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Displaying records 1 through 10 of 10 found.

MCH Bridges - The Official AMCHP Podcast Episode #5: Rest is Infinite: Shifting Our Mindsets on Rest & Productivity. Year Developed: 2022. Source: Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs. Presenter(s): Marissa McKool and Maura Leahy. Type: Podcast. Level: Introductory. Length: 32 minutes.

Annotation: In this episode, presenters tackle the topic of redefining rest and productivity with Marissa McKool, Career and Life Coach. Marissa shares her personal wake up call on the brink of burnout, explores why we are sometimes hesitant to take time off, discusses how supervisors and managers can be more supportive of staff, the intersection of oppressive systems and thoughts on rest, and shares ideas and tips for reshaping our mindset throughout the conversation.

Learning Objectives: • Inspire and guide actions that will improve the systems that impact maternal and child health populations. • Lift up stories and people from the MCH field by centering the voices of the public health workforce, people and communities most impacted by inequities, and individuals and families with lived experiences.

Developing Evidence About Public Health Services. Year Developed: 2015. Source: Northwest Center for Public Health Practice. Presenter(s): Betty Bekemeier, PhD, MPH, FAAN. Type: Webinar Archive. Level: Introductory. Length: 60 minutes.

Annotation: In this one-hour webinar, which is part of the Hot Topics series, Betty Bekemeier, PhD, MPH, FAAN, reviews the importance of collecting standardized data and demonstrates how the information is being used to make the case for public health services. The intended audience is local, state, and tribal public health professionals; Program staff and managers working in environmental health and communicable disease prevention. A recording, slides, and a slides handout are available.

Learning Objectives: • Describe ways in which local health department administrative data can be used to demonstrate the value of public health services. • Describe the need for and value of standardized public health services data for public health performance, advocacy, and building evidence. • Describe opportunities for filling critical gaps in local public health services data.

Special Instructions: NWCPHP trainings are accessed through PH LearnLink.

Orientation to the Essentials of Public Health (Advanced Level). Year Developed: 2006. Source: South Central Public Health Partnership. Presenter(s): Carolyn C. Johnson, PhD, NCC, LPC; Thomas Farley, MD MPH; Joan Wightkin, Richard Culbertson. Type: Video Course. Level: Advanced. Length: 240 minutes.

Annotation: This four-module course describes the basics and some advanced components of public health. Module 1 considers the philosophical and historic foundation of public health with additional focus on the concept, determinants and measurement of health. After defining public health and its unique features, this module also discusses the history of the development of the core functions and essential services of public health. Module 2 covers public health at the federal, state, and local levels, with particular emphasis on the application of essential services and connections between levels. Module 3 discusses the concept of assessment in more detail, describing common elements, methods, and data sources. Module 4 describes the ethical foundations of public health, with an introduction to schools of ethical thought, fundamental principles and future ethical challenges. Note: A multi-step registration process is required to access the module.

Learning Objectives: Module 1: Philosophical and Historical Perspectives of Public Health Module 1, Part 1 • Recognize the difficulty in defining health. • Explain the various definitions of health. • Develop your own definition of health based on your own work priorities. Module 1, Part 2 • Describe population-based measurements of health. • Recognize tools for health promotion and behavior change are available. • Discuss future goals for the nation. Module 1, Part 3 • Identify the domains of health determinants. • List and critically evaluate examples of health determinants in each domain. Module 1, Part 4 • Explain public health. • Argue the pros and cons of public health as a profession. • Describe components and images of public health. Module 1, Part 5 • Discuss the evolution of public health. • Describe the actions of historical heroes in public health. • Discuss public health’s achievements during the 20th century. Module 1, Part 6 • Identify the three core functions for public health work. • Translate the core functions into public health practice. • Apply the core functions of public health to your own work. Module 1, Part 7 • Discuss the unique features (core values) of public health. • Critically evaluate the interaction of these unique features. Module 1, Part 8 • Identify public health’s 10 essential services. • Discuss the practical implications of the essential services. • Compare your own work with the essential services that form the framework of public health. Module 2: The Structure of Public Health • Differentiate and compare local, state and federal public health roles and responsibilities. • Identify funding sources and how they are appropriated via the three levels. Module 3: Assessment as a Core Function Module 3, Part 1 • Explain how assessment fits in as a public health core function. • Describe ways to measure health status and disease rates in population. • Name the importance for monitoring trends in diseases. • Identify ways to find subpopulations at elevated risk. • Determine modifiable antecedents to disease. Module 3, Part 2 • List methods of assessment in assessing the health of a population. • Name forms of surveillance data collection. • Explain how to analyze, interpret and disseminate surveillance data. • Explain how vital statistics are used in assessment and the purpose of using special studies. • List questions and measures that are useful when evaluating public health programs. • Name both federal and state sources of data for overall health assessment. Module 4: The Culture of Public Health • Compare and contrast the ethical bases of public health and medical care. • Explain similarities and differences between law and ethics. • Define the philosophical and religious bases of ethics. • Explain the ethical foundations of public health and their impact on target constituencies.

Special Instructions: Registration is required.

Continuing Education: 4.00 Participation/CE. Tulane Professional and Continuing Education (PaCE) awards 4.00 hour(s) of credit for completing Orientation to the Essentials of Public Health - Advanced Level

Study Types in Epidemiology. Year Developed: n.a.. Source: Northwest Center for Public Health Practice. Presenter(s): John Kobayashi, MD, MPH. Type: Narrated Slide Presentation. Level: Introductory. Length: 45 minutes.

Annotation: This module introduces learners to epidemiologic designs and their uses. First, the course describes the goals of epidemiology studies, and then defines the information needed to answer the “five W’s” (what, who, where, when and why). Next, the module describes the differences between descriptive and analytic studies, and gives examples of study designs within each category, using the recent SARS outbreak to illustrate concepts. Learning is reinforced with short exercises and a final assessment.

Learning Objectives: • List the differences between descriptive and analytic epidemiology • Describe the main types of epidemiologic studies and their uses • Identify and provide examples of person, place, and time in descriptive studies • Describe the main differences among case-control, cohort studies, and environmental studies

Special Instructions: Registration is required. Look to the right of the screen and click on "Register in PHLearnLink".

Continuing Education: Continuing Nursing Education (CNE) credits are available. Participants who successfully complete the course are eligible to receive a certificate for 1.0 contact hours for a processing fee of $35.

Strategic Skills Training Series: Introduction to Systems Thinking. Year Developed: n.a.. Source: Region 2 Public Health Training Center (PHTC). Presenter(s): Varies. Type: Interactive Learning Tool. Level: Introductory. Length: Self-paced.

Annotation: The Strategic Skills Training Series developed by the Region 2 Public Health Training Center (PHTC) aims to help prepare public health practitioners to develop the practices and competencies associated with being a Chief Health Strategist. The modules in this series use the community health improvement planning process to introduce you to the basics of the following four strategic skills areas. This first set of modules has been developed at an introductory level; the next part of the series will build on these foundational modules.

Learning Objectives: • Consider events, patterns, and structures related to a complex problem • Explain what a complex adaptive system is • Explain how mental models impact the way we perceive a problem • List some key systems thinking habits to develop

Introduction to Epidemiology. Year Developed: n.a.. Source: University of Minnesota School of Public Health. Presenter(s): University of Minnesota School of Public Health. Type: Online Course. Level: Introductory. Length: 60 minutes.

Annotation: After defining common terms in epidemiology, the interactive presentation describes the roles of epidemiology in public health. The module describes the difference between descriptive and analytic epidemiology, demonstrates the usefulness of charts and graphs, and provides a brief history of the field. Next, the course describes uses and types of data, with particular focus on rates, ratios and proportions. The module also describes different types of studies that are commonly used in epidemiology. The course concludes with two examples of epidemiology in practice: a case study on firearm injuries in Minnesota and the history of Smallpox eradication. Short exercises and a post-test are used to reinforce learning.

Learning Objectives: • Describe the foundations of epidemiology and how it is applied in public health practice. • Explain the origins of epidemiology. • Define the terms used in epidemiology. • Describe types of epidemiology studies. • Outline the basic principles of data collection and analysis. • Identify visual representations of epidemiological data.

Special Instructions: Registration to the University of Minnesota School of Public Health is required. For new users click here to register. Then scroll down to "Introduction to Epidemiology". (

Continuing Education: 1 Continuing Education Credit (CEUs) is available after the completion of the module.

Introduction to Epidemiology. Year Developed: n.a.. Source: South Central Public Health Partnership. Presenter(s): Patricia Kissinger, PhD. Type: Online Course Video. Level: Introductory. Length: 420 minutes.

Annotation: The course will introduce key concepts in epidemiology that are needed for public health practice. These concepts include the measures of disease frequency, principles and techniques of surveillance, outbreak investigation, measures of association used in epidemiologic studies, causal reasoning, confounding, bias, and epidemiologic study design.

Learning Objectives: Proportions, rates and ratios • To discuss the difference between a rate, ratio and proportion. • To discuss the difference between crude, specific and adjusted rates. • To introduce the concept of confounding. • To discuss the difference between incidence and prevalence. Interpreting patterns of disease frequency. • To discuss different methods of depicting data. • To discuss the elements of a valid statistical association. • To examine some descriptive data and discuss interpretations. • To discuss the term “cohort effect”. Descriptive epidemiology and outbreak investigation • To discuss methods for conducting outbreak investigation. • To discuss descriptive study designs: -cross-sectional -correlational Measures of Association • To state the hypothesis of a study. • To calculate and interpret an odds ratio. • To calculate and interpret a relative risk. • To calculate and interpret a confidence interval. • To discuss the difference between statistical and clinical significance. Bias • Discuss the terms precision and validity. • To describe the types of bias that can occur. • To discuss methods for preventing bias in study design. • To discuss the kappa statistics. Confounding • To discuss the terms: predictor, outcome, confounder and effect modifier. • To an analysis to determine if confounding exists. • To discuss the difference between confounder and effect modifier. Experimental Designs • To discuss the design of community trials. • To discuss the design of clinical trials. Observational Studies • To discuss design issues of the cohort study. • To discuss design issues of the case-control study. • To compare and contrast the two designs. • To discuss additional methods of minimizing confounding. Evaluation • To discuss the difference between impact and efficiency evaluation. • To discuss the difference between process and outcome evaluation. • To discuss formative and process evaluation. • To describe examples of evaluation.

Special Instructions: Registration is required.

Continuing Education: 7.00 Participation/CE. Tulane Professional and Continuing Education (PaCE) awards 7.00 hour(s) of credit for completing Introduction to Epidemiology

Data Interpretation for Public Health Professionals. Year Developed: n.a.. Source: Northwest Center for Public Health Practice. Presenter(s): Janet Baseman, PhD, MPH. Type: Online Course. Level: Intermediate. Length: 90 minutes.

Annotation: This 90-minute module provides an introduction to data interpretation for public health professionals. It utilizes examples and exercises to help participants increase data skills. Some of the topics the course covers include proportions and rates, basic epidemiological measures (such as incidence, prevalence, mortality, and case fatality), basic biostatistical measures (mean, median, mode, confidence interval, and p-value), data presentation, and interpretation of tables and graphs. The module also provides additional resources for further information on data interpretation. The module concludes with a final quiz.

Learning Objectives: • List at least three common data sources used to characterize health or disease status of a community. • Define and interpret basic epidemiology measures, such as prevalence, incidence, mortality, and case fatality. • Define and interpret basic biostatistical measures, such as mean, median, confidence interval, and p-value. • Read and interpret tables and graphs. • Determine the appropriate format for data presentation.

Special Instructions: Registration to PH LearnLink is required. Click on the “Trainings” link and then the “Courses” link. Scroll down to “Data Interpretation for Public Health Professionals” and click on the title to begin.

Continuing Education: 1.5 contact hours for continuing nursing education is available through the University of Washington School of Nursing with the successful completion of the course and a $35 processing fee.

Basic Infectious Disease Concepts in Epidemiology. Year Developed: n.a.. Source: Northwest Center for Public Health Practice. Presenter(s): John Kobayashi, MD, MPH. Type: Narrated Slide Presentation. Level: Introductory. Length: 60 minutes.

Annotation: This hour-long module provides a brief overview of infectious disease epidemiology. After describing the goals of this field, the module focuses on the concepts of the epidemiologic triangle (agent, host and environment), modes of transmission, communicability, infectivity, pathogenicity, and virulence. The lecture then explains the role of infectious disease epidemiology in descriptive epidemiology, surveillance, and outbreak investigations. Finally, the module explains the concept of immunity, and introduces different forms of disease prevention and control. Examples, short exercises, and a final assessment are used to reinforce learning.

Learning Objectives: • Define key concepts of infectious disease epidemiology. • Explain the relationship of an infectious agent to its host and the environment. • Describe different modes of transmission. • Understand how common infectious agents are classified. • Describe the role of vaccination and other control measures in preventing disease spread.

Special Instructions: Registration is required. Look to the right of the screen and click on "Register in PHLearnLink".

Continuing Education: Continuing Nursing Education (CNE) credits are available. Participants who successfully complete the course are eligible to receive a certificate for 1.0 contact hours for a processing fee of $35.

Advanced Program Evaluation. Year Developed: n.a.. Source: New York City, Long Island, Lower Tri-County Public Health Training Center. Presenter(s): n.a.. Type: Online Course. Level: Advanced. Length: 45 minutes.

Annotation: This online course allows learners to take on the role of a staff member at the Middleton County Health Department tasked with helping to develop an evaluation plan for an obesity-prevention program recently launched in Middleton County. Using the CDC Program Evaluation Framework, learners will connect each step of the framework with a section of the evaluation plan, going into detailed discussion about: incorporating stakeholders, logic models and evaluation questions in the process; characteristics of different research designs for evaluation and considerations for choosing an appropriate design; options for data collection methods and sampling; and thinking through threats to validity. Additionally, the learner will review strategies for conducting rigorous evaluations within constraints of budget, time, and resources.

Learning Objectives: • Appreciate that a comprehensive evaluation plan addresses a program logic, stakeholders, evaluation questions and evaluation design. • Assess advantages and limitations of evaluation designs, including randomized, quasi-experimental and pre-post designs. • Appraise and compare options for data collection methods, measures and sampling strategies. • Identify and address associated threats to validity. • Identify strategies for addressing budget, time, data and political constraints in evaluation practice.

Special Instructions: Prerequisites Through prior training or experience, trainees are expected to have some background knowledge of the following topics: Social science research methods Logic models Stakeholders Process and outcome evaluation Evaluation questions CDC Framework for Program Evaluation in Public Health

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This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number UE8MC25742; MCH Navigator for $225,000/year. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.