All humans have lived experiences that provide them with specific insights. In the context of public health, the engagement of “people with lived experience” aims to identify and amplify those voices, being inclusive of those heard less often.
Watch the video below to start your learning and then access the links to use the Ready-Set-Go approach to deepen your knowledge and skills.
Self-determination is the process by which a person controls their own life. They set their own goals and can pick and choose why, when, and where to share their lived experiences to help redesign systems of care.
People with lived experience have the right to say “No” without fear of retribution or a change in their services or supports. Programs must respect the boundaries of what a community member can offer. Provide a graceful way for people with lived experience to decline the opportunity.
People with lived experience must be able to share experiences, especially negative ones, without having to worry about retribution or changes in their services.
Life happens to everyone and circumstances change. It's important to understand that not everyone, even staff, may not be able to participate for the duration of a project. Thank them for their contributions to date and wish them well.
Linking to the MCH Leadership Competencies. Understanding self determination of PWLE is a key component of the skills section of the MCH Leadership Competencies. Click the links below to access trainings that support the related sub-competencies.
Implementation. Remember, the key to effective partnerships with PWLE: