URL 1: https://www.facebook.com/thinkofusDC/videos/2990966304506616/
Date Developed: n.a.. Source: Think of Us. Presenter(s): Sarah Fathallah, Sixto Cancel, Bobbi Taylor, and Sarah Sullivan. Type: Webinar. Level: Introductory. Length: 90 minutes.
This webinar presents stories from the research team behind Away from Home. It describes how the team centered lived experience in the methodology of the project from beginning to the end: from the formation of the research team and the participant recruiting to the creation of a lived expert peer review board and the design of the project launch. Speakers provide inspiration for how to center lived experience in new projects and in everything that child welfare touches.
Understand how people with lived experience are centered in:
• The scoping of the study and forming the team;
• The research design and planning;
• Recruiting participants for the study;
• Onboarding research participants;
• Conducting the research;
• Compensating participants;
• Validating findings; and
• Disseminating findings.