URL 2: http://courseplus.jhu.edu/breezeContent/oncampus/MCHL/LectureAA/secA/MCH-secAAa-Grason_6.pdf
Date Developed: 2011. Source: Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Presenter(s): Holly Grason, MA. Type: Narrated Slide Presentation. Level: Intermediate. Length: 47 minutes.
In this presentation, Holly Grason explains the organizational and funding structure for Maternal and Child Health (MCH) system. Ms. Grason begins with an overview of the basic characteristics of the US Health Care System, including the private/public coverage mix. She goes on to highlight the organization of the MCH “System” and its influence on health care and health services.
• Describe the "organization" of public programming for maternal and child health (MCH) populations.
• Discuss major historical forces shaping MCH.
• Discuss the array and sequence of MCH-related legislation.