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Displaying records 1 through 6 of 6 found.

Innovative Strategies for Outreach and Engagement of Young People in Behavioral Health Services. Year Developed: 2020. Source: The Institute for Innovation & Implementation. Presenter(s): Tonicia Freeman-Foster. Type: Webinar. Level: Introductory. Length: 77 minutes.

Annotation: Outreach and engagement are critical components to establishing better outcomes for youth and young adults of transition age. During this webinar recording, the Young Adult Services and Supports Learning Community (YASS) explored best practices and lessons experienced by the Florida Healthy Transitions team.

Learning Objectives: • Review best practices in outreach, communication and engagement. • Describe the Florida Healthy Transition team’s outreach to engage Y/YAs in behavioral health services and supports. • Provide examples from Florida HT of lessons learned around the integration of youth and young adult (Y/YA) voice. • Offer specific strategies for replication.

Engaging Young People & Promoting Mental Health Education on Social Media. Year Developed: 2020. Source: The Institute for Innovation & Implementation. Presenter(s): Chantel Garrett; Syrena Clark. Type: Webinar. Level: Introductory. Length: 86 minutes.

Annotation: In this webinar recording, presenters discuss youth-friendly social media platforms as tools to grow awareness about mental health, best practices to engage youth online, how social media platforms can be leveraged to help youth connect with the support that they need, as well as examples from across the country.

Learning Objectives: • Become familiar with youth-friendly social media platforms as tools to grow awareness about mental health, early psychosis and clinical high risk. • Discuss best practices and principles to engage youth online through relevant messaging and social media engagement strategies. • Discuss how social media platforms can be leveraged to help youth connect with the support that they need at all phases of care. • Discuss examples and learnings from across the country.

Strategies for Creating Engaging Online Learning. Year Developed: 2019. Source: ATMCH/MCH Navigator Webinar Series. Presenter(s): Rebecca Greenleaf, MPH. Type: Webinar Archive. Level: Intermediate. Length: 60 minutes.

Annotation: In this webinar, part of the ATMCH/MCH Navigator series, Rebecca Greenleaf from the National MCH Workforce Development Center, discusses evidence-based strategies for developing online teaching resources. She provides a background of the field, gives tips on how to make content engaging, shows best and emerging practices, and concludes with examples from the field.

Learning Objectives: • Learn key considerations and recommended guidelines for online teaching and learning. • Consider different strategies for developing an online course. • Discuss and share examples of online courses to get inspiration for your digital learning.

Teaching Public Health with the Case-Based Method (3 parts). Year Developed: 2014. Source: Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. Presenter(s): Nancy Kane. Type: YouTube Videos. Level: Intermediate Advanced. Length: Varies, 3-17 minutes each. Part 2 (for Part 3, click on part 3 to the right of the video)

Annotation: This three-part YouTube video workshop covers (Part 1) preparing to teach a case: meaningful discussion results from planning a class framework, creating a safe environment for expression, and maintaining a high level of engagement on the part of the instructor and the students; (Part 2) the case discussion: watch a case discussion in action, with commentary by the instructor and the participants; and (Part 3) workshop wrap-up: the instructor and the participants reflect on the benefits of case-based teaching.

Facilitator Training. Year Developed: 2011. Source: South Central Public Health Partnership. Presenter(s): Andrew C. Rucks, MBA, PhD. Type: Narrated Slide Presentation. Level: Introductory Intermediate. Length: 40 minutes.

Annotation: In this presentation, the instructor introduces methods and strategies used in facilitating meetings, workshops, tabletop exercises, and other events. The roles of a facilitator are discussed and the four principles of adult learning are identified. The three stages of facilitation are also presented.

Learning Objectives: • Identify the roles of a facilitator. • Identify the four principles of adult learning. • Understand the three stages of facilitation.

Special Instructions: Registration is required.

Continuing Education: 1.00 Participation/CE. Tulane Professional and Continuing Education (PaCE) awards 1.00 hour(s) of credit for completing Facilitator Training

Adaptive Leadership Videos. Year Developed: 2010. Source: National MCH Workforce Development Center. Presenter(s): Ronald Heifetz. Type: Video. Level: Introductory Intermediate. Length: 70 minutes.

Annotation: These two videos highlight how adaptive leadership is an essential concept for MCH leaders to understand. The speakers also recommend the use of strengths-based leadership approaches including Collaborative Leadership, Servant Leadership, and Appreciative Inquiry. The landing page for this resource includes links to the videos, ACUMEN training resources, and change tools.

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This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number UE8MC25742; MCH Navigator for $225,000/year. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.