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MCHwork: Transforming Learning

MCHwork: Transforming Learning

Session 1.1: Improving Health Outcomes through Asset Framing



Reframing the Narrative: Recognizing Strengths and Building Solutions...

Asset Framing defines individuals and communities by their strengths, capabilities, and aspirations before addressing challenges they may face. This perspective recognizes the inherent value within families and communities, focusing on building upon existing resources and capabilities to achieve better health outcomes.

In Asset Framing, we focus on places, conditions, and solutions rather than perceived vulnerabilities. We lead with strengths and build upon existing successful practices. This approach helps create lasting improvements in maternal and child health outcomes1

Let's look at an example:2

Instead of: Young mothers have higher rates of pregnancy complications.

Consider: Access to early prenatal care and community support helps ensure healthy pregnancies and births.

“Rather than what’s wrong, ask where is the community strong? Instead of what do you need, ask what are your dreams? Beyond what’s your vocation, ask what’s your sense of call and purpose?” – DeAmon Harges, Founder of the Learning Tree

MCHwork provides a jump start to Asset Framing through a Ready-Set-Go approach. Use the following resources to start your learning, dig deeper, and move from knowledge to practice.

READY: Start Your Learning

Watch this introductory video from the National MCH Workforce Development Center:

SET: Dig Deeper

Learn More: Continue your learning with trainings gathered by the MCH Navigator:

  • You Roc! With Asset-Based Thinking. Date Developed: February 21, 2013. Source: TEDxYouth. Presenter(s): Kathy Cramer. Type: Video. Level: Intermediate. Length: 12 minutes.
  • Seeing and Valuing Students Through Asset Framing. Date Developed: Unknown. Source: MIT Open Learning Library Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Presenter(s): Unknown. Type: Interactive Learning Tool. Level: Intermediate. Length: Self-Paced.
  • Asset Framing. Date Developed: October 14, 2021. Source: The Communications Network. Presenter(s): Trabian Shorters. Type: Video. Level: Advanced. Length: 45 minutes.
  • The Genius of Asset Framing. Date Developed: February 14, 2021. Source: Pod Bean. Presenter(s): Trabian Shorters. Type: Video. Level: Advanced. Length: 59 minutes.

See the Big Picture: Asset Framing works within a larger public health context. Learn more about related skill sets below.

The MCH Leadership Competencies describe the necessary knowledge, skills, personal characteristics, and values within a framework designed to support and promote MCH leadership. Asset Framing draws upon the following competencies for planning, implementing, and evaluating activities:

  • Competency 2: Self-Reflection. Self-reflection is the process of assessing how personal values, beliefs, communication styles, and experiences shape one's professional leadership approach. This understanding helps leaders better serve families and communities. Access additional trainings related to self-reflection.
  • Competency 3: Ethics.thical behavior in professional roles includes conduct aligned with accepted principles and values. This encompasses leadership ethics such as honesty and responsibility, as well as specific considerations for serving MCH populations. Access additional trainings related to ethics.
  • Competency 4: Critical Thinking. The complex health challenges faced by mothers, children, and families require sophisticated problem-solving skills. MCH professionals must analyze situations thoroughly and develop effective solutions. Access additional trainings related to critical thinking.

The National MCH Workforce Development Center has identified 6 Foundational Skills Recommended to Support the Title V National Performance Measures. Asset Framing draws heavily on the following skill:

  • Skill 1: Improving Health Outcomes. Improving maternal and child health outcomes requires understanding and addressing the factors that influence health. With established MCH performance measures, Title V professionals can assess current programs and practices and plan future initiatives to enhance service delivery and health outcomes.

The 10 Essential Public Health Services provide a framework to protect and promote the health of mothers, children, and families in all communities. These services support the development of programs and policies that enable optimal health outcomes. Asset-based approaches draw on the first three services:

  • Service 1. Assess and monitor population health status, factors that influence health, and community needs and assets. See related trainings gathered by the MCH Navigator.
  • Service 2. Investigate, diagnose, and address health problems and hazards affecting the population. See related trainings gathered by the MCH Navigator.
  • Service 3. Communicate effectively to inform and educate people about health, factors that influence it, and how to improve it. See related trainings gathered by the MCH Navigator.

The de Beaumont Foundation has identified 9 Public Health Strategic Skills to address new challenges and the constantly shifting focus of the public health workforce. Asset Framing draws on a number of these interdisciplinary skills:

  • Skill 1: Communication. An interactive process of partnership and dialogue that leads to the exchange of information and ideas with families and communities to influence health behaviors and outcomes. Effective communication requires understanding audience needs, environment, and priorities while utilizing formats that resonate with the target audience. This approach encourages families and communities to create lasting positive health changes. See related trainings gathered by the MCH Navigator.
  • Skill 6: Systems and Strategic Thinking. A holistic understanding of interrelated healthcare structures and the ability to recognize their influence at multiple levels. This skill helps align resources to achieve improved maternal and child health outcomes. It involves designing interventions that address overall systems and patterns, allowing for solutions that create widespread improvements in health service delivery. See related trainings gathered by the MCH Navigator.

GO: Move from Knowledge to Practice

Implement what you've learned with these resources gathered by the MCH Digital Library:



  1. Shorters, Trabian. “Understanding Asset Framing.” California Health Care Foundation, April 2021.
  2. Dawn Hunter, Network for Public Health Law.


This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number UE8MC25742; MCH Navigator for $225,000/year. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.