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Displaying records 1 through 10 of 26 found.

Individual + Policy, System, and Environmental (I+PSE) Conceptual Framework for Action Training Bundle. Year Developed: 2022. Source: MCH Navigator. Presenter(s): Angie Tagtow, MS, RD; Dena Herman, PhD, MPH, RD; Leslie Cunningham-Sabo, PhD, RDN. Type: Interactive Learning Tool. Level: Intermediate. Length: Self-paced.

Annotation: This Training Bundle contains tailored learning opportunities that serve as building blocks to drive Title V MCH transformation by integrating direct service initiatives with policy (organizational/ public), system (simple/complex) and environmental (built/natural) approaches. These materials are centered on the Individual + Policy, System, and Environmental (I+PSE) Conceptual Framework for Action and can support innovative strategies to advance Title V MCH nutrition services and other topical areas. MCH practitioners, whether as individuals or teams, can apply the information provided from online modules, recorded webinars, articles, worksheets, case studies, and reflection to identify, plan, and implement policy, system, and environmental strategies further building Title V MCH capacity, practice-based evidence, and community/population impact.

Learning Objectives: • Define and apply the Individual + Policy, System and Environment (I+PSE) Conceptual Framework for Action to healthy eating and physical activity, food security, and sustainable food systems • Describe outcomes and implications from a childhood obesity prevention action planning application of the I+PSE Conceptual Framework for Action • Critique the evaluation strategies used in healthy eating and active living PSE initiatives using a systematic review

How to Develop a Successful Research Career. Year Developed: 2022. Source: Maternal and Child Health Bureau. Presenter(s): Jessica Rast MPH, Paul Shattuck PhD, MSW. Type: Webinar. Level: Intermediate. Length: 60 minutes.

Annotation: This webinar seeks to highlight strategies for successfully carrying out research and disseminating findings, and build a long-lasting research career. One presenter will discuss experiences as a research associate on a MCHB/DoR award then becoming a Principal Investigator. The other presenter will provide guidance on forming collaborations, expanding research with various funding streams, and translating research into practice.

Learning Objectives: • Learn about the journey from a Research Associate to a Principal Investigator • Understand how to collaborate and form relationships • Become familiar with expanding research with various funding streams • Learn strategies for working with policy-makers and disseminating knowledge for policy impact.

Needs of Our Children: Pediatric Care Before, During and After Disasters. Year Developed: 2021. Source: South Central Public Health Training Center. Presenter(s): n.a.. Type: Online Course. Level: Intermediate. Length: Self-paced.

Annotation: The purpose of this presentation is to provide relevant information related to children's needs during emergency or disaster events from both a clinical care and a public health planning perspective. The speakers will provide a brief overview of the needs of the pediatric population and the delivery system that specifically serves children; discuss experiences from recent disasters where resources for children were limited; and discuss efforts and potential solutions on the state, regional, and national levels. The expectation during emergencies is that the care provided for adults is also appropriate for children. However, children have unique healthcare needs. In 2004, more than 25 percent (approximately 73 million) of the total U.S. population was under age 18. Of those 73 million, 20 million were under the age of 5. Although a significant proportion of children under age 18 may have a physiologic composition similar to that of adults, younger children have special requirements related to physical needs. Moreover, all children have unique mental health and psychosocial needs that should be considered during an emergency response effort. Given the large proportion of our population that requires pediatric-specific care, it is imperative that preparedness planning and disaster response specifically consider the special needs of children and the capacity needed to serve them. xxx

Learning Objectives: • To identify unique needs associated with children before, during and after an emergency or disaster • To describe the unique needs/resources of the pediatric care delivery system • To discuss the experience of pediatric care providers during Hurricane Katrina • To discuss areas for improvement related to the care of and planning for children's needs before, during and after an emergency or disaster

Continuing Education: 2.00 Participation/CE

MCH Essentials Series. Year Developed: 2021. Source: Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs. Presenter(s): n.a.. Type: Online Course. Level: Introductory. Length: Self-paced.

Annotation: The MCH Essentials Series is a continuously refreshed collection of MCH topics, accessible anytime and from anywhere, covering content that is foundational for effective and equitable leadership across roles and settings. Topics range from MCH history to racial equity to youth empowerment. The MCH Essentials Series is for current and aspiring MCH professionals from all disciplines (including youth and families) and levels of leadership. Content is designed to meet a wide range of knowledge and skill development needs. Each topic presents content via narrated and interactive slide presentations, or AMCHP webinars that have been trimmed or otherwise adapted to support adult learning. Topics cover between 20 to 70 minutes of content and include additional resources.

Learning Objectives: Expand knowledge in the following areas: • Understanding MCH History and Systems for Transformative Leadership • Racially Just and Equitable Leadership • Racism as a Root Cause of Birth Disparities • Cultural Competency • Youth Empowerment • Life Course Perspective • Climate Justice • Evidence and Equity • Using Data to Inform MCH Programs • Return on Investment in MCH

Dissemination and Implementation Science: What is it and Why is it Critical to Translational Science? . Year Developed: 2018. Source: Clinical Directors Network. Presenter(s): Enola Proctor, PhD, MSW; Stephen Bartels, MD, MS; Laura-Mae Baldwin, MD, MPH. Type: Webinar. Level: Intermediate Advanced. Length: 56 minutes.

Annotation: This webinar presents the 'why' and 'what' of dissemination and implementation science. Speakers also address reversing health disparities in complex health conditions through implementation science.

Learning Objectives: • Know what dissemination, implementation, implementation science, and dissemination science are. • Understand the features of Dissemination and Implementation (D&I) research studies, and what makes D&I research studies different from usual clinical trials . • Be able to identify funding sources for D&I research.

Special Instructions: Must enter email address to view webinar.

Using Social Determinants of Health to Inform Fatality Review. Year Developed: 2017. Source: National Center for Fatality Review and Prevention. Presenter(s): Madelyn Reyes, MA, MPA, RN, Jola Crear-Perry, MD, FACOG, Susan Hurtado. Type: Webinar. Level: Intermediate. Length: 60 minutes. Webinar Slides

Annotation: Social determinants of health are conditions in the environments in which people are born, live, learn, work, play, worship, and age that affect a wide range of health, functioning, and quality-of-life outcomes and risks. Child Death Review (CDR) and Fetal and Infant Mortality Review (FIMR) programs work to understand health care systems and social problems that contribute to fetal, infant, and child deaths and to identify and implement systems improvement and interventions to improve the lives of some of our most vulnerable women, infants, children, and families. Keeping a Social Determinants of Health lens while conducting fatality review is a step toward reducing inequities in these vital health outcomes.

Special Instructions: Password: sdoh

Title V Transformation Tools. Year Developed: 2017. Source: MCH Navigator. Presenter(s): n.a.. Type: Interactive Learning Tool. Level: Intermediate. Length: Self-paced.

Annotation: The Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCHB) Title V Maternal and Child Health Services Block Grants to States Program has established 15 National Performance Measures (NPMs) for the 2015-2017 grant cycle. In order to effectively address the NPMs, MCH professionals need to think about not only the evidence and strategies to make change, but also the capacity of the workforce to carry out these activities. Six skill sets have been identified by the National MCH Workforce Development Center to support overall implementation of the Title V NPMs: (1) advancing equity; (2) analytical and assessment skills; (3) building and sustaining partnerships; (4) financial and management skills; (5) implementation; and (6) leadership and systems thinking skills. The MCH Navigator in collaboration with the Center has developed this crosswalk to guide MCH professionals to online learning opportunities and implementation resources to support these skill sets.

Learning Objectives: Review of each NPM across the six skills sets: •Well-Woman Visit (NPM 1) •Low-Risk Cesarean Deliveries (NPM 2) •Perinatal Regionalization (NPM 3) •Breastfeeding (NPM 4) •Safe Sleep (NPM 5) • Developmental Screening (NPM 6) •Child Safety/Injury (NPM 7) •Physical Activity (NPM 8) •Bullying (NPM 9) •Adolescent Wll-Visit (NPM 10) •Medical Home (NPM 11) •Transition (NPM 12) •Oral Health (NPM 13) •Smoking (NPM 14) •Adequate Insurance Coverage (NPM 15)

Moving from Assessment to Action in Community Health Improvement. Year Developed: 2017. Source: Public Health Foundation and Association for Community Health Improvement. Presenter(s): Shawna Mercer, MSc, PhD, Stephen Petty, MA, Carrie Blumert, MPH, Sara Barry, MEd, LBP, Kevin A. Alvarnaz, MBA, and Jack Moran, MBA, PhD. Type: Webinar. Level: Intermediate. Length: 59 minutes. Presentation slides

Annotation: Featuring two communities participating in the Using The Community Guide for Community Health Improvement pilot initiative, this archived webinar offers an overview of the initiative to date and highlights the stories of those participating. Led by WellSpan Health (York, PA) and INTEGRIS Health (Oklahoma City, OK), coalitions involving the local health departments and numerous other stakeholders in both communities have been using the population health driver diagram framework to take action and implement community health improvement activities to address behavioral health needs. During this webinar, representatives from WellSpan Health and INTEGRIS Health shared their experiences with the initiative over the past year, including successes and lessons learned. In addition, background information about The Guide to Community Preventive Services (The Community Guide) and the population health driver diagram framework was provided.

Integrating Early Childhood Data. Year Developed: 2017. Source: National Conference of State Legislatures. Presenter(s): Elizabeth Dabney, Carlise King. Type: n.a.. Level: Introductory. Length: 52 minutes.

Annotation: Data from both the early childhood and K–12 sectors can help policymakers inform policy discussions and funding decisions; chart the progress of children, programs, and the state; strengthen and support the early childhood workforce; and pinpoint best practices and areas of need. Linking limited, but critical, early childhood and K–12 data can help states know whether policies and programs successfully transition children from early childhood to the classroom and get them ready for school. During the webinar hear from the Early Childhood Data Collaborative and Data Quality Campaign about how state legislators and policymakers can support the linkage and use of early childhood and K-12 data to inform policy and improve child outcomes.

Evidence Insight Video Series. Year Developed: 2017. Source: Mathematica Policy Research. Presenter(s): Ann Person, Phil Killewald, Alex Resch, Mariel Finucane, Lauren Vollmer. Type: Webinar. Level: Intermediate Advanced. Length: 5 videos, self paced.

Annotation: In a world where data are proliferating as never before, more policymakers are relying on research evidence to serve the public good. What are the research methods that offer the most useful data to policymakers in this rapidly changing landscape? Find out in #EvidenceInsight, a new video series from Mathematica Policy Research. Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) are considered the gold standard of rigorous research design. For decades, Mathematica researchers have designed, executed, and replicated large-scale RCTs in many different policy and program areas. Today, greater availability of high quality administrative data—along with an abundance of emerging technologies—have increased demand for faster program evaluation with equally robust results. This demand, coupled with shrinking resources, has motivated researchers to consider new methods that are more efficient and less expensive than RCTs, but just as reliable. This video series is designed to help policymakers who need access to strong evidence. After a brief video describing the series, additional videos address these topics: Bayesian Methods: A Faster, Probabilistic Approach to Research Design. Adaptive Randomization: A Fresh Perspective on Traditional Research Design. Rapid-Cycle Evaluation: Determining What Works in Less Time. Predictive Analytics: Transforming Decision Making in Three Steps.

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This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number UE8MC25742; MCH Navigator for $225,000/year. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.