Displaying records 1 through 3 of 3 found.
Achieving True Partnership: Integrating Family Engagement in Systems of Care. Year Developed: 2017. Source: National Center for Medical Home Implementation, National Center for Family Professional Partnerships, Bright Futures National Center. Presenter(s): Deborah Garneau MA, Cornelia Deagle PhD MSPH, Barbara Kahler MD FAAP, Dana Yarbrough. Type: n.a.. Level: Intermediate Advanced. Length: 56 minutes.
Annotation: This webinar identified practical strategies to facilitate partnerships between systems of care, focusing specifically on collaboration between Title V programs, state American Academy of Pediatrics Chapters, and family leadership organizations. Faculty presented lessons learned from a state-wide medical home implementation project with family leadership.
Learning Objectives: • Define and describe the characteristics of family engagement at the systems level. • Identify practical strategies and tools that encourage and measure family engagement at the systems level, including partnerships between Title V programs, state AAP chapters, and Family-to-Family Health Information Centers. • Describe evidence=based and evidence-informed practices for family engagement at the systems level.
Every Child Deserves a Medical Home/Family-Centered Care [YouTube Channel]. Year Developed: 2012. Source: American Academy of Pediatrics. Presenter(s): n.a.. Type: Video. Level: Introductory. Length: 20 minutes.
Annotation: AAP Medical Home’s channel houses a compilation of videos developed by the National Center for Medical Home Implementation. “Every Child Deserves a Medical Home” includes several short feature narratives presented by pediatricians, other healthcare providers, and families who – in their own words – describe what “medical home” means to them. These videos discuss the key constructs in evaluating a medical home, including team-based care, coordination, and quality improvement.
Special Instructions: Look for the videos showing a poster in the background with the slogan "Every Child Deserves a Medical Home" (20 videos, ranging in length from .37 minutes to 3.31 minutes each).
Patient- and Family-Centered Care: From Principles to Practice. Year Developed: 2010. Source: Wisconsin Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs Program and Waisman Center University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities. Presenter(s): William Schwab, MD. Type: Webinar. Level: Intermediate. Length: 45 minutes. Handout
Annotation: This webcast, part of the Wisconsin Medical Home Webcast Series, describes the principles of patient- and family-centered care, and explains how primary care providers can move from principles to practice in providing patient- and family-centered care.
Learning Objectives: • Be familiar with the principles of patient and family-centered care in the Medical Home. • Know the tips that turn these principles into practice.
Special Instructions: This video requires you to install Microsoft Silverlight. If you are experiencing technical difficulties, please check your computer capability: click the Help tab in the TRAIN navigation bar, then click "Test Your Environment" on the left-hand menu.