URL 1: https://archive.ahrq.gov/news/ulp/btpediatric/
Date Developed: 01/11/2006. Source: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Presenter(s): Irwin Redlener, MD; George L. Foltin, MD; Michael Shannon, MD, MPH; David Markenson, MD. Type: Webinar. Level: Introductory. Length: 90 minutes.
This Web conference, broadcast January 11, 2006, explored key issues surrounding the preparedness planning for the care of children. It highlighted innovative research, tools and models that can be used in developing effective preparedness strategies for addressing the unique needs of children. In addition to the streaming presentation with a text transcript, the site includes presentation slides and a text version of four presentations.
• Report on and discuss lessons learned regarding care and support for children following Hurricane Katrina.
• Discuss and show clips from a training video on establishing decontamination centers for children exposed to chemical agents.
• Report on the December 13-15, 2005, national conference, Special Considerations in Emergency Preparedness, focusing in part on pediatric needs.
• Discuss the Pediatric Terrorism Preparedness Resource, a guide that will serve as a comprehensive clinical and policy reference on the needs of children following a public health emergency or other disaster.
• Highlight updates to the Pediatric Disaster and Terrorism Preparedness National Guidelines that address vulnerabilities of children to public health emergencies and disasters.