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Displaying records 1 through 10 of 12 found.

Shaping Organizational Culture: The Role of Leaders. Year Developed: 2016. Source: Region IV Public Health Training Center. Presenter(s): Peter M. Ginter, Ph.D.. Type: Webinar. Level: Intermediate. Length: 90 minutes.

Annotation: Leaders at all organizational levels assume many roles in establishing consensus, setting strategic direction, and motivating performance. One of the most important roles a leader plays is shaping the organizational culture. This webinar will introduce public health professionals to the essential tasks of effective leaders and highlight leaders’ behaviors, attitudes and values that shape an adaptive organizational culture. Participants will also learn about principles and strategies for helping an organization become less bureaucratic and more adaptive.

Learning Objectives: • Describe the essential tasks of leaders. • Describe the behaviors, attitudes, and values that shape an adaptive organizational culture. • Discuss principles and strategies for moving an organization to be less bureaucratic and more adaptive.

Special Instructions: Requires registration.

Resiliency: Tips and Tricks on How to Keep Staff Morale High. Year Developed: 2016. Source: Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs. Presenter(s): Kris Risley, PhD. Type: n.a.. Level: Intermediate. Length: n.a..

Annotation: Success of an organization/department depends on the employees who work there. The morale among staff must be high to have high performing staff. Sometimes when organizational changes occur, the morale can go down. For this webinar, Kris Risley, Clinical Assistant Professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago provided tips and tricks to keep staff morale high by using appreciative inquiry and positive questions to bring out the best of the organization/department/team. Dr. Risley also discussed the importance of emotional intelligence and the impact you have on your organization/department.

Change Management Training Spotlight. Year Developed: 2016. Source: MCH Navigator. Presenter(s): Jolene Bertness, MEd, CHES; Olivia Pickett, MA, MLS; John Richards, MA, AITP. Type: Interactive Learning Tool. Level: Introductory Intermediate Advanced. Length: Series, various lengths.

Annotation: This training spotlight, developed by the MCH Navigator, provides links to selected trainings and related tools on key topics identified by the National MCH Workforce Development Center, including: (1) understanding transformation and change; (2) collaborating; (3) thinking critically and innovating across systems; (4) sustaining effort; and (5) learning as an organization and developing new leaders for new roles in a transformed system.

Strategies for Change: Implement Change and Gain Leadership Buy-in. Year Developed: 2015. Source: GovLoop. Presenter(s): Martha Johnson. Type: Video. Level: Introductory. Length: 35 minutes.

Annotation: Big and small changes in the workplace require sensible leadership. There are many implications in small vs. big changes, which can also affect how you attain leadership buy-in. This course is led by leadership expert, Martha Johnson, Leadership Speaker and Consultant with more than 3o years of experience in business and government. She is also the best selling author of "On My Watch: Leadership, Innovation, and Personal Resilience". The course comprises an overview and introduction, 6 lessons, and a post-course survey.

Learning Objectives: • The practicalities of big change versus incremental change. • Differences between disruptions and interruptions. • How government leaders can choose and steward change.

Continuing Education: GovLoop is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors.

Performance Measurement and Title V Transformation: Building Skills to Select and Design Measures for MCH 3.0. Year Developed: 2015. Source: Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs. Presenter(s): Donna Petersen, ScD, MHS; Michael Kogan, PhD. Type: Video. Level: Intermediate. Length: 130 minutes.

Annotation: This skills‐building session provides participants with the knowledge and skills to determine the most appropriate NPMs based on state needs as part of the transformation of Title V; the workshop also focuses on development of state‐initiated Structure/Process measures. The transformation of Title V is almost complete and signifies a new era for MCH programs. During 2014‐15, state Title V programs will be completing five‐year needs assessments to select a new set of state MCH priorities and state performance measures; with the implementation of MCH 3.0, states also will select a subset of national performance measures (NPMs). In 2016, each Title V program will need to develop state‐initiated Structure and Process Measures to directly measure their impact on the NPMs.

Operationalizing the Transformation of the MCH Block Grant. Year Developed: 2015. Source: Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs. Presenter(s): Michele Lawler, MS, RD; Christopher Dykton; EJ Tom. Type: Video. Level: Advanced. Length: 170 minutes.

Annotation: This skills‐building session provides state Title V directors and staff with practical information on how to operationalize the transformation of the Title V MCH Services Block Grant, with a focus on the changes impacting the submission of the fiscal year (FY) 2016 application, including the five‐year needs assessment, and FY 2014 annual report. The session focuses on the following areas: 1) new information system for the Title V Information System (TVIS); 2) new guidance for the MCH Block Grant Application Narrative; 3) new guidance for the MCH Block Grant National Performance Measures; and 4) new guidance for other parts of the MCH Block Grant application and annual report.

Coffee Talk [Change Management] Series. Year Developed: 2015. Source: National MCH Workforce Development Center. Presenter(s): Various. Type: Webinar Archive. Level: Introductory. Length: Series; various lengths (all under 30 minutes).

Annotation: This four-part series, hosted by the National MCH Workforce Development Center, focuses on how change management benefits the Title V workforce. Coffee Talk 1: Title V Transformation provides a brief overview of the major changes in the Title V Block Grant guidance related to the new performance measures, Five Year State Action Plan, and emphasis on documenting family engagement in all areas throughout the life course. Coffee Talk 2: Getting to the Table provides provocative questions to consider as Title V professionals seek out a "seat at the table" (or work to create a new table) in the new opportunities evolving from the Title V Block Grant and health transformation in the states. Coffee Talk 3: Leading Change ​focuses on pertinent leadership skills using Dan Heath's process for leading change, followed by Karen Trierweiler's personal experience of leading change in Colorado's Department of Public Health and Environment. Coffee Talk 4: Managing Change shares a brief overview of the leadership skills and capacities needed to lead collective impact initiatives, followed by the speaker's personal experience in creating collective action among key players during a major statewide MCH reorganization.

Special Instructions: The Coffee Talk Series is the second item on the page. Click on Read More to access the video links and additional materials.

Building Evidence to Improve the Structure, Governance and Funding of Local Public Health Through Practice-Based Research Networks . Year Developed: 2015. Source: n.a.. Presenter(s): Justeen Hyde and Jennifer Kertanis. Type: Webinar. Level: Intermediate Advanced. Length: 50 minutes. TRAIN Link

Annotation: Are there better ways to organize, finance and deliver local public health services? Join us for a presentation of “real world” studies of local health departments in states of Connecticut and Massachusetts, two states with highly decentralized public health systems, that explore just that question. Learn about how practice-based research networks (PBRNs) are bringing together researchers and practitioners across the nation to identify strategies that work to maximize population health impact, cost effectiveness and health equity of public health systems.

Learning Objectives: • Describe the primary objectives of Public Health Systems and Services Research. • List at least three reasons why local health departments should be interested in the work of PBRNs. • Recognize how findings from CT and MA PBRN studies could be used to impact. • Recall how local health departments can learn more about PBRN research or participate in PBRN studies.

Continuing Education: NEPHTC Certificate

Adaptive Leadership and Public Health. Year Developed: 2015. Source: National Association of County and City Health Officials. Presenter(s): N/A. Type: Video. Level: Intermediate. Length: 5 minutes.

Annotation: Local health officials and their staff are exploring innovative partnerships with other agencies in health care and beyond and identifying new ways of operating within and influencing the economic and social conditions of our health system. Such work demands a new kind of leadership – a transition from our typical spheres of influence and authority to mobilizing people to tackle tough challenges and thrive. Adaptive Leadership is a practical framework for leading consequential change in the midst of significant market and sociopolitical transformation.

An Introduction to the PHAB Accreditation Process. Year Developed: 2014. Source: Public Health Accreditation Board. Presenter(s): n.a.. Type: Online Course. Level: Introductory. Length: 30 minutes.

Annotation: This online course details knowledge of the seven distinct steps and timeline of the PHAB accreditation process that begin with preparatory work, leading to an accreditation decision, then ending with reaccreditation.

Learning Objectives: • List the steps of the accreditation process • Describe the three prerequisites required at the time of application • Define the purpose of the Readiness Checklists and the Statement of Intent

Continuing Education: 0.75 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s), 1.00 ANCC contact hours, 0.75 hours of participation, 1.00 hour of Public Health Continuing Education (CPHCE) credit; expires 9/29/2017

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This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number UE8MC25742; MCH Navigator for $225,000/year. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.