Displaying records 11 through 20 of 57 found.
Engaging Diverse Families in Leadership for Systems Change. Year Developed: 2018. Source: Family Voices and National Center for Family-Professional Partnerships. Presenter(s): n.a.. Type: Webinar Archive. Level: Intermediate. Length: 90 minutes.
Annotation: Family organizations, professionals, and state and local agencies are increasingly seeking to engage diverse families in leadership to improve systems. This webinar provides tools and strategies to: assess and improve agency and staff readiness; identify, recruit, prepare, engage and support diverse family leaders in meaningful leadership roles; recognize family leader contributions; become an organization more focused on and capable of supporting diverse leadership. The webinar was hosted by the National Center for Family Professional Partnerships (NCFPP) and presented by Diana Autin of the Statewide Parent Advocacy Network (SPAN). A video and slides are available.
Emerging Adulthood as a Critical Stage in the Life Course. Year Developed: 2018. Source: UCLA Center for Healthier Children, Families & Communities, Maternal and Child Health Life Course Research Network (LCRN). Presenter(s): David Wood, MD, MPH. Type: Webinar. Level: Introductory. Length: 15 minutes.
Annotation: This webinar is based on a chapter from the Handbook of Life Course Health Development.
Direct Connect Learning Community - Working with LGBTQI2S Youth. Year Developed: 2018. Source: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Presenter(s): Peter Gamache, PhD. Type: Webinar. Level: Introductory. Length: 90 minutes.
Annotation: Led by Youth M.O.V.E. National, this LC is a virtual forum for youth and young adults to develop professional skill sets via virtual training opportunities, connect as a community to share and gather new resources, and unite with other youth advocates and professional peers from across the country. October's Direct Connect offering is presented by Peter Gamache, Ph.D. and covers the topic of working with youth and young adults in the LGBTQI2S community.
Learning Objectives: • Discuss demographic trends and the visibility of LGBTQI2-S youth and young adults. •Describe gaps in service systems that contribute to LGBTQI2-S youth and young adult disparities. •Describe strategies for addressing LGBTQI2-S youth and young adult disparities.
Tribal SOC: Perils of Management and Supervision. Year Developed: 2017. Source: National Indian Child Welfare Association and Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Presenter(s): Dan Aune. Type: Webinar. Level: Intermediate. Length: 56 minutes.
Annotation: This tribal systems of care learning community webinar focuses on management and supervision. It explores the differences between leadership, management and supervision; provides tips on effective communication with employees; demonstrates how to use behavioral competencies as building blocks in supervision; and defines the keys to successful management.
Public Health Pronto. Year Developed: 2017. Source: MCH Navigator. Presenter(s): n.a.. Type: Interactive Learning Tool. Level: Introductory Intermediate. Length: Self-paced. Module Menu
Annotation: Public Health Pronto is one of the MCH Navigator's microlearning projects that allows you to participate in short bursts of learning to improve your public health skills. Similar in format to the 5-Minute MCH microlearning program, Public Health Pronto has an improved the format, while keeping the emphasis on just-in-time, incremental, communal learning that can be accessed on-the-go to match your fast-paced work life. The program addresses the eight Core Competencies for Public Health Professionals and three Health Transformation cores (in collaboration with the National MCH Workforce Development Center), putting key public health concepts into alignment with MCH priorities by using an easy-to-follow modular format designed to increase your knowledge and skills through 5-minute intensive learning sessions.
Middle Childhood – An Evolutionary Developmental Synthesis. Year Developed: 2017. Source: UCLA Center for Healthier Children, Families & Communities, Maternal and Child Health Life Course Research Network (LCRN). Presenter(s): Marco Del Giudice, PhD. Type: Webinar. Level: Intermediate. Length: 15 minutes.
Annotation: In this webinar, Dr. Del Giudice discusses findings from his chapter on middle childhood from the Handbook of Life Course Health Development. Specifically, he reviews the main functions of middle childhood and the cognitive, behavioral, and hormonal processes that characterize this life stage, introduces the idea that the transition to middle childhood works as a switch point in the development of life history strategies, and discusses three insights into the nature of middle childhood.
Giving and Receiving Feedback For Personal and Professional Growth. Year Developed: 2017. Source: Region IV Public Health Training Center. Presenter(s): Shana Merlin. Type: Webinar. Level: Introductory. Length: 90 minutes.
Annotation: Without feedback, individuals and organizations cannot grow. Feedback is the key to better serving your community and getting the most out of your team. But giving and receiving feedback can be incredibly uncomfortable and unproductive. And when done poorly, feedback can actually be destructive. In this interactive and light-hearted session, learn the right questions to ask and how to handle the feedback – good or bad – with courtesy and professionalism. Get tools in how to deliver feedback that is specific, actionable and measurable. So instead of shrinking from feedback you can embrace it for the opportunity it is.
Learning Objectives: • Ask open, specific questions to solicit useful feedback. • Use the LAST method (Listen Apologize Solve Thank) when dealing with negative feedback. • Develop a growth mindset that is curious, flexible, and welcomes feedback as a tool for personal and professional development.
The Impact of Coaching on Engagement: Transform Managers into Coaches. Year Developed: 2016. Source: GovLoop. Presenter(s): n.a.. Type: Video. Level: Introductory. Length: 37 minutes.
Annotation: While every organization has managers in place, fewer enable those leaders to truly coach their employees and ultimately drive engagement. This course explains how to turn managers into coaches for your employees, drawing key insights from real-world organizations. It includes a video from Daniel Hunter, Deputy Chief Financial Officer at NASA, and Roger Campbell, a Certified Executive Coach and Strategic Advisor, on their experiences with the manager-coach model. The course comprises an overview, 3 lessons, 2 quizzes, and a post-course survey.
Learning Objectives: • The methods and processes Google and NASA used to discover the need for managers as coaches. • The practices they use to support and measure the impact of managers and coaches. • The close connection between coaching and employee engagement and performance.
Continuing Education: GovLoop is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors.
Shaping Organizational Culture: The Role of Leaders. Year Developed: 2016. Source: Region IV Public Health Training Center. Presenter(s): Peter M. Ginter, Ph.D.. Type: Webinar. Level: Intermediate. Length: 90 minutes.
Annotation: Leaders at all organizational levels assume many roles in establishing consensus, setting strategic direction, and motivating performance. One of the most important roles a leader plays is shaping the organizational culture. This webinar will introduce public health professionals to the essential tasks of effective leaders and highlight leaders’ behaviors, attitudes and values that shape an adaptive organizational culture. Participants will also learn about principles and strategies for helping an organization become less bureaucratic and more adaptive.
Learning Objectives: • Describe the essential tasks of leaders. • Describe the behaviors, attitudes, and values that shape an adaptive organizational culture. • Discuss principles and strategies for moving an organization to be less bureaucratic and more adaptive.
Special Instructions: Requires registration.
Overcoming the Challenges of Data Analytics in Government: Embrace Data Analytics. Year Developed: 2016. Source: GovLoop. Presenter(s): Jack London. Type: Video. Level: Intermediate. Length: 30 minutes.
Annotation: This course is for anyone who wants to innovate the way their agencies gather and analyze data. It focuses on technology as well as organizational innovation to help your agency harness big data. The course lays out a roadmap to navigating data analytics and management and outlines the various opportunities of data analytics as well as the challenges of getting started. It also highlights how to select technology solutions and build your analytics expertise. The course comprises an overview, 6 lessons, a knowledge check, and a post-course survey.
Learning Objectives:
Continuing Education: GovLoop is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors.