There are no trainings that meet all your criteria;
however, here’s a list of trainings that most closely match what you are looking for:
Displaying records 1 through 10 of 629 found.
Negotiation and Conflict Resolution Training Brief. Year Developed: unknown. Source: MCH Navigator. Presenter(s): n.a.. Type: Interactive Learning Tool. Level: Introductory Intermediate Advanced. Length: Self-paced.
Annotation: This training brief contains targeted learning opportunities to assist the MCH workforce understand how to negotiate and resolve conflict that may arise in the work place.
Learning Opportunities for the Title V Workforce in Communities and at the Local Level Training Brief. Year Developed: Unknown. Source: MCH Navigator. Presenter(s): n.a.. Type: Interactive Learning Tool. Level: Intermediate. Length: Self-paced.
Annotation: This training brief focuses on those skills needed in communities as identified by CityMatCH's Strategic Work Plan. It covers collaboration and partnerships; evaluation; health equity and social justice for improved family and community health; use of data strategically for the transformation of family and community health; engaging and strengthening MCH leaders; and community health centers.
Interdisciplinary/ Interprofessional Training Brief. Year Developed: Unknown. Source: MCH Navigator. Presenter(s): n.a.. Type: Interactive Learning Tool. Level: Introductory Intermediate Advanced. Length: Self-paced.
Annotation: This training brief focuses on learning opportunities for use by the Title V workforce in understanding and implementing interdisciplinary and interprofessional training. Topics include team building, roles and competencies of individual disciplines, sharing leadership and outcomes, quality improvement, and interprofessional education.
A Discussion on Data Collection and Analysis . Year Developed: NA. Source: Health Workforce Technical Assistance Center. Presenter(s): Robert Martiniano, Mike Medvesky, Linda Lacey. Type: Audio Recording. Level: Intermediate. Length: 28 minutes; 34 minutes.
Annotation: These audio recordings, part 1 about data collection and part 2 about data analysis and translation, feature experts in the healthcare field. Listeners will learn how to correctly collect data and review existing data to accurately represent a community’s needs.
Learning Objectives: • Identify various data collection methods • Explain when it is appropriate to collect new data or use existing data • Outline the process of correctly collecting data
Novel Approaches to Public Health: Tech and Innovation for Supporting Public Health. Year Developed: 2017-2018. Source: Public Health Institute. Presenter(s): Sue Grinnell and others. Type: Webinar. Level: Introductory. Length: Series, various lengths.
Annotation: Technology is now an integral part of our every day lives, but are we leveraging it effectively in public health? Join hosts Public Health Institute (PHI) and P2Health to explore innovative approaches to solving public health problems, learn about emerging trends in technology and other innovations to support improved health, hear from startups bosWell and Bloomlife on the solutions they've devised to address health issues, and discover resources and information on technology and innovation.
Learning Objectives: • Explore innovative approaches to solving public health problems. • Learn about emerging trends in technology and other innovations to support improved health. • Hear from startups bosWell and Bloomlife on the solutions they've devised to address health issues. • Discover resources and information on technology and innovation.
Transformation of the Maternal and Child Health Block Grant: MCH Transformation 3.0. Year Developed: 2013-2014. Source: U.S. Maternal and Child Health Bureau. Presenter(s): Michael C. Lu, MD, MPH. Type: Video. Level: Intermediate. Length: varies.
Annotation: In this series of videos, Dr. Lu explains how the U.S. Maternal and Child Health Bureau has been working in partnership with the leadership in State Title V Maternal and Child Health (MCH) programs, national MCH leaders, and other stakeholders to develop and refine a new vision (titled MCH 3.0) for transforming the MCH Block Grant to better meet current and future challenges facing the Nation’s mothers and children, including children with special health care needs. Dr. Lu explains how MCHB has used a three-proged approach to begin this process and discusses the evolution of MCH 3.0.
Learning Objectives: • Understand the mission, vision, and partnerships needed to implement MCH 3.0. • Understand the focus on reducing burden, maintaining flexibility, and improving accountability in transforming state Title V performance measure reporting. • Introduce 15 "straw man" performance measures to elicit discussion.
Special Instructions: Access two videos on the right-hand side of the screen.
Research Innovations & Challenges (EnRICH) Webinar Series. Year Developed: 2011-2022. Source: U.S. Maternal and Child Health Bureau, Office of Epidemiology and Research. Presenter(s): n.a.. Type: Webinar. Level: Advanced. Length: n.a..
Annotation: This series of webinars feature special topics related to Maternal and Child Health (MCH) research. Each event features one or more speakers who are experts in the field. Topics include Marginal Structural Models and Methodological Clarity, Qualitative Methods for Public Health: An Overview and Introduction, Estimating Absolute Differences and Relative Rate Ratios from Regression Models, and Using Electronic Health Records for Health Services Research.
Public Health Ethics Online Training. Year Developed: 2024. Source: UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health. Presenter(s): Unknown. Type: Online Course. Level: Introductory. Length: Self-paced.
Annotation: This interactive, one-hour, online course covers the basics of public health ethics and teaches strategies for making ethical decisions for situations that commonly arise in public health practice. You will explore the content of the American Public Health Association Public Health Code of Ethics (2019) and learn how to apply it and other tools to case studies.
Learning Objectives: • Summarize the key differences between the ethical approaches of the clinical and public health professions. • Define the core values of public health. • Describe the APHA Public Health Code of Ethics’ considerations and their application to decision-making. • Consider different theoretical perspectives to apply to ethical dilemmas. • Use an eight-step procedure to critically consider ethical issues in public health practice.
People with Lived Experience Learning Bundle. Year Developed: 2024. Source: MCH Navigator. Presenter(s): Becky Burns. Type: Online Course. Level: Advanced. Length: Self-directed.
Annotation: This Learning Bundle is based on the tool, Successful Engagement with People who have Lived Experience, developed by Becky Burns of BBWorks and the National MCH Workforce Development Center (also available in Spanish). The purpose of the tool and this bundle is to provide detailed steps for professionals who seek to authentically engage with PWLE to improve policy, services, supports, systems of care, and health outcomes. The document and videos provide guidance for setting the stage in order to create trusting relationships and engage PWLE at the beginning of your work.
Exploring MCH Policy and the Policy Process . Year Developed: 2024. Source: Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs. Presenter(s): AMCHP Staff. Type: Online Course. Level: Introductory. Length: Self-paced.
Annotation: This module aims to provide a clear and concise overview of the policy process in relation to maternal and child health (MCH). Throughout this series, presenters will cover essential topics, starting with the definition of policy and its importance in MCH. Presenters will also introduce the policy engagement framework for public health, which highlights the CDC's Policy Process. and delve into the policy development process, highlighting the key individuals, organizations, and various settings involved. Finally presenters will discuss significant MCH policies that have shaped the field and consider their historical context. Additionally, presetners will explore the concept of evidence-based policy development, a crucial aspect of ensuring effective and informed decision-making. xxx
Learning Objectives: • Grasp the significance of policy within the context of MCH • Recognize the pivotal key players in policy development and their roles within the policy-making process • Explore the components of the Policy Engagement Framework for Public Health and its application to MCH • Identify and understand the process involved in developing, enacting, implementing, and evaluating policies (both legislative or "big P" and administrative or "little p") that improve the health and well-being of birthing people, families, and children • Gain an understanding of evidence-based policy development and its application in the context of MCH policy