Displaying records 1 through 10 of 12 found.
Serving on Groups That Make Decisions: A Guide for Families. Year Developed: 2023. Source: WI FACETS. Presenter(s): Jan Serak. Type: Webinar. Level: Introductory. Length: 60 minutes per training.
Annotation: Sections 1 & 2: Do you want to join or become more involved in a committee or council, but are not sure where to begin or which group would be a good fit for you? Do you wonder what the different functions are of decision-making groups and what the members' roles are within these groups? Serving on Groups is a nationally recognized leadership tool that empowers parents to actively and fully participate in decision-making groups. Section 3: The most effective groups use processes to guide their work, and a clear process sets the direction toward the group's goals. So many times, we are on committees or in meetings but don't know what is supposed to happen or how to fully participate. Sections 4 & 5: Are you a member of a committee or council that needs to be more efficient? What makes a committee or council effective? How can group dynamics improve? Section 6: So many times, we are on committees or in meetings but don't know what the process is or how to fully participate, especially when it comes to data. This introductory webinar on data is based on the Serving on Groups that Make Decisions Guidebook resource. The highlight of the revised Guidebook is a section entitled Understanding Data as Information. We live in a world with more available data than ever before. In education, using data is a powerful tool to determine if schools’ efforts are working and if students are meeting their goals. This section provides eight steps to assist you and other group members in making well-informed data-based decisions to improve the experiences of children. It also contains numerous resources for you to access and explore relevant data for your family and community. Sections 7 & 8: Do you want to be more involved in a decision-making group but are not sure where to begin? Are you tired of feeling like the token representative instead of an active member of a decision-making group?
Laying the Foundation for Family Engagement: Recommended Practices for Meaningful Family Participation and Engagement. Year Developed: 2023. Source: DEC Family Partnership Community of Practice. Presenter(s): Deepa Srinvasavaradan. Type: Webinar. Level: Intermediate Introductory. Length: 58 minutes.
Annotation: This webinar is part of a community of practice from the DEC Family Partnership Community of Practice begins by outlining a process of allowing equity of voice, creating community, respecting every voice, and sharing the stage. The speaker then 1t 22 minutes in begins a presentation on "Recommended Practices for Meaningful Family Participation and Engagemennt." This discussion explains how to use the Practice Guidelines for Families and Practitioners to support the meaningful engagement of families of children with disabilities or developmental delays.
Learning Objectives: • Become familiar with the DEC Recommended Practices and the Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center Practice Improvement Tools for Families and Practitioners.
The Power of Lived Expertise in Research and Evaluation: Child Welfare Edition. Year Developed: 2022. Source: Administration for Children and Families. Presenter(s): Bryan Samuels, Alex Wagaman, and Tiffany Haynes. Type: Webinar. Level: Introductory. Length: 43 minutes.
Annotation: Individuals with lived experience collaborate with agencies in conducting and leading research and program evaluation findings to inform policy and practice. This video focuses on key considerations to sustain research and evaluation partnership with people with lived expertise and minimize harm, as well as offering concrete strategies to collaborate and share power with youth and families in the practice and process of data collection, research (including Participatory Action Research/Youth Participatory Action Research), and evaluation.
Learning Objectives: • Name key considerations to sustain research and evaluation with people who have lived experience. • Describe Participatory Action Research. • Employ strategies to collaborate and share power with people who have lived experience.
Authentic Parent & Professional Partnerships. Year Developed: 2021. Source: Family Voices of MN. Presenter(s): Carolyn Allshouse. Type: Webinar. Level: Introductory. Length: 73 minutes.
Annotation: Cohort #2 of Family Voices of MN, session 5. Authentic parent and professional partnerships. Presented by Carolyn Allshouse.
Learning Objectives: • Identify the key characteristics of authentic parent and professional partnerships. • Advocate and employ strategies for authentic parent and professional partnerships.
Operationalizing Family Voice and Leadership in Systems of Care. Year Developed: 2020. Source: The Institute for Innovation & Implementation. Presenter(s): Millie Sweeney; Jane Walker. Type: Webinar. Level: Intermediate. Length: 72 minutes.
Annotation: This recorded session of the SOC Leadership Learning Community focused on how to operationalize family voice and leadership in all aspects of SOC development and expansion. Presenters shared a framework with specific questions and strategies that can be used to guide the implementation of family-driven approaches and foster collaborations with family-run organizations, regardless of the developmental stage of your community and system efforts. Examples that highlight effective approaches to develop and sustain family voice and leadership were shared. In addition, sites will learn how to access resources, peer to peer sharing and ongoing technical assistance in their family engagement and leadership efforts.
Learning Objectives: • Understand the value and importance of family engagement in systems of care. • Understand the role of the Lead Family Contact/Coordinator. • Learn effective strategies for outreach, engagement and activation of families as partners in systems of care.
Shared Decision Making - Empowering Patients. Year Developed: 2019. Source: Aplastic Anemia and MDS International Foundation. Presenter(s): Susan Z. Berg. Type: Webinar. Level: Introductory. Length: 52 minutes.
Annotation: In this webinar, Susan Berg from the Center for Shared Decision Making at Dartmouth - Hitchcock explain what is shared decision making and how patients/caregivers can work with their medical team to make decisions regarding their healthcare. (June 19, 2019)
Learning Objectives: • Report what shared decision-making is. • Demonstrate how to partner with your healthcare team to make decisions. • Practice methods to help make decisions regarding healthcare. • Indicate how one can be empowered to stand up for their health.
Developing Family-Driven Practices: The National Family Support Network's Standards of Quality for Family Strengthening & Support. Year Developed: 2019. Source: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Presenter(s): Millie Sweeney; Andrew Russo; Toni Donnelly; Tammi Paul. Type: Webinar Archive. Level: Intermediate. Length: 77 minutes.
Annotation: System of care communities are challenged with developing and implementing a family-driven array of services and supports. The National Family Support Network offers the Standards of Quality for Family Strengthening & Support, a framework with the vision is implementation will help ensure that families are supported and strengthened through quality practice. It was designed to be used by all stakeholders–public departments, foundations, community-based organizations, and parents–across different kinds of Family Strengthening and Family Support programs as a tool for planning, providing, and assessing quality practice. This Learning Community provides an overview of the National Family Support Network, its Standards of Quality, and how family leaders and family-run organizations can use the Standards to bring communities together for implementation of quality family support practices.
Measuring Family Engagement in MCH Research: Opportunities and Challenges. Year Developed: 2018. Source: U.S. Maternal and Child Health Bureau, Office of Epidemiology and Research. Presenter(s): Christina Bethell, PhD, MBA, MPH; Clarissa Hoover, MPH. Type: Webinar. Level: Intermediate. Length: 57 minutes.
Annotation: The MCH community has a long-standing tradition of integrating family engagement into programs, research, and practice. Yet, tested and validated measures to improve and sustain the quality of family engagement in health services and research are lacking.
Learning Objectives: • Understand currently available measures of family engagement. • Identify gaps in developing and utilizing these measures. • Learn innovative strategies for engaging families in research.
Engaging Diverse Families in Leadership for Systems Change. Year Developed: 2018. Source: Family Voices and National Center for Family-Professional Partnerships. Presenter(s): n.a.. Type: Webinar Archive. Level: Intermediate. Length: 90 minutes.
Annotation: Family organizations, professionals, and state and local agencies are increasingly seeking to engage diverse families in leadership to improve systems. This webinar provides tools and strategies to: assess and improve agency and staff readiness; identify, recruit, prepare, engage and support diverse family leaders in meaningful leadership roles; recognize family leader contributions; become an organization more focused on and capable of supporting diverse leadership. The webinar was hosted by the National Center for Family Professional Partnerships (NCFPP) and presented by Diana Autin of the Statewide Parent Advocacy Network (SPAN). A video and slides are available.
Partnering in the Title V Block Grant Process. Year Developed: 2015. Source: National Center for Family Professional Partnerships. Presenter(s): Nora Wells, Lisa Maynes, Pip Marks, Joni Bruce, Diana Autin. Type: Webinar Archive. Level: Advanced. Length: 64 minutes. List of webinar resources
Annotation: Title V needs family involvement to strengthen the Block Grant. In this webinar, a panel of family leaders from three states--California, Oklahoma, and Vermont--shared their organizations' involvement in the Block Grant process and detail their paths to partnership with their state Title V, sharing tips and lessons learned along the way for building this important relationship. The list of training webinars provides a link to the slides and 5 handouts for this presentation.