URL 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQeQRi-eSQQ&feature=related
Date Developed: April 2009. Source: Future Choices. Presenter(s): Rachel Benson Gold. Type: Video. Level: Intermediate. Length: 10 minutes.
During this video, the speaker describes the current status of the Family Planning Program in the U.S. and the current issues affecting the implementation of the program. She begins by explaining that family planning centers are in 75% of counties in the U.S. and that for most women these centers are used as an entry point into the healthcare system and as a place for basic preventive care. She goes on to outline the reasons why family planning services still only reach half of women who need them and how important it is for family planning services to do more outreach into the community. Next, she discusses the limited funding problem that continuously faces family planning and the few sources of stable funding that exist. Finally, she emphasizes the need for the U.S. to acknowledge and remember that family planning is a health care service than women depend upon and need. Additional web resources are available.