URL 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RwPugfkhI_0&feature=youtu.be
Date Developed: 6/22/2017. Source: National Conference of State Legislatures. Presenter(s): Elizabeth Dabney, Carlise King. Type: n.a.. Level: Introductory. Length: 52 minutes.
Data from both the early childhood and K–12 sectors can help policymakers inform policy discussions and funding decisions; chart the progress of children, programs, and the state; strengthen and support the early childhood workforce; and pinpoint best practices and areas of need. Linking limited, but critical, early childhood and K–12 data can help states know whether policies and programs successfully transition children from early childhood to the classroom and get them ready for school. During the webinar hear from the Early Childhood Data Collaborative and Data Quality Campaign about how state legislators and policymakers can support the linkage and use of early childhood and K-12 data to inform policy and improve child outcomes.