Displaying records 1 through 9 of 9 found.
Authentic Engagement: People with Lived Expertise Shaping Homeless Programs and Policies. Year Developed: 2023. Source: Community Action Partnership. Presenter(s): Josh Johnson, Samantha Wood, La’Toya Cooper, and Jon DeCarmine. Type: Webinar. Level: Introductory. Length: 60 minutes.
Annotation: Homeless service providers and systems are increasingly turning to those with lived experience of homelessness to help shape policies and inform programmatic reforms to improve the effectiveness of their interventions in reducing homelessness. This session, presented by the National Alliance to End Homelessness, will feature individuals with lived expertise who are serving to drive policy change through authentic collaboration with advocates and providers.
Learning Objectives: • Define the problems within policies and services. • Identify key components of authentic engagement. • Recognize the importance of power building and how to shift a culture. • Demonstrate how engagement can shape programs and policies.
HRSA Women's Health Leadership Series: Women's Mental Health. Year Developed: 2022. Source: Health Resources and Services Administration. Presenter(s): Nancy Mautone-Smith MSW, LCSW; Emily Hassesy MPH, CHES; Joy Burkhard MBA; Cindy Herrick MA, CPSS, MHFA. Type: Webinar. Level: Introductory. Length: 59 minutes.
Annotation: As part of the Women's Health Leadership Series, HRSA and SAMHSA hosted a webinar on resources and opportunities around women's mental health, national policy, and stakeholder engagement around maternal mental health care from HRSA-supported settings.
Learning Objectives: • Learn about new HRSA innovations and opportunities • Describe SAMHSA resources for women throughout the life span • Define Serious Mental Illness (SMI) Advisor • Describe the range of maternal mental health disorders including other features and factors
Promoting Use of Childhood Dental Benefits Covered Under Medicaid and CHIP to Catch Up on Care. Year Developed: 2021. Source: InsureKidsNow.gov. Presenter(s): Natalia I. Chalmers DDS, MDSc, PhD. Type: Webinar. Level: Introductory. Length: 54 minutes.
Annotation: In this webinar, Dr. Natalia I. Chalmers, D.D.S., M.H.Sc., Ph.D., a pediatric dentist and Diplomate of the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry, who also served as Dental Officer within the Center for Medicaid and CHIP Services at the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, discusses trends in oral health services among those enrolled in Medicaid and CHIP and how early intervention can promote oral health outcomes among children. Campaign resources organizations can use in outreach and enrollment efforts to promote oral health year-round, including print materials, social media posts and graphics, newsletter articles, were featured.
Learning Objectives: • Learn the impact of poor pediatric oral health. • Explore why dental coverage and access matters. • Learn the role of parents in children's oral health coverage and access.
Social Determinants of Health: Challenges and Opportunities in Rural America. Year Developed: 2020. Source: Rural Health Research Gateway. Presenter(s): Jan Probst, PhD. Type: Webinar. Level: Introductory. Length: 60 minutes. direct you tube link
Annotation: Social determinants of health are defined by the World Health Organization as "the conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work, and age". For rural populations, many of these elements are less favorable than within urban areas. Building on work conducted by the Rural and Minority Health Research Center, this presentation reviews some of the key elements associated with health across rural White and minority populations, such as education, income, and health facility availability.
Learning Objectives: • Learn to define key terms around SDOH and rural ameria • Describe rural disparities • Understand how to plan a way forward
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Health Policies and Programs . Year Developed: 2020. Source: University of Wisconsin School of Pharmacy. Presenter(s): Kevin A. Look, PharmD, PhD. Type: Video. Level: Introductory. Length: 33 minutes.
Annotation: The United States healthcare system does poorly compared to other developed countries on measures such as access to care, quality of care, and health outcomes. Program evaluation is one way to improve these standards. In this video, Professor Kevin Look from the University of Wisconsin shares his research on national and state healthcare policies to display how program evaluation can improve health policies and health outcomes.
Learning Objectives: • List the goals of health program evaluations • Describe why a multidisciplinary approach to program evaluations is crucial • Explain the problems with the US healthcare system • Reflect on how program evaluation can affect health outcomes
Increasing Health Care Access for Teens through Medicaid & CHIP. Year Developed: 2018. Source: InsureKidsNow.gov. Presenter(s): Denise Daly Konrad. Type: Webinar. Level: Introductory. Length: 51 minutes.
Annotation: Although teens are among the healthiest populations in the U.S., they are less likely to be enrolled in health care coverage when compared to their younger counterparts. Without coverage, many teens often do not have access to vital health services that fit their specific needs—especially while they are experiencing a period of physical and mental growth such as puberty and mental health challenges. Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) provide eligible teens up to age 19 with a foundation for improved health outcomes now and for their future. This webinar highlights groups engaging teens in outreach and enrollment to not only educate teens about program benefits, but also increase access to care.
Learning Objectives: •Learn about how to engage Virginia teens in Medicaid and CHIP programs. •Discuss the importance of increasing the dialogue around important adolescent health topics. •Learn how to leverage health and physical education to enroll teens in health coverage.
Health Care Transition & Title V Care Coordination Initiatives. Year Developed: 2018. Source: Got Transition. Presenter(s): n.a.. Type: Webinar. Level: Intermediate. Length: Series; various lengths.
Annotation: This is a five-part Webinar Series featuring examples of best practices among state Title V agencies, tools and resources, and problem-solving strategies. Titles include: (1) Starting A Transition Improvement Process Using the Six Core Elements of Health Care Transition; (2) Transition Preparation; (3) Transfer to Adult Care; (4) Integration into Adult Care; and (5) Youth, Young Adult & Parent Engagement. Handouts are available. https://gottransition.org/resource/gt-webinar-1-starting-hct-process https://gottransition.org/resource/gt-webinar-2-transition-preparation https://gottransition.org/resource/gt-webinar-3-transfer-to-adult-care https://gottransition.org/resource/gt-webinar-4-integration-into-adult-care https://gottransition.org/resource/gt-webinar-5-young-adult-parent-engagement
Learning Objectives: Session 1: • Overview of health care transition baseline results from Title V care coordination (CC) programs. • Forming a HCT quality improvement team with CC team and youth/young adults/parents. • Defining HCT pilot population, timeline, measures of success. • Selecting HCT core elements and delineating roles of CC program and YSHCN providers. Session 2: • Identifying key components of HCT policy for CC programs that families/youth want to know. • Customizing transition readiness assessment (RA) for CC programs • Piloting and disseminating HCT policy and RA. • Incorporating RA skill needs into plan of care and educating youth and families on needed skills. • Preparing medical summary and emergency care plan with youth and families and their providers. Session 3: • Identifying willing adult primary and specialty providers. • Sequencing plans for transferring young adults with multiple providers. • Identifying ways to support adult practices (consultation, care coordination). • Preparing transfer package and communicating with pediatric and adult practices. Session 4: • Ensuring welcome and orientation FAQs from the adult practice to transferring young adults and pediatric practice. • Facilitating initial appointment to adult doctor, including confirmation of receipt of transfer package. • Supporting adult practice with CC assistance from Title V and linking to adult disability resources. Session 5: • Identifying youth/young adults/parents to participate in HCT initiatives in Title V CC programs. • Providing transition education and training and mentoring opportunities. • Eliciting consumer feedback with HCT care coordination process. • Building youth/young adult/parent leadership roles on HCT within state Title V programs.
A Conversation on Meaningful Family Engagement, from Clinical Care to Health Policy. Year Developed: 2018. Source: Lucile Packard Foundation for Children's Health. Presenter(s): Rylin Rodgers; Richard Antonelli, MD; Ruth E. K. Stein, MD, FAAP. Type: Webinar Archive. Level: Intermediate. Length: 60 minutes.
Annotation: Engaging with families is vital to transforming the health care system and positively impacting the life course of vulnerable populations. Families have extensive experience in partnering with professionals to improve systems of care, are organized and connected across the country, and stand ready to assist at every level of next efforts for improvement. Learn how to meaningfully involve families at every level of health care systems and engage them as critical partners in designing policies that will improve care for all children. Discussing, Families of Children with Medical Complexity: A View from the Front Lines, the lead author and experts in the field reviewed the article’s key content and shared thoughts on the implications of its recommendations.
ACA & Integration of Behavioral and Physical Health. Year Developed: n.a.. Source: National MCH Workforce Development Center. Presenter(s): n.a.. Type: n.a.. Level: Intermediate. Length: n.a..
Annotation: This Affordable Care Act & Integration of Behavioral and Physical Health PowerPoint presentation accompanied with speaker notes provides an overview of the Affordable Care Act and the integration of physical and behavioral health.