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Explain the Frame Video Series. Year Developed: 2024. Source: Frameworks Institute. Presenter(s): Erin Lowe, Julie Sweetland PhD, . Type: Video Series. Level: Introductory. Length: Self-paced.

Annotation: In this video series from the FrameWorks Institute, presenters explain how specific framing techniques can help you navigate some of the trickiest communication challenges. This series is designed to help communicators navigate some of the toughest framing challenges in today’s complex communications landscape, particularly when discussing health equity in rural areas. The initial episodes focus on communicating about health and health disparities, offering insights into framing with the shared value of dignity, fostering systemic thinking about health, and expanding the understanding of what health truly encompasses. Title V programs implementing the Blueprint for Change may find these insights valuable in advancing your efforts. In each Explain the Frame episode, presenters walk you through a common framing challenge, present a framing technique to help you navigate it, and explain how the framing works in practice. xxx

Learning Objectives: • Learn recommendations on how to communicate about health issues that affect some groups more than others. • Review research on how to paint a fuller, bigger picture of health.

Cultural Identity, Power, and Privilege. Year Developed: 2020. Source: University of Missouri. Presenter(s): Steve Klien. Type: Webinar. Level: Introductory. Length: 39 minutes.

Annotation: In this video we tackle the complexities of cultural identity and social power, which combine to construct dominant and nondominant identities with important social disparities. We look at the importance of intersectionality, consider how dominant cultural norms can be internalized by nondominant groups, and examine the phenomenon of white and male privilege.

Learning Objectives: • Learn what identity versus culture is. • Understand how a shared identity is developed overtime. • Learn what privilege is.

Tips and Tricks To Starting a Young Adult Council . Year Developed: 2018. Source: University of Massachusetts Medical School, Transitions to Adulthood Center for Research. Presenter(s): Rafael Mizrahi, B.S.; Tania Duperoy, BA;. Type: Video. Level: Introductory. Length: 60 minutes. List of webinars

Annotation: This webinar describes how youth councils can help promote a national diverse youth voice and improve and educate the mental health community and beyond; describes successes and challenges of facilitating a national youth council to infuse meaningful youth input into service delivery and development; and identifies concrete tools for authentically infusing national youth voices in diverse organizations. A video and slides are available.

Leadership is a Journey: A Series for Youth Self-Advocates. Year Developed: 2018. Source: Family Voices and National Center for Family-Professional Partnerships. Presenter(s): n.a.. Type: Webinar Archive. Level: Introductory Intermediate. Length: Series; various lengths.

Annotation: This webinar series for youth supports the identification of leadership as a journey and support understanding and learning in key leadership development areas. • Webinar 1 & 2: Knowing Yourself as a Leader: These webinars provide short leadership development sessions. These first sessions explore how personal reflection and self-assessment helps each of us increase our understanding of our personal leadership style. They provide examples of reflection and assessment activities and include personal experiences from advocates for youth. • Webinar 3 & 4: What is my Culture? What are my Values?: Each of us has a personal leadership style and leadership journey. This is shaped by personal values and culture. The next sessions in the leadership journey series focus on defining culture and values and how each connects to leadership. As we reflect on our own culture and leadership, we discuss how to engage in reaching health equity and building inclusive communities. Join us in this session for learning, reflection activities, and discussion. • Webinar 5: Cultural Perspectives on Self-Care in Leadership: How do you create an environment that is supportive of each person’s values and cultural perspectives on self-care? The purpose of this session is to explore person-driven approaches to self-care. We also share concrete and inclusive practices that emerging young leaders can adopt that embrace diverse perspectives and collective approaches to community and self-care. Videos and slides are provided.

Unconscious Bias: Do I Have the Tools to Recognize It and Speak Up?. Year Developed: 2017. Source: Region IV Public Health Training Center. Presenter(s): Leonie Gordon, MD. Type: Webinar. Level: Introductory Intermediate. Length: 90 minutes.

Annotation: Unconscious bias refers to the biases we hold that are not in our conscious control. Research shows that these biases can adversely affect key decisions in the workplace. The session enables you to work towards reducing the effects of unconscious bias for yourself and within your organization. Using examples that you will be able to relate to, we help you to explore the link between implicit bias and the impact on the organization. The overall aim of the session is to provide participants with an understanding of the nature of Unconscious Bias and how it impacts on individual and group attitudes, behaviors and decision-making processes.

Learning Objectives: • Explain the source and function of unconscious bias. • Discuss how unconscious bias impacts on decision-making and relationships in the organization. • Develop strategies and techniques for reducing personal unconscious bias, as well as the unconscious bias that manifests in teams and across the organization. • Develop a strategy for individual action.

Collaborating Across Cultures. Year Developed: 2017. Source: ASA Community of Applied Statisticians. Presenter(s): Charisse Kosova, M.Ad.Ed.. Type: Webinar Archive. Level: Intermediate Advanced. Length: 62 minutes.

Annotation: Collaborating across cultures can add an interesting global perspective to the work we do, but intercultural communication also comes with unique challenges. This session explored some of the research-based dimensions of culture that lead to differences in work style preferences and communication styles across cultures. By analyzing mini case studies in which culture interfered with collaboration, this session also offered simple tips and recommended adaptations that can lead to more rewarding and productive collaboration across cultures. A video and presentation slides are available.

Nothing About Us Without Us: Growing Meaningful Youth Involvement in Your Organization. Year Developed: 2016. Source: University of Massachusetts Medical School, Transitions to Adulthood Center for Research. Presenter(s): Tania Duperoy, BA; Amanda Costa, BS. Type: Video. Level: Introductory. Length: 56 minutes. List of webinars

Annotation: This webinar provides an overview of meaningful youth involvement in mental health service systems through the mechanisms of treatment planning/decision making, peer worker roles, participatory research and evaluation, and systems and service change, and discusses effective approaches for engaging young adults. A video and slides are available.

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This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number UE8MC25742; MCH Navigator for $225,000/year. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.