URL 1: https://youtu.be/roAd0Qv_l_Y
URL 2: https://www.resourcesforintegratedcare.com/consumer_advisory-2/
Date Developed: 6/29/2016. Source: Resources for Integrated Care. Presenter(s): Jacqueline Dowdy; Serena Simeone; Margo Michaels; Rosa Palacios (Moderator) . Type: Webinar Archive. Level: Intermediate. Length: 71 minutes.
This webinar is intended for health plan representatives, consumers, and advocates seeking to help the voices of older adults, persons with disabilities, and their caregivers be heard in the design, implementation, and oversight of health plans working to improve and integrate care for their enrollees. Recruitment is one of the first and most critical steps for a delivery system to take when creating a consumer advisory committee for its enrollees. Finding the right people to participate, and keeping them engaged for a year or more, can present significant challenges and costs that must be anticipated. Additionally, training Medicare, Medicaid, or dually-eligible enrollees and their caregivers for engagement is vital to the success of the consumer advisory committee. This webinar also addresses enrollee education to develop an informed and strong consumer voice, enrollee understanding of the purpose and promise of meaningful engagement, and the available resources to assist enrollees in their new roles.
This webinar focuses on the best practices to recruit, train, and retain a diverse group of consumers and caregivers who have the capacity, skills, time and desire to regularly attend and meaningfully engage in a delivery system’s consumer advisory committee. The webinar outlines how to create a training curriculum that on-boards consumers and caregivers – no matter what their abilities, disabilities, strengths or weaknesses – to work together and be effective. The webinar also includes a consumer who has been involved on an advisory committee to offer personal insights on how to motivate and support members.
This webinar contains useful information for Medicaid MCOs, PIHPs, PAHPs in meeting the member advisory committee requirements (§438.110) of the Medicaid managed care rule, as well as for MMPs in also meeting requirements in the three-way contracts.
A video and slides are available.