URL 1: https://altarum.adobeconnect.com/_a758956138/dataspeak101713/
Date Developed: 10/17/2013. Source: U.S. Maternal and Child Health Bureau. Presenter(s): Scott Grosse, PhD; Stephanie Lee; Ricardo Basurto-Dávila, PhD, MSc. Type: Webinar Archive. Level: Intermediate Advanced. Length: 90 minutes.
This webinar, part of the DataSpeak web conference series, presents three case studies that explain how to show return on investment (ROI) through different analysis types: (1) an overview of how economic evaluations of health policies and budget impact/ROI analyses are conducted to determine value and cost-effectiveness with examples drawn from asthma management and newborn screening for critical congenital heart disease; (2) a summary of how to conduct a benefit-cost analysis for estimating prevention and intervention programs for children at the state level with examples from Washington state; and (3) an outcome evaluation of how local MCH funding has impacted children with low birth weight and their eventual health outcomes in California.
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