URL 1: https://youtu.be/dDJJewbxpEY
Date Developed: 2/23/2017. Source: Justice Research and Statistics Association. Presenter(s): Ross Hickey, JD, CIP, CIPA; George Shaler, MPH. Type: Webinar. Level: Intermediate. Length: 61 minutes.
This webinar introduces participants to the basics of institutional review board (IRBs), the need for them and when to submit research protocols for review to an IRB. The webinar, webinar slides, and participant biographies are available.
• How do I know if I am doing human subject research?
• How does an IRB ensure the rights and welfare of human subjects involved in research are adequately protected?
• Participants will learn to "issue spot" where the need for an IRB is likely to arise.
• Participants will understand the background and purpose of the relevant human subject research regulations.
• Participants will understand how to draft functional IRB protocols and procedures.