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The Analyze and Strengthen Infrastructure domain corresponds to the work done to prepare a system to host a given program and its related strategies. Implementation infrastructure – e.g. trained staff, supportive management, data systems and more – must be in place to support new or expand existing efforts. Once new strategies are underway, quality improvement methods must support the use of program data to enhance quality.
Innovations require infrastructure and capacity to ensure their effective, sustained implementation. Implementation infrastructure – e.g., trained staff, supportive management, improved data systems – is how the work gets done. Unfortunately, the critical domain of analyzing and strengthening this infrastructure is often ignored or only partially addressed, leading to failed programs and lackluster results. This EBDM domain focuses on defining implementation infrastructure, assessing current system capacity and developing stage based, feasible implementation plans that include relevant capacity building strategies.
Learn about analyzing and strengthening the infrastructure through this video.
Learn about analyzing and strengthening the infrastructure through these trainings collected by the MCH Navigator.