URL 1: https://youtu.be/UkRTuWraVJw
URL 2: https://youtu.be/zvyQe4bnPu8
Date Developed: 10/18/2012. Source: University of Minnesota Extension, Children, Youth & Family Consortium. Presenter(s): Atum Azzahir; BraVada Garrett-Akinsanya, PhD; Jessica Gourneau; Melissa Walls, PhD . Type: Webinar Archive. Level: Intermediate. Length: Series; various lengths.
This training discusses the historical and generational trauma from the perspective of American Indians and African Americans and builds on Dr. Karina Walter’s presentation (see Historical Trauma, Microaggressions, and Identity: A Framework for Culturally-Based Practice). A panel of community and university professionals discuss cultural ways of knowing, how healing and wellness take place within families and communities, and where the science of historical and intergenerational trauma currently exists. The training consists of a video (74 minutes) and presentation notes by each author.
This Lesson from the Field aims to facilitate professionals’ use of a broad and inclusive lens in their work with children, youth, and families impacted by historical and generational trauma to restore and promote cultural identity and promote healing and wellness.
• Understand approaches to historical and generational trauma from community, science, and historical perspectives.
• Define a theory of “sickness” and the impact of loss of culture and community on individual health and healing.
• Identify the impact of historical and intergenerational trauma on communities, families, and individuals.
• Incorporate cultural ways of knowing and healing for individuals, families, and communities.