URL 1: http://utah.publichealthcloud.com/www/lms/training-info.aspx?trainingID=30
Date Developed: Unknown. Source: University of Utah Public Health. Presenter(s): n.a.. Type: Online Course. Level: Introductory. Length: 240 minutes.
This twelve-module course describes public health and its role in improving the health of populations, using video, exercises and pdf of slides. The first module covers the definition and history of public health. The second module discusses the difference between public health and biomedicine, and covers definitions, measurement, and determinants of health. The third module covers health outcomes, risk factors, cultural competency, and barriers to health care and specific examples of current health issues. The fourth module provides more information on culture, and how it impacts health and health care today. The fifth module describes the state of medical and public health funding and the types of public health agencies and organizations, with particular focus on those in California and Hawaii. Module six introduces the core functions and essential services of public health, and also introduces the purpose implications of the Healthy People objectives. The seventh module describes public health law within the context of the US legal system, providing a case study of tobacco regulation to illustrate key concepts. Modules eight and nine cover three particular disciplines within public health, Environmental Health (module eight) and Biostatistics and Epidemiology (module nine). The tenth module defines and differentiates between different types of evaluations, with particular focus on measurement tools and reasons for performing evaluations. The eleventh module describes community needs assessments (CNAs), defining important terms and presenting a five-step process to CNAs. The last module describes current and future challenges for the field of public health (such as health care access, new morbidities and terrorism threats), and implications for the public health workforce. Learning is assessed and reinforced through the course with short evaluations. Also available in Spanish.
Registration to Pacific Public Health Training Center is required to access. After log in click on “Principles of Public Health (PH101)” and then click on the specific topic tutorial your wish to view. PDF slides are available.