URL 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VLNNFnUXqiE
Date Developed: n.a.. Source: Community Action Partnership. Presenter(s): Barbara Mooney, and Courtney Kohler. Type: Webinar. Level: Introductory. Length: 30 minutes.
Continuous Quality Improvement is a module within a series based on material produced by the Community Action Partnership and the Association of Nationally Certified ROMA Trainers (ANCRT). The series is comprised of a variety of recorded webinars, workshop PowerPoints, facilitator guides, case study examples, and associated resources. The curriculum is based on foundational ROMA principles and practices, exploring the focus areas for ROMA Next Generation and highlighting how all the elements of the Performance Management Framework fit together. In this video, Barbara Mooney and Carey Gibson from ANCRT provide an overview of the CQI purpose and process for Community Action.
• Describe what continuous quality improvement is.
• Apply continuous quality improvement to the current situation.
• Assess agency readiness for change.