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Training Brief

Training Brief

Identifying and Using Evidence-Based/Informed Resources to Address MCH Issues


EvidenceQuality improvement and the need for evidence-based programming and policymaking continue to be a top priority for states as they work towards achieving the Healthy People 2020 objectives to improve health outcomes for women, children, and families. Generally speaking, the term “evidence” refers to information that has been systematically obtained in a manner that is replicable, observable, and verifiable. This type of evidence is often published in the scientific literature. However, there are other important domains of evidence to consider within the broad environmental and organizational context. To achieve the best possible health outcomes, the MCH workforce will need to examine experiential and contextual forms of evidence, drawing on the collective experiences and expertise of multiple stakeholders while taking into consideration the unique characteristics of their own communities.

In terms of public health interventions, evidence typically refers to the effectiveness of programs or initiatives aimed at improving the health of a population in a measurable way. The application of evidence-based public health interventions is relatively new, and yet the focus has already expanded beyond the scientific research to address practical considerations. The interventions published in the scientific literature – typically conducted in academic or research settings -- are not necessarily replicable at a local level. In community-based settings, the absence of personnel, lack of resources, financial constraints, and other concerns may pose challenges to conducting or evaluating an intervention.

This resource brief provides links to selected trainings and related tools on the topic of evidence-based and informed resources to address MCH issues. It is one in a set of MCH Navigator resources developed to support the MCH workforce’s efforts to improve access to health care; use quality improvement tools to guide effective transformation; foster integration within public health and across sectors; support change management that will result in health improvements for MCH populations; and enhance training and networking opportunities.

See also the MCH Evidence Center's collection of Evidence Toolkits that present evidence-based/informed programs and resources for use by state Title V agencies and AMCHP’s Innovation Hub for a collection of evidence-based and informed practices from the field of MCH.

Trainings from the MCH Navigator

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  • 2013 Leadership Symposium on Evidence-Based Practice, Implementation Science: Closing the Gap Between Innovation and Practice.
    Date Developed: 1/8/2013. Source: California Social Work Education Center. Presenters: Multiple. Type: Conference Resource Guide: Contains models, frameworks, and research methods for implementation science and information about applying implementation science in the real world.
  • Evidence-Based 101. Date Developed: 2014. Source: FRIENDS National Resource Center for Community-Based Child Abuse Prevention. Type: Interactive Modules. Length: Self-Paced. Available at no charge but requires users to self-register for an account by selecting a user name and password.
    • Module 1: Defining and Researching Evidence-Based Practice
    • Module 2: Understanding the Initial Steps in Evidence-Based Service Delivery
    • Module 3: Researching Evidence-Based Programs
  • Evidence-Based Behavioral Practice Training Portal. Nine modules illustrate the evidence-based practice process for both individual and population-based approaches. Continuing education credits are available for social workers, psychologists, physicians, and nurses.

Evidence in Action

Are you interested in developing, implementing, and evaluating evidence-informed programs in the Title V context? Take advantage of evidence-related technical assistance.

Where can I access technical assistance and what will it address? Click the image below to expand.

Evidence Tri-fold

November 2014; Updated August 2015, October 2017, July 2019

This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number UE8MC25742; MCH Navigator for $225,000/year. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.