Displaying records 1 through 6 of 6 found.
From Chaos to Collaboration: Discovering Consensus Among Competing Interests. Year Developed: 2018. Source: National Conference of State Legislatures. Presenter(s): Larry Schooler. Type: Webinar. Level: Intermediate. Length: 50 minutes.
Annotation: Legislators and staff are often faced with the challenge of making decisions, or helping to make decisions, that satisfies diverse constituencies with competing interests. In this webinar, participants learned about both the art and science behind finding consensus to address challenging public policy issues by exploring effective methods and proven techniques that produce agreement to policy challenges. Participants received with new tools and skills for creating consensus among diverse interest groups.
Shaping Organizational Culture: The Role of Leaders. Year Developed: 2016. Source: Region IV Public Health Training Center. Presenter(s): Peter M. Ginter, Ph.D.. Type: Webinar. Level: Intermediate. Length: 90 minutes.
Annotation: Leaders at all organizational levels assume many roles in establishing consensus, setting strategic direction, and motivating performance. One of the most important roles a leader plays is shaping the organizational culture. This webinar will introduce public health professionals to the essential tasks of effective leaders and highlight leaders’ behaviors, attitudes and values that shape an adaptive organizational culture. Participants will also learn about principles and strategies for helping an organization become less bureaucratic and more adaptive.
Learning Objectives: • Describe the essential tasks of leaders. • Describe the behaviors, attitudes, and values that shape an adaptive organizational culture. • Discuss principles and strategies for moving an organization to be less bureaucratic and more adaptive.
Special Instructions: Requires registration.
Resolving Differences Using the "Circle of Conflict". Year Developed: 2016. Source: Annie E. Casey Foundation. Presenter(s): Jolie Bain Pillsbury. Type: Video. Level: Introductory. Length: 8 minutes.
Annotation: Recognizing and sorting out the types of conflicts that inevitably arise among social and public leaders will go a long way toward helping reach desired results for children and their families. The video, part of the Foundation’s series of video tools for results-based leadership development, lays out common conflicts on a circle graph: data conflicts, relationship conflicts, language conflicts, values conflicts, interest conflicts, and structural conflicts. Being able to identify and discuss the types of conflict that are occurring will allow partners to better determine how to resolve them so productive work can continue to happen.
Learning Objectives:
Leading in Changing Times Webinar Series. Year Developed: 2014. Source: Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs. Presenter(s): Karen Trierweiler, Valerie Ricker, and Stephanie Wrightsman-Birch. Type: Webinar Archive. Level: Intermediate Advanced. Length: Series, various lengths (approximately 45 minutes each). AMCHP landing page with additional webinars and resources
Annotation: In working to improve the lives of women, children and families, leadership is an essential role for maternal and child health (MCH) programs. Leaders must have a vision, take initiative, influence people, solve problems, and take responsibility in order to make things happen. And, whether or not they have a formal title, everyone is engaged in the process of leadership. Likewise, everyone can develop their leadership effectiveness. AMCHP’s efforts to strengthen the capacity of the MCH community to engage in the leadership process recognize that leadership development is a process, not an event. The Leading in Changing Times Series is an initiative launched by AMCHP as part of their larger efforts to support a diverse, effective and competent workforce in state and territorial MCH programs. The Leading in Changing Times Series is a year-long, three-part series of webinars blending principles of key leadership theory with real-world stories from senior-level MCH leaders. These 45 minutes leadership “conversations” are designed to share leadership ideas and inspiration through a 20 minute presentation and 25 minute discussion. The three webinars consist of: (1) Great Leaders are Great Decision-Makers: The Importance of Decisiveness; (2) Leading Change: The Challenge of Change; and (3) Leaders with a Vision: The Ability to See Beyond the Present.
Learning Objectives: 1. Great Leaders are Great Decision-Makers: The Importance of Decisiveness • Explore the elements of decision making in public health leadership theory. • Understand the benefits of having a defined approach to prioritizing among many concerns and issues. • Learn concrete strategies and examples that they can use to prioritize maternal and child health efforts in their state. 2. Leading Change: The Challenge of Change • Learn six characteristics of effective change. • Understand the difference between managing and leading change. • Identify opportunities to support or lead change within their organization. • Identify opportunities to practice strategies shared in the webinar. 3. Leaders with a Vision: The Ability to See Beyond the Present • Describe three skills of strategic leadership. • Identify opportunities to create a shared vision within their organization. • Identify opportunities to practice strategies shared in the webinar.
Consensus Building Approach. Year Developed: 2014. Source: Harvard Law School Program on Negotiation. Presenter(s): Lawrence Susskind. Type: Video. Level: Introductory. Length: 8 minutes.
Annotation: Effective consensus building in multi-party, environmental disputes is a valuable skill and can make or break a negotiation. The Program On Negotiation’s Vice-Chair of Education, Larry Susskind, offers key insights into the consensus building approach in this video from The Program On Negotiation.
Developing Performance Measures: An Overview & Practical Pointers. Year Developed: 2013. Source: National Network of Public Health Institutes. Presenter(s): Tom Chapel and Clay Cooksey. Type: Narrated Slide Presentation. Level: Intermediate. Length: 90 minutes. Summary
Annotation: This webinar provides practical guidance on how to get clarity and consensus on your program- its activities and its intended outcomes- and then how to use that clarity to select and construct strong measures. Presenters, Clay Cooksey and Tom Chapel discuss how to integrate processes to achieve continuous quality improvement, logic models and other measurement principles. At the end of the presentation Q & A and dialogue about attendees' challenges are included. The summary gives links to the live recording and the presentation slides and includes participation questions and a list of participants.
Learning Objectives: • Define a simple program roadmap for any program that includes its activities and intended short- and long-term outcomes. • State foundations, principles, and selection criteria for choosing the best "set" of performance measures for continuous quality improvement. • Understand a framework to develop meaningful measures that fit your program/organizational needs.