URL 1: http://kff.org/interactive/americas-health-care-safety-net-tutorial/
URL 2: http://kff.org/archived-kaiseredu-org-tutorials/
Date Developed: 12/1/2008. Source: Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation . Presenter(s): Andrew Bindman, MD. Type: Video. Level: Intermediate. Length: 15 minutes.
This tutorial provides an overview of the barriers to health care services for those that are most likely to be uninsured; these populations disproportionately rely on health care safety organizations for their care. Dr. Bindman begins his presentation by describing community factors affecting the need for safety net services and the characteristics of these safety net providers. He continues by explaining the federal and state laws and funding required, as well as the consequences of inadequate funding for vulnerable populations. The presentation concludes by offering various strategies for improving the efficiency of safety net care and its applicability during potential health care reform.
kaiserEDU.org website was closed in September 2013. Tutorials are no longer updated but due to demand by professors who are still using the tutorials in class assignments, the Kaiser Family Foundation has made them available for download on archive site.