Displaying records 1 through 7 of 7 found.
Leadership and Management: Basic Budgeting Concepts. Year Developed: 2021. Source: North Dakota Public Health Training Network. Presenter(s): Terry L Dwelle, MD. Type: Video. Level: Introductory. Length: 42 minutes.
Annotation: Budgeting is key to any health care organization to ensure financial stability and operational effectiveness. This video reviews the basics of budgeting practices and equips learners with the knowledge to successfully budget. Video topics include basic budgeting rules, types of budgets, strategies for developing budgets, and public health funding source.
Learning Objectives: • Define budgeting. • Discuss budgeting attributes of organizations. • Review the difference between a strategic and operational plan. • Review the four basic budget rules. • Review the benefits of effective budgeting. • Discuss the five types of budgets. • Discuss the four strategies for organization-wide budgeting. • Review the basic funding sources for public health.
Growing and Sustaining: A Discussion About Healthcare Coalition Financial Models. Year Developed: 2017. Source: Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response, TRACIE Healthcare Emergency Preparedness Information Gateway. Presenter(s): Melissa Harvey, RN, MSPH, John Hick, MD et al.. Type: Webinar. Level: Intermediate. Length: 70 minutes.
Annotation: Healthcare Coalitions (HCCs) across the country have been tasked with supporting disaster operations in their communities during and after events. For many HCCs, the transition from serving as a planning entity to an operational entity is challenging. ASPR’s Technical Resources, Assistance Center, and Information Exchange (TRACIE) is hosting a series of webinars for HCCs interested in learning more about operationalizing coalitions. The fourth webinar in this series focuses on financial models for HCCs and how each are unique. Participants will hear from a variety of speakers about different financial models, lessons learned, benefits, and challenges. If you are looking to improve your current model or transitioning to a new financial model, this webinar is for you!
Learning Objectives: • Learn about different HCC financial models. • Discuss financial models lessons learned, benefits, and challenges.
Special Instructions: Requires short registration to view archive.
Planning and Budgeting for Public Health: Part I - The Business Plan. Year Developed: 2013. Source: University of Minnesota School of Public Health. Presenter(s): Anne Barry, JD, MPH. Type: Online Course. Level: Introductory. Length: Self-paced. List of all courses
Annotation: Practitioners in the field of public health find themselves in serious competition for funding. How do we make sure that the activities we advance to protect, maintain and promote the health of the public are a priority for funders. One of the ways we can improve our chances is to make a strong business case for our work. This brief overview will give you a simple outline to assist you in building a business plan for public health activities.
Learning Objectives: • Define public health finance. • Identify three major domains of public health finance competencies (knowledge, skills, and abilities needed in practice). • Describe the financial cycle within organizations. • Explain the reasons for a business plan. • List the major sections of a business plan template.
Special Instructions: To access this course, you first need to create an account
Continuing Education: 0.1 CEU/CE; 1 CPHCE
Business Planning for Public Health Programs. Year Developed: 2011. Source: Northwest Center for Public Health Practice. Presenter(s): Stephen Orton, PhD. Type: Interactive Learning Tool. Level: Introductory. Length: 45 minutes.
Annotation: This 45-minute module will help you understand the basics of business planning and determine if writing a business plan is appropriate for your public health program.
Learning Objectives: • Describe the parts of a business plan. • Explain how business planning can be helpful for a public health agency or non-profit organization. • Describe the function of business planning. Identify when it is appropriate to do a business plan.
Special Instructions: To access this course, you first need to create an account.
Continuing Education: 1 CNE Contact Hour
Public Health Financial Management. Year Developed: n.a.. Source: South Central Public Health Partnership. Presenter(s): W. Jack Duncan, PhD. Type: Video Course. Level: Advanced Intermediate. Length: 420 minutes.
Annotation: This course is divided into four modules, and includes PowerPoint slides to use with each lecture and talk. Module 1 provides an overview of finance, discussing sources of revenues, defines important financial terms, and talks about the budget process. In session 2, Dr. Duncan interviews Jerry W. Stephens PhD about financial and managerial accounting, as well as financial statements. The two presenters also discuss cost behavior, including fixed and variable costs. Segment 3 includes an interview with Stuart Capper, DrPH who defines and elaborates on capital budgeting specifically in public health settings compared to the private sector. They also discuss a case study in capital budgeting and how money changes over time. Module 4 concludes with an interview with Michael E. Fleenor, MD, MPH who discusses integrating strategic thinking and financial planning and his experiences with this type of planning process. A quiz is available after completion of the course.
Learning Objectives: Module I - Financial Management for Public Health Managers: • Discuss the sources of revenues for state and local public health agencies. • Discuss the reasons why budgets and budgeting is an important part of financial management in public health organizations. • Discuss the nature of matching funds, in-kind funds, and indirect allocations. • Discuss the difference between cash and accrual basis accounting. • Describe how unexpected factors can influence the budgeting process. • Define three different types of budgets Module II - Essential Concepts of Financial and Managerial Accounting: • Describe how management accounting is used in private and public organizations. • Explain difference between balance sheets and income statements. • Discuss the difference between fixed and variable cost. • Discuss the general cost categories found in most organizations. • Explain what is meant by responsibility accounting. • Describe what is meant by break-even analysis and how this tool can be used for managerial decision making in public health organizations. Module III - Essential Concepts of Financial and Managerial Accounting P2: • Describe the distinguishing characteristics of capital assets. • Explain why public health organizations do not usually have capital budgets in the same sense as private sector firms. • Discuss what is meant by “funding depreciation” on capital assets and the associated challenges for public health organizations relative to maintaining capital assets. • Discuss the primary bases upon which capital decisions are made in most public health organizations. • Explain what is meant by the time value of money. • Describe briefly some methods by which capital asset acquisition may be evaluated. Module IV - Financial Management for Public Health Managers: • Discuss how strategic plans are related to the budgets of public health organizations. • Understand the complex challenge that public health managers face in ensuring financial plans are consistent with and contribute to the strategic plan. • Discuss some of the unique challenged faced by public health managers in attempting to effectively manage their unit’s financial resources. • Differentiate among strategic, business or operational, and budgetary plans.
Special Instructions: Registration is required.
Continuing Education: 7.00 Participation/CE. Tulane Professional and Continuing Education (PaCE) awards 7.00 hour(s) of credit for completing Public Health Financial Management
Financial Management. Year Developed: n.a.. Source: University of Iowa College of Public Health's Institute for Public Health Practice. Presenter(s): Jeff Horne. Type: Online Course. Level: Intermediate. Length: Self-paced.
Annotation: This learning opportunity consists of a one hour video segment which is accessible via video streaming technology. PowerPoint slides of the presentation are provided in PDF format. Participants will be assessed through practice exercises and an online post-test. Presenter Jeff Horne describes county sources of funding, the impact of funding sources such as grants, fees, licenses, contributions, and property taxes as well as external factors that are difficult for the budget projections, preparation, and amendments.
Learning Objectives: • List county funding sources. • Describe the annual budget cycle. • Understand the financial structure of county government.
Special Instructions: Registration required.
Budget Planning and Management. Year Developed: n.a.. Source: South Central Public Health Partnership. Presenter(s): Andrew Rucks, PhD. Type: Video Course. Level: Intermediate. Length: 60 minutes.
Annotation: This course provides an overview of the importance of integrating strategic and budget planning, the types and concepts of budgeting, the application of budgeting as a managerial tool, and budget planning and management. This course includes a case study examining Jefferson County (Alabama) Department of Health (JCDH) Budget Systems. Specific references to the JCDH Budget Systems will be made throughout the presentation.
Learning Objectives: • Describe the link between budgets and strategic plans. • Discuss the difference among all the types of governmental budgets. • Describe the budget cycle and major related components. • Explain how to use financial information to make managerial decisions. • Understand the planning and management of budgeting in a local public health department setting.
Special Instructions: Registration is required.
Continuing Education: 1.00 Participation/CE. Tulane Professional and Continuing Education (PaCE) awards 1.00 hour(s) of credit for completing Budget Planning and Management