URL 1: https://vimeo.com/282680744
Date Developed: 11/27/2018. Source: Public Health Institute. Presenter(s): John Weisman, DrPH, MPH; Georgia Heise, BS, MS, DrPH; Bellinda K. Schoof, MHA, CPHQ. Type: Webinar Archive. Level: Introductory. Length: 50 minutes.
There is mounting recognition among health professionals that truly improving health outcomes in the U.S.—addressing acute conditions and the upstream social determinants that contribute to poor health—must be an interdisciplinary, cross-sector, and collaborative endeavor.
To this end, the Public Health Leadership Forum (PHLF) at RESOLVE teamed with the Health Care Transformation Task Force (HCTTF) to develop a framework that supports enhanced collaboration between health care and public health entities. This framework, Partnering to Catalyze Comprehensive Community Wellness: An Actionable Framework for Health Care and Public Health Collaboration, outlines essential elements and key strategies for shaping effective, health-based collaboratives among public health, health care, and community-based organizations.
In this web forum, members of the PHLF and HCTTF describe the essential elements of collaboration outlined in the framework, and speak to their experiences working to develop and sustain cross-sector collaborations in their organizations and communities.
A video and transcript are available.