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Displaying records 1 through 10 of 24 found.

Learning Opportunities for the Title V Workforce in Communities and at the Local Level Training Brief. Year Developed: Unknown. Source: MCH Navigator. Presenter(s): n.a.. Type: Interactive Learning Tool. Level: Intermediate. Length: Self-paced.

Annotation: This training brief focuses on those skills needed in communities as identified by CityMatCH's Strategic Work Plan. It covers collaboration and partnerships; evaluation; health equity and social justice for improved family and community health; use of data strategically for the transformation of family and community health; engaging and strengthening MCH leaders; and community health centers.

Inclusive Research: Engaging People Closest to the Issue Makes for Better Science & Greater Impact. Year Developed: 2023. Source: National Institutes of Justice. Presenter(s): Ronald Day, Henrika McCoy, Megan Denver, Chas Moore, and Linda Seabrook. Type: Presentation. Level: Introductory. Length: 63 minutes.

Annotation: This panel will discuss what inclusive research is, how to conduct it, and what issues and challenges exist about engaging in it. “Inclusive research” has its history as a participatory research method designed to ensure people closest to the issue or problem under study are authentically engaged in the research process rather than simply being “research subjects.” While community-based participatory research has begun to take on greater prominence in the criminal justice realm, such efforts are largely confined to qualitative research inquiries. This panel makes the case that inclusive research can and should apply to a wider array of research questions and methods and that employing it can yield more accurate and policy-relevant evidence. Panelists will also engage in a “myth busting” discussion to address possible challenges to conducting inclusive research and how to overcome them.

Learning Objectives: • Outline what inclusive research is. • Illustrate how to use inclusive research. • Express how to overcome barriers.

Evaluating the Impact of Partnerships and Community Coalitions. Year Developed: 2023. Source: Children's Healthy Weight State Capacity Building Program. Presenter(s): Dena Herman, PhD, MPH, RD. Type: Narrated Slide Presentation. Level: Intermediate. Length: 40 minutes.

Annotation: Collaboration and partnership are key strategies that help form the foundation of MCH work. Title V often serves as the convener of partners, community organizations, and families. Understanding the elements of successful collaborative efforts and the impact of partnerships and community coalitions is critical to document effectiveness of collaborative efforts. Dena Herman, PhD, MPH, RD, Professor, California State University, Northridge Adjunct; Associate Professor/Director, UCLA Fielding School of Public Health, presents a focused review of the types of collaboration measurements, from qualitative and quantitative to an analysis of frameworks and theories and social networks. This learning opportunity was originally presented for the Children's Healthy Weight State Capacity Building Program at their Learning and Networking Call (December 2023).

Learning Objectives: • Understand the components of collaboration • Describe the elements of successful collaborative efforts • Learn how to use different types of collaboration measurement tools

The Lancet Optimizing Child and Adolescent Health and Development Series Launch . Year Developed: 2022. Source: SickKids Center for Global Child Health, The Lancet, The Aga Khan University. Presenter(s): Carl Amrhein, Zulfiqar Bhutta, Tedros Ghebreyesus, Richard Horton, Catherine Russell, Robert Black, Cesar Victoria, Tyler Vaivada, Margaret Kruk, Maureen Black, Jocalyn Clark, Ties Boerma, Jennifer Bryce, Richard Horton, Zulfiqar Bhutta. Type: Video. Level: Intermediate. Length: 126 minutes.

Annotation: This video features a panel presentation to kick off the ‘Optimizing Child and Adolescent Health and Development Series’ published in The Lancet. The many panelists, who are all experts in their field, discuss rebuilding holistic child health services after the COVID-19 pandemic. Holistic action addresses reproductive, maternal, childhood, and adolescent health, as well as nutrition and development.

Learning Objectives: • Understand what a holistic approach to adolescent health means. • Identify the ways in which the COVID-19 pandemic effected child health services. • Outline key steps identified to reinstate and strengthen child health services

Investing in Children’s Health and Well-being. Year Developed: 2021. Source: National Institute for HealthCare Management. Presenter(s): Kelly Kelleher, MD; Amy Green, PhD; Erika Kirby. Type: Webinar. Level: Introductory. Length: 75 minutes.

Annotation: In addition to its physical toll, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a devastating effect on the emotional and psychological well-being of children and young adults across the country. The pandemic has exposed the need to address the rising rates of anxiety, depression, and suicide among young people. Care providers fear that the pandemic, and the lack of action to address issues related to it, could have a long term negative impact on young people, especially LGBTQ, black, and brown youth. This webinar brought together experts to discuss the opportunities and strategies to help care for children and young adults' mental and physical health after a year of unprecedented challenges.

Learning Objectives: • Discuss the COVID-19 pandemic’s effect on the mental, emotional, and behavioral health problems of children and adolescents in the United States and efforts to promote children’s well-being. • Learn about an organization's efforts to prevent suicide among LGBTQ youth by providing free resources, support centers, and access to 24/7 crisis services. • Explore a health plan foundation’s commitment to partnerships to strengthen and protect children’s mental health throughout the community.

Utilizing Data Sciences Resources to Prepare and Package Integrated Datasets. Year Developed: 2020. Source: Life Course Intervention Research Network. Presenter(s): Joshua Denny MD, MS; Nicholas Tatonetti PhD; Norina Allen PhD. Type: Webinar. Level: Intermediate. Length: n.a..

Annotation: Life course research embraces the complexity of health and disease development by tackling the extensive interactions between genetics and environment. Life course research is not simply research across the lifespan but, instead, articulates the importance of complex systems science as a methodological framework to guide our research questions. This webinar focuses on Utilizing data science resources to prepare and package integrated datasets to make them accessible for researchers to generate and test new hypotheses.

Learning Objectives: • Discuss the importance of utilizing data from diverse sources for life course research • Learn how to collect and harmonize data across multiple sources • Discuss the process of harmonizing data from large retrospective and prospective studies

MCH Needs Assessment Toolkit. Year Developed: 2019. Source: National MCH Workforce Development Center, AMCHP, and the MCH Navigator. Presenter(s): n.a.. Type: Interactive Learning Tool. Level: Introductory Intermediate Advanced. Length: Self-paced.

Annotation: This training toolkit focuses on learning opportunities and practical tools for use by the Title V workforce in understanding and implementing needs assessment, including community partnerships, data, program monitoring and evaluation, policy analysis, and principles of public health. It was developed by a collaboration of the National MCH Workforce Development Center, AMCHP, and the MCH Navigator.

From Problem to Prevention: Evidence-Based Public Health. Year Developed: 2017. Source: National Network of Libraries of Medicine, Greater Midwest Region. Presenter(s): Derek Johnson, MLIS. Type: Webinar. Level: Introductory. Length: 60 minutes.

Annotation: This introductory webinar provides attendees with a basic definition and framework for evidence-based public health. Special attention is paid to three of the seven steps: Community Assessment, Determining What is Known in the Literature, and Evaluating the Program or Policy. Free resources are presented that can assist practitioners with these specific steps of the evidence-based public health framework.

Learning Objectives: • Define and describe evidence-based public health. • Identify a public health need and formulate an answerable question. • Locate and search applicable literature and resources. • Understand the importance of evaluation and locate helpful resources.

Special Instructions: Registration required before accessing this course.

Evidence-Based Public Health Training Series. Year Developed: 2017. Source: Northwest Center for Public Health Practice. Presenter(s): n.a.. Type: Interactive Learning Tool. Level: Advanced. Length: 555 minutes.

Annotation: Today's public health professionals must be able to strategically consider research results, political interests, and community requests when leading program and policy work. The evidence-based public health framework is an effective model for this type of decision-making. The Evidence-Based Public Health Training Series consists of nine modules that cover core concepts, such as defining public health issues, conducting community assessments, prioritizing options, and evaluating program and policy impacts. You may take each of the modules individually and receive a certificate for each one. If you choose to complete all nine modules, you will also receive a certificate for the series as a whole. Each module consists of several videos, followed by a short quiz. You must watch the videos and take the quiz in order to pass the module. To aid in your understanding, optional activities and questions for reflection or discussion are also included with each module. You may discuss these questions in a forum with other module participants or with peers or colleagues, or you may reflect on them individually.

Special Instructions: Must create a PH Learn Link account to view.

Evidence Insight Video Series. Year Developed: 2017. Source: Mathematica Policy Research. Presenter(s): Ann Person, Phil Killewald, Alex Resch, Mariel Finucane, Lauren Vollmer. Type: Webinar. Level: Intermediate Advanced. Length: 5 videos, self paced.

Annotation: In a world where data are proliferating as never before, more policymakers are relying on research evidence to serve the public good. What are the research methods that offer the most useful data to policymakers in this rapidly changing landscape? Find out in #EvidenceInsight, a new video series from Mathematica Policy Research. Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) are considered the gold standard of rigorous research design. For decades, Mathematica researchers have designed, executed, and replicated large-scale RCTs in many different policy and program areas. Today, greater availability of high quality administrative data—along with an abundance of emerging technologies—have increased demand for faster program evaluation with equally robust results. This demand, coupled with shrinking resources, has motivated researchers to consider new methods that are more efficient and less expensive than RCTs, but just as reliable. This video series is designed to help policymakers who need access to strong evidence. After a brief video describing the series, additional videos address these topics: Bayesian Methods: A Faster, Probabilistic Approach to Research Design. Adaptive Randomization: A Fresh Perspective on Traditional Research Design. Rapid-Cycle Evaluation: Determining What Works in Less Time. Predictive Analytics: Transforming Decision Making in Three Steps.

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This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number UE8MC25742; MCH Navigator for $225,000/year. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.