:

  • Learning is designed to be thorough, structured, and logical. Learners have expressed the need to review competencies in a comprehensive manner that motivates a sense of learning and provides training over the course of time.
  • Learning is designed to increase knowledge and skills. Learners have expressed the need to focus their efforts on areas that they need to strengthen. Participants need to receive evidence-informed strategies to implement learning in their daily work.
  • Learning occurs as part of a group. Learners have expressed the need to feel part of a collaborative and interact with other professionals. This gives learners the opportunity to share insights and pose questions to fellow professionals and students.
  • Learners become experts. Learners have expressed the need to be encouraged to measure their before and after understanding of competencies through programs.
  • Learners are recognized for participation. Learners have expressed the need to use MCH Navigator programs as part of their professional-development activities, either individually or as a team-building activity with fellow professionals or students.



Begin Your Sturctured Learning Here. Our new program, MCHsmart, delivers the core content of a structured program in a format that is accessible to MCH professionals, students, and current/future faculty. Learners work at their own pace and choose how deeply they want to explore each competency. Up to 12 CPH Recertification Credits from the National Board of Public Health Examiners may be earned.


This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number UE8MC25742; MCH Navigator for $225,000/year. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.