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Here we summarize the knowledge you've gained over the previous modules with a 5-minute conversation with John Richards, Co-Director of NCEMCH. In this conversation, Mr. Richards answers questions that you have submitted throughout the module.
Click below to: Learn more about our speaker, Comment on the conversation, and Interact with other MCH professionals who are also taking Public Health Pronto.
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About Our Speaker
John Richards, MA, AITP is co-director of NCEMCH, research professor in public policy, and lead for the Health Information Group. He is the Principal Investigator for the MCH Navigator and the HealthCheck Training and Resource Center. For the past twenty years, he has worked on a wide range of MCHB initiatives, including the National Maternal and Child Oral Health Resource Center, the National Partnership to Promote Safe Sleep, the MCH Library, the Title V Information System, Bright Futures, and the Healthy Start National Resource Center. He also serves as technical liaison with the Center for Child and Human Development, the Georgetown University Medical Center, and the O’Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law. Mr. Richards is lead author of Advancing Online Public Health Training Systems: Challenges and Opportunities (2016) and author of State MCH-Medicaid Coordination: A Review of Title V and Title XIX Interagency Agreements (2008).
Comment on This Week's Interactive Webinar...
Please share your thoughts on the webinar and/or ask questions in advance that you would like the speaker to address. Also, please use this as an opportunity to share your personal stories about how this competency fits into your daily work.
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