Displaying records 1 through 4 of 4 found.
Nexus: National Center Summit on the Future of IPE [Interprofessional Practice and Education]. Year Developed: 2016. Source: National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education and the American Interprofessional Health Collaborative. Presenter(s): n.a.. Type: Webinar. Level: Intermediate. Length: Series, various lengths. Nexus Fair presentations
Annotation: This series consists of practical workshops presented at the August 2016 Nexus Summit. The workshops are: Workshop 1: Creating IPE Curriculum Using Bolman & Deal's Four Framework Approach Workshop 2: Using Team Collaboratives & Faculty Consultations to Enhance Team-Based Care: Techniques from University of Rochester Department of Family Medicine Workshop 3: Lessons Learned: Implementing IPCP Interventions in Two Primary Care Clinics Treating Underserved Populations Workshop 4: Creating Something from Nothing: Building an Interprofessional Practice & Education Institute Workshop 5: Making Interprofessional Practice "Real": Developing Student Experiences in Rural Settings to Align Education & Practice Workshop 6: Showing the Value-Added Benefit of Health Profession Student Teams in Patient Care Workshop 7: Building a NEXUS Network of Partners: Strategies for Building Relationships, Infrastructure & Action Plans Workshop 8: Catalyzing Interprofessional Collaborative Practice in Existing Clinical Teams: Interactive Approaches to Building Teams Workshop 9: i-Care: A Team-Based Approach to Meeting the Needs of the Underserved with Chronic Conditions Workshop 10: Quality Improvement & Leadership Development for Residents Leading Interprofessional Teams Workshop 11: I-CAN, An Innovative Community-based Interprofessional Clinical Education Model Workshop 12: A Quick Clinical IPE Roll-out: Is It Possible? Workshop 13: Teamwork Training in Integrated Care: Navigating the Nexus in Real Time Workshop 14: Enhancing Community Partnerships to Improve Students Becoming Collaboration Ready for Population Health Workshop: NEPQR Appreciative Inquiry Additional presentations from Nexus Fair Showcase organizations are also available.
Learning Objectives: See the individual workshop listing on the series page for learning objectives.
Transformational Leadership: Women Lead the Way. Year Developed: 2012. Source: CityMatCH. Presenter(s): Linda Tarr-Whelan. Type: Webinar Archive. Level: Intermediate. Length: 42 minutes.
Annotation: This webinar describes the importance of women in leadership roles and as change agents, why it matters for women to be 30% of the leadership, how other countries are ahead of the United States, what women can to to transform leadership, and how women can prepare themselves to be leaders.
Build a Tower, Build a Team. Year Developed: 2010. Source: TED Talks. Presenter(s): Tom Wujec. Type: Video. Level: Introductory. Length: 7 minutes.
Annotation: This video, part of the TED Talks series, probes the "marshmallow problem," a simple team-building exercise that involves dry spaghetti, one yard of tape, and a marshmallow. The exercise forces people to collaborate quickly with the goal of building the tallest tower. The speaker discusses the lessons of collaboration that are learned throughout the process, including what types of teams succeed and what types fail.
Leading by Convening. Year Developed: n.a.. Source: National Center for Systemic Improvement. Presenter(s): n.a.. Type: Webinar. Level: Intermediate. Length: Series; various lengths.
Annotation: These self-study modules introduce and explore the Leading by Convening habits of interaction that can help state leaders engage stakeholders as allies to reach shared goals. Each module provides several short, easy-to-access lessons that can be applied to state work. Modules currently available are: • Module 1: Authentic Engagement This module provides an overview of the IDEA Partnership blueprint on Leading by Convening. It outlines the essential habits that leaders need to cultivate to build allied relationship across groups. The tools and learning activities help groups identify their values and shared interests, and work together to improve practice. • Module 2: Coalescing Around Issues This module helps us understand and develop a habit of practice in which diverse groups of people come together around shared issues or problems of practice that they want to resolve. This habit is called Coalescing Around Issues. Individuals with differing backgrounds and experiences share, learn, and act together to achieve their common goal. • Module 5: Reviewing and Reflecting on Engagement Over Time This module helps us understand and develop a habit of practice in which diverse groups of people come together around shared issues or problems of practice that they want to resolve. This habit is called Coalescing Around Issues. Individuals with differing backgrounds and experiences share, learn, and act together to achieve their common goal. A book published in 2014 that explores the concept of leading by convening is also available for download at no cost.