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Life Course Nutrition: Maternal and Child Health Strategies in Public Health. Year Developed: 2011. Source: Northwest Center for Public Health Practice. Presenter(s): Donna B. Johnson, PhD, RD, Elizabeth Adams, PhD, RD, Marion Taylor Baer, PhD, RD, Leslie Cunningham-Sabo, PhD, RD, Dena Herman, PhD, MPH, RD. Type: Online Course. Level: Introductory. Length: 75 minutes.

Annotation: This online module, based on a life course framework, is designed to help public health leaders describe the role of maternal and child nutrition in population health and identify actions they can take to create equitable access to healthy foods and food environments. There are three parts to the module: 1) Why Nutrition Matters, 2) The Life Course Framework, and 3) Applying the Life Course Framework. Each of these parts contains several expansive subtopics, a summary, and a “knowledge check” exercise. An additional, cumulative quiz is provided at the end of the module. A glossary and list of resources is also provided.

Learning Objectives: • Describe the role of maternal and child health (MCH) nutrition in the lifelong health of the population. • Access resources for assessment, assurance, and policy development for MCH nutrition. • Identify ways to integrate MCH nutrition within state and local public health agencies. • Apply the principles of the life course framework for population-based public health actions and initiatives.

Special Instructions: Registration to PH LearnLink is required. Click on the “Trainings” link and then the “Courses” link. Scroll down to “Life Course Nutrition: Maternal and Child Health Strategies in Public Health” and click on the title to begin.

Continuing Education: 1.2 hours

Saving the Children: The Story of WIC. Year Developed: 2007. Source: Office of the Maryland WIC Program. Presenter(s): Office of the Maryland WIC Program. Type: Video. Level: Introductory. Length: 25 minutes.

Annotation: This movie discusses the history of WIC using accounts from advocates, congressmen, legislative aides and leaders in the MCH field. It highlights events leading up to its policy creation, including the 1960’s War on Poverty and the documentary ‘Hunger in America’ showing that children were increasingly victims of malnutrition and hunger. Other noted events include St. Jude Hospital‘s campaign and Dr. David Paige’s from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health pilot study program that worked to address children’s deficiencies in nutrition. The documentary also discusses the struggles of passing WIC at the time, including getting the policy through the legislative process as well as implementing the program. Pitfalls and concerns of the program once it came into effect are also addressed; for example the debate of vouchers or breastfeeding versus formula arose with the ability to pay for formula with WIC. The documentary finalizes with what WIC looks like today and the money saved by this investment in mothers and children.

Making America Stronger: U.S. Food Stamp Program. Year Developed: 2007. Source: Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. Presenter(s): Jeff Bridges. Type: Video. Level: Intermediate. Length: 14 minutes.

Annotation: This video commemorates the 30th anniversary of the reforms achieved by the Food Stamp Act of 1977, showing how food stamps reduce hunger in America. The administrative and political origins of the program are discussed, as well as a very brief overview of the current program, successes, and how the program can achieve even more. In addition, several personal interviews by then-recipients of the program are included. Note: This video does not discuss the structure of the program. In addition, some may find the infant resuscitation clip uncomfortable to watch.

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This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number UE8MC25742; MCH Navigator for $225,000/year. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.