Date Developed: 07/11/2016. Source: UCLA Center for Healthier Children, Families & Communities, Maternal and Child Health Life Course Research Network (LCRN). Presenter(s): Megan McClelland, PhD. Type: Webinar Archive. Level: Introductory. Length: 60 minutes.
This webinar, addresses the importance of self-regulation for health, educational success, and well-being over time and across contexts. It also examines the pathways of self-regulatory development (including individual, contextual and sociocultural factors that influence the development of these skills over time), the methods for studying self-regulation, and translational issues such as intervention efforts to improve these skills in children.
• Define self-regulation.
• Discuss the importance of self-regulation for health, educational success, and well-being.
• Describe factors that influence the development of self-regulation.
• Learn methods for studying self-regulation.
• Discuss intervention efforts to improve self-regulation.