Displaying records 1 through 10 of 17 found.
Strengthening Women’s Health Access: Medicaid and Family Planning. Year Developed: 2023. Source: National Institute for HealthCare Management. Presenter(s): Jason Lindo, MA, PhD; Jessica Cohen, PhD; Wanicha Burapa, MD, MPH; Kate Daniel, MS, CHES. Type: Webinar. Level: Introductory. Length: 61 minutes.
Annotation: An estimated 2 million unplanned pregnancies are prevented each year due to family planning services obtained through Title X, Medicaid, and other publicly funded programs. Expanded access to contraception produces many economic benefits for women, such as bolstering educational attainment, labor force participation, and earnings. Affordable access to contraception, including long-acting reversible contraception (LARC) and oral contraceptive pills, is proven to result in fewer unintentional pregnancies and significant cost savings to the health care system. Experts say that ongoing restrictions on reproductive health care may reduce contraceptive use, leading to more unplanned births and exacerbating health inequities. This webinar explores women’s health access, focusing on the impact of Medicaid and family planning.
Learning Objectives: • Discuss the impact of contraception on childbearing outcomes and women’s economic status. • Understand Medicaid’s role in providing LARCs to prevent unplanned pregnancies and fill postpartum care gaps. • Learn a state’s perspective on strengthening family planning programs, including expanding access to contraception.
Laying the Foundation for Family Engagement: Recommended Practices for Meaningful Family Participation and Engagement. Year Developed: 2023. Source: DEC Family Partnership Community of Practice. Presenter(s): Deepa Srinvasavaradan. Type: Webinar. Level: Intermediate Introductory. Length: 58 minutes.
Annotation: This webinar is part of a community of practice from the DEC Family Partnership Community of Practice begins by outlining a process of allowing equity of voice, creating community, respecting every voice, and sharing the stage. The speaker then 1t 22 minutes in begins a presentation on "Recommended Practices for Meaningful Family Participation and Engagemennt." This discussion explains how to use the Practice Guidelines for Families and Practitioners to support the meaningful engagement of families of children with disabilities or developmental delays.
Learning Objectives: • Become familiar with the DEC Recommended Practices and the Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center Practice Improvement Tools for Families and Practitioners.
A Family-Centered Approach to Implementing Plans of Safe Care. Year Developed: 2023. Source: Administration for Children and Families. Presenter(s): Megan Chuey, Annie Heit, and Jessica Kincaid. Type: Webinar. Level: Introductory. Length: 47 minutes.
Annotation: Highlights how a family-centered approach to POSC helps states, Tribes, and communities meet the provisions of the 2016 amendments to the CAPTA POSC.
Learning Objectives: • Characterize the essential elements of a family-centered approach. • Summarize Michigan’s collaborative systems efforts across home visiting, substance use disorder treatment, healthcare and child welfare to enhance a family-centered approach to plans of safe care. • Interpret data to understand needs and inform progress. • Recognize equitable access to family-centered services. • Describe stigma.
To Trust or Not To Trust: Understanding the Science of Developing and Nurturing Trust in Family Professional Partnerships. Year Developed: 2021. Source: The Center for Appropriate Dispute Resolution in Special Education. Presenter(s): Tracy Gershwin, Ph.D.. BCBA-D. Type: Webinar. Level: Intermediate. Length: 84 minutes.
Annotation: This webinar provides attendees with a roadmap for understanding the science of trust, including strategies that can both develop, nurture, and repair trust between families and professionals. It outlines how researchers have documented new, ongoing, and growing conflict between families of students with disabilities and the professionals who serve them. The presenter explains that the majority of these challenges begin with a lack of trust, that has either never existed in the partnership or deteriorated as a result of a breakdown in communication, incompatible goals, and/or misunderstanding between parties. The webinar reinforces that trust is one of the most commonly mentioned partnership barriers discussed in the literature. Despite this acknowledgment of trust, the science of understanding, developing and nurturing trust is rarely defined, or described in a way that supports conflict prevention or resolution between families and professionals.
Learning Objectives: • Define trust for the family-professional partnership. • Understand the importance of trust. • Identify the barriers to trust. • Describe the relationship between trust and conflict. • Apply strategies used to develop and nurture trust.
Self-advocacy in the Healthcare System. Year Developed: 2021. Source: APFED. Presenter(s): Patti DeMuri. Type: Webinar. Level: Introductory. Length: 48 minutes.
Annotation: Have you ever had trouble communicating with a healthcare provider? In this webinar, Founder of Healing Hugs Haven, Patti DeMuri shared how to set the focus of your appointment on your goals and desired outcomes so that you can better work with your doctor to get the right care for you.
Learning Objectives: • Recognize the challenges and barriers to authentic partnership with providers. • Analyze the role of communication in partnership. • Discover how to determine goals and plan for medical appointments.
MCHB Technical Assistance Provider Webinar: COVID-19 Impacts and Next Steps. Year Developed: 2021. Source: Maternal and Child Health Bureau. Presenter(s): Michael Warren, MD. Type: Webinar. Level: Introductory. Length: 187 minutes.
Annotation: This presentation, conducted by MCHB, provides a COVID-19 impact overview and recap. Next, breakout discussions are held around 2 topic areas: 1) vaccinating MCH populations and 2) strengthening mental health supports for families.
Learning Objectives: Highlight the role of the TA Providers in: •Supporting the goals of MCHB in building a nation where all mothers, children and families are thriving. •Supporting grantees and/or the MCH field and the system of services for MCH populations, particularly around the impacts of COVID-19. •Amplifying expertise into respective topical areas/audiences. •Describing strategies and successes for the purpose of replicating within the scope of their work.
Creating Authentic Partnerships: Parents and Professionals. Year Developed: 2021. Source: National Center for Hearing Assessment and Management at Utah State University. Presenter(s): Heidi Klomhaus, Lylis Olsen. Type: Webinar. Level: Intermediate Introductory. Length: 60 minutes.
Annotation: The speakers in this webinar, all funded by HRSA, present the keys to meaningful partnerships with families that include trust and mutual understanding; intentional communication; finding common goals; acknowledging strengths; becoming self aware as individuals and organizations; and recognizing opportunities for partnership. The webinar ends with ideas for sustaining what works and teleservices.
Centering Lived Experience: Methodology of Away from Home. Year Developed: 2021. Source: Think of Us. Presenter(s): Sarah Fathallah, Sixto Cancel, Bobbi Taylor, and Sarah Sullivan. Type: Webinar. Level: Introductory. Length: 90 minutes.
Annotation: This webinar presents stories from the research team behind Away from Home. It describes how the team centered lived experience in the methodology of the project from beginning to the end: from the formation of the research team and the participant recruiting to the creation of a lived expert peer review board and the design of the project launch. Speakers provide inspiration for how to center lived experience in new projects and in everything that child welfare touches.
Learning Objectives: Understand how people with lived experience are centered in: • The scoping of the study and forming the team; • The research design and planning; • Recruiting participants for the study; • Onboarding research participants; • Conducting the research; • Compensating participants; • Validating findings; and • Disseminating findings.
Authentic Parent & Professional Partnerships. Year Developed: 2021. Source: Family Voices of MN. Presenter(s): Carolyn Allshouse. Type: Webinar. Level: Introductory. Length: 73 minutes.
Annotation: Cohort #2 of Family Voices of MN, session 5. Authentic parent and professional partnerships. Presented by Carolyn Allshouse.
Learning Objectives: • Identify the key characteristics of authentic parent and professional partnerships. • Advocate and employ strategies for authentic parent and professional partnerships.
Improving Care for Children with Chronic and Complex Needs: A Look at the National Care Coordination Standards for CYSHCN. Year Developed: 2020. Source: National Academy for State Health Policy (NASHP). Presenter(s): David Bergman, MD; Cara Coleman, JD; Jeffrey Brosco, MD. Type: Webinar. Level: Introductory. Length: 60 minutes.
Annotation: CYSHCN stands from Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs, a group that needs particular attention in our system. This webinar discusses the need for national care coordination standards to help the CYSHCN group. Experts in the field discuss how to achieve the delivery of high quality, family centered and equitable care for this group and talk about their experiences with this work.
Learning Objectives: • Identify who is represented in the CYSHCN group • Explain why national care coordination standards are needed • Reflect on how states can use standards of care coordination of implement better care