URL 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-UHYTN-_hQ
Date Developed: 1/23/2019. Source: Lucile Packard Foundation for Children's Health. Presenter(s): Beth Dworetzky; Nanfi Lubogo; Susan Chacon. Type: Webinar. Level: Intermediate. Length: 60 minutes.
Health care providers, payers, and systems serving children, youth and families increasingly focus on family engagement as a strategy to improve health care delivery, enhance consumer and provider satisfaction, and reduce costs. Assessing how well an organization or agency is engaging families is a critical step in achieving these goals. A recent issue brief from Family Voices, A Framework for Assessing Family Engagement in Systems Change, proposes four domains of family engagement – representation, transparency, impact and commitment. Join us as we explore this framework, share models of success and discuss common barriers to incorporating meaningful family engagement in systems-level initiatives. It is recommended that attendees read the issue brief prior to the event.