URL 1: https://www.mchnavigator.org/trainings/1578-negotiation-and-conflict-resolution.php
URL 2: https://www.mchnavigator.org/documents/1578-negotiation-and-conflict-resolution-slides.pdf
Date Developed: 11/8/2011. Source: University of Maryland University College in collaboration with CityMatCH. Presenter(s): Kathleen F. (Kay) Edwards, PhD. Type: Narrated Slide Presentation. Level: Intermediate. Length: 84 minutes.
This webinar emphasizes conflict-handling modes/styles, how conflict handling modes can impact workplace outcomes, and principled negotiating.
The video begins with a slide of a book to be discussed the following week, so initially one might think one is looking at the wrong video; the webinar does begin with an opening slide showing the topic by the end of the second minute.