The Coffee Talk Series was hosted by the National MCH Workforce Development Center's Change Management core on four pertinent topics benefiting the Title V workforce. The series consists of four archived 20 minute videos for AMCHP members to access at their leisure.
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Coffee Talk 1: Title V Transformation
Presenter: Lacy Fehrenbach, MPH, CPH, Director, Programs, AMCHP
Video Release: March 2nd
This presentation will provide a brief overview of the major changes in the Title V Block Grant guidance related to the new performance measures, Five Year State Action Plan, and emphasis on documenting family engagement in all areas throughout the life course.
Coffee Talk 2: Getting to the Table
Presenter: Sharron Corle, MS, Associate Director, MCH Leadership Development & Capacity Building, AMCHP
Video Release: April 1st
Sharron Corle provides some provocative questions to consider as you seek out a "seat at the table" (or work to create a new table) in the new opportunities evolving from the Title V Block Grant and health transformation in your state!
Coffee Talk 3: Leading Change
Presenter: Karen Trierweiler, Director of Programs & Services, Prevention Services, Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
Video Release: June 1st
In working to improve the lives of women, children and families, leadership plays a critical role in state MCH programs. This is why it is important for the MCH leaders to take initiative, have a vision, influence people, and problem solve. This presentation will focus on pertinent leadership skills using Dan Heath's process for leading change, followed by Karen Trierweiler's personal experience of leading change in Colorado's Department of Public Health and Environment.
Coffee Talk 4: Managing Change
Presenter: Brenda Jones, DHSc, RN, MSN, WHNP-BC, Hospital Field Surveyor, The Joint Commission, (former IL Title V Director)
Video Release: November 16th
Managing change is not an easy task - especially some of the "moving the needle" efforts currently gearing up in Title V programs! Successful collective impact efforts require a few key conditions – among them a united plan among the many individuals and organizations that impact the issue as well as collaboration among the many key players. While the effects of collective impact are often outside the control of a single individual or organization, achieving change within those systems is dependent on great leadership at both the individual and organizational levels. This presentation will share a brief overview of the leadership skills and capacities needed to lead collective impact initiatives, followed by Brenda's personal experience in creating collective action among key players during a major statewide MCH reorganization.